Are you a citizen of the world?

Are you a citizen of the world

  • Yes, and I live in America

    Votes: 17 11.3%
  • Yes, I live outside america

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • NO, I am an American

    Votes: 129 86.0%
  • NO, I am a citizen my country (outside America)

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
Well we kept the thread away from the election for a while I guess.

SecDef; I feel equally :barf: when McCain uses the term citizen of the world. Though McCain has used the term it is the language of the left.
I mentioned Obama in the OP because that is what started the discussion I had that inspired the thread and poll.

How is Saddam Hussein even related to this discussion???
I',m sure it was a reference to Barrack Hussein Obama.

I am an American Vet. who can only serve one Master.
same here brother
How is Saddam Hussein even related to this discussion???
I'm sure it was a reference to Barrack Hussein Obama.
Considering that it's nearly unheard of to refer to somebody by middle name alone (and uncommon to use the middle name at all), I don't know how you can be so sure.
Well we kept the thread away from the election for a while I guess.

SecDef; I feel equally when McCain uses the term citizen of the world. Though McCain has used the term it is the language of the left.
I mentioned Obama in the OP because that is what started the discussion I had that inspired the thread and poll.

And as long as the topic was on the words and what people felt about them instead of the person saying them it was cool. I just wanted to interject that it wasn't a phrase someone on one side says but is echoed on both sides of the isle and any different reading of the words demonstrates bias on the part of the reader to some extent.

It's not the language of the left, it is the language of people that understand that we live amongst other nations. We want to comment on human rights violations in China but not admit that nations are actors on a global stage?
JuanCarlos, read post 38. it is pretty obvious which Hussein is being referred to.

SecDef, people that understand that we live amongst other nations = globalists = the left wing of American politics.

potato, potado

Obama says it and his supporters cheer, McCain says it and his party cringes.
Obama says it and his supporters cheer, McCain says it and his party cringes.

Let me fix that for you. . .

Obama says it and the right go all up in arms, McCain says it and his party(who keep saying they are not his *supporters*) pretends he never said it

If anything, the US need for foreign oil (think Canada more then the Middle East) means that we need to think globalist on some level.
McCain voting record and support of Bush fear mongering supports the definition I have of fascism
SecDef, the fact that the Bush haters can go on the airwaves and in the newspapers and magazines daily and accuse Bush of everything from war crimes to creating Hurricane Katrina, proves that Bush may be many things, but fascist is definitely not one of them.

Who, other than those that dabble in terrorism, have lost a single one of their civil rights during the Bush years? And, were he a fascist, your latest post would have your front door being knocked in right now. Bush has never once complained about incessant criticism, has he? Now, here's a pop quiz! Which presidential candidate whines almost daily about critical comments made about him, suggesting that they are racist? Hmmmmmm?

M. Eugene (Yes, many of us are NOT ashamed of our middle names!)
Who, other than those that dabble in terrorism, have lost a single one of their civil rights during the Bush years?

Umm, just about everyone? There are reasons that there was a push for telecom immunity you know. If they followed the law, there would be no need for immunity.

How about the 1,000,000 people on the terrorism watch list? What about the people that simply cannot fly nor get exemptions simply because their name is similar to someone on the list?

Everything Bush has done to make the presidency non-transparent, flaunting laws (things such as losing important email is an easy one to come to mind) are moves towards what we are talking about. Complete white house shutdown regarding oversight by congress. Improper use of DOJ hiring to promote GOP (not american) "laws". I'd go on, but it would just make me angry.

Edit: here, I'll just link to those that have already written about it and another here.
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Is there a library near you? You might want to do a bit of research on this subject. First, what is the source of your data for the 1 million on the watch list? The ACLU? 'Nuff said.

The telephone eavesdropping program you are talking about is called ”Carnivore,“ and was approved by Attorney General Janet Reno under the Clinton administration, over the protests of Republicans, particularly Dick Armey . Reno, by the way, never acknowledged the existence of the program, despite congressional demands to confirm or deny.

Finally, erasing emails does not rise to the level of the cover-up involved in Travelgate, Chinagate, Whitewater , and the cover-up of Vince Foster's death.

And, you will notice that I have not even mentioned the Lewinski scandal, which got Clinton impeached and disbarred.

So, I am going to check out for awhile and let you do your reading. Have fun!
SecDef, this is something people on both sides do. When our candidate say something we agree with, we repeat it and rally behind it. It isn't that we pretend to forget it when we disagree with our guy, but that we would rather not repeat it. In a 2 party system id doesn't help anybody to criticize their candidate this late in the game. I don't recall anybody telling you McCain did not say what you quoted him as saying. You didn't hear any democrats chanting "I voted against the war before I voted for the war" 4 years ago.

It started out as such a nice thread...
Actually, I'm a citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. That make me a citizen of the the United Sates of America. America describes two whole continents and numerous political subdivisions therein.
Is there a library near you? You might want to do a bit of research on this subject. First, what is the source of your data for the 1 million on the watch list? The ACLU? 'Nuff said.

Let's see, the GAO has the number of people on the list at 749,960 as of May 2007.

A) What makes you think that the number from the ACLU is off?
B) Why don't you do a little research yourself instead of being provably wrong and making ridiculous statements?

The telephone eavesdropping program you are talking about is called ”Carnivore,“ and was approved by Attorney General Janet Reno under the Clinton administration, over the protests of Republicans, particularly Dick Armey . Reno, by the way, never acknowledged the existence of the program, despite congressional demands to confirm or deny.

Carnivore is NOT about telephone eavesdropping.

You know, when the first two statements you make are demonstrably false, you seriously undermine any credibility you have. When you bring in Watergate, Whitewater (you do know that this was investigated more than 3 times on your dollar with no Clinton indictments, right?), Chinagate, and lewinski when we are talking about fascism, I fear you are not even sure what posting about or why.

So, I am going to check out for awhile and let you do your reading. Have fun!

I suspect you did before you hit the reply button.
SecDef, this is something people on both sides do. When our candidate say something we agree with, we repeat it and rally behind it. It isn't that we pretend to forget it when we disagree with our guy, but that we would rather not repeat it. In a 2 party system id doesn't help anybody to criticize their candidate this late in the game. I don't recall anybody telling you McCain did not say what you quoted him as saying. You didn't hear any democrats chanting "I voted against the war before I voted for the war" 4 years ago.

It started out as such a nice thread...

I totally agree. But when calling an action/statement a fault and criticizing Person A for it, there shouldn't be a complaint that someone notes that Person B also should be criticized for it.

It's not a matter or preferring not to repeat it, I honestly think that many posters to /viewers of this thread had no idea that McCain said the same thing.

I don't much care if someone wants to criticize a candidate on valid reasons (which was fine in this thread for the first 37 posts)
Sure, why wouldn't I be? This is the world I live in. John

"If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from other lands, but a continent that joins to them."

- Francis Bacon, Essays, Of Goodness and Goodness of Nature, 1625
Anything not covered by the Constitution is left to the States. This is covered on the first line. ( We the People of the United States ) Citizen of the United States first the States second.

I think it's interesting that Obamma says he is "A citizen of the world" in Germany and had to say it in English becaise he has no other lanugage I guess. Well, except maybe Ubonics? (SP)
One can only be a citizen of a city, state, or onion. "The world" can be neither. Thus, the question is bad English. Since the definitions of many words have become fluid, if I choose to speak incorrect English then I'm a shallot of the interwebs.
The question is not "bad English" If you read the OP I was trying to see
would you use that term to describe yourself

Along the way one of the replies brought up the correct term as Globalist, You could consider the question to be "are you a globalist?" I am not a globalist, I am an American, and a veteran. I believe the as Americans, we should look out for our best interests first, then consider the rest of the world.