Are you a citizen of the world?

Are you a citizen of the world

  • Yes, and I live in America

    Votes: 17 11.3%
  • Yes, I live outside america

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • NO, I am an American

    Votes: 129 86.0%
  • NO, I am a citizen my country (outside America)

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
No need to interpret O'Bama's words. Just get the picture of Soros grinning like a high school cheerleader at the prom as O'Bama descends a staircase.

BTW, after McCain lost the 2000 nomination he went to work birthing Campaign Finance Control. Part of the mechanism was funding from various left leaning organization one of which was Soros' Open Society. Soros covers his bets.
How come nobody minds when McCain says the same thing? Is this just Obama bashing or do you actually not like the phrase "Citizen of the world"??

In his May 2007 Hoover Institution speech McCain said:
Our moral standing in the world requires that we respect what are, after all, American principles of justice. Our values will always triumph in any war of ideas, and we can’t let failings like prisoner abuse tarnish our image. If we are model citizens of the world, more people around the world will look to us as a model.

You all are allowed to look things up on the Internet, you know..

Pardon the interruption on to the knee jerk reactions, go on back to bashing, I don't mind.
SecDef, you may be right, and I think many of us are not fully enamored of the notion of a John McCain presidency. However, even though he used the phrase, “citizen of the world,” there is little to suggest that McCain is a socialist. In Obama's resume, there is a never ending series of socialistic connections.

More relevant to this board is the fact that Obama has been consistently anti-gun, both in the Illinois Senate and the US Senate. That is, when he actually voted and didn't just answer “present.”

Most of us here are very interested in retaining our hard-fought Second Amendment rights, so it is logical for us to be very skeptical that this man will respect those rights.

BTW, the word “bashing” is interesting. What is the difference between “bashing” and “exposing the truth?”
Well socialism itself that exists only within the country isn't particularly bad, Obama's form of socialism is.
Well socialism itself that exists only within the country isn't particularly bad
The problem is that, in a global economy, socialism/communism cannot effectively compete with free markets. We saw this first with the Soviet Union and China, more recently with the EU. This explains why all of these socialist systems have to try to “convert” free market economies. In the case of the Soviet Union and, presumably, China, the main threat is military. In the case of the EU, which is in the growing stages of full blown socialism, it is a turning away from traditional allies that are free markets.

This explains why the Europeans are so enthusiastic about Obama. He promises to take this country sharply to the left easing the pressure on troubled European economies, which are in far worse shape than our economy.
I am a proud US American!

Now to the next topic that has been mentioned in this thread. As to a world government...this is a foregone conclusion...only matter is when...I believe it will happen in my children or grandchildren's lifetime.

Why do I say this? (only that a world government is a foregone conclusion, not that it WILL happen in my children or grandchildren's lifetime. Only the Father knows the time.)

First because it is foretold in Revelations. I truly believe in what this book says.

Second, we will have a world government not because people want to give up their nationality or the loyolty they have for their country but because of economic necessity. Look at the European Union...created for one purpose...economic power. So what will others do? Just like companies who merge in order to compete in the marketplace so too will other countries merge in order to compete economically. How long will this take? Not as long as some might think...perhaps I will see this in my life time and I am 46.

As we continue to see these things come to pass it will be because of Money. Money is Power. Anybody care to dispute? Who is the most powerfull country in history? The US of A of course and it is because of the weath of our country. Now as other countries merge their economies we will not necessarily remain the most powerful.

The "love" of money is the root of all evil. And this is the third reason why we will see a world government.
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I'm an American first and foremost. I believe we should be taking care of our own first.

If we kept the majority of the monies here that we send to other countries we would be a lot better off. Why should we send billions "overseas" when a lot of our own are struggling to make ends meet right here ?
SecDef, you may be right, and I think many of us are not fully enamored of the notion of a John McCain presidency. However, even though he used the phrase, “citizen of the world,” there is little to suggest that McCain is a socialist. In Obama's resume, there is a never ending series of socialistic connections.

A) I think you are confusing "socialism" and "social programs".
B) "citizen of the world" is code when said by one person and not by another? Ok, I can understand that, but sometimes it is also just a common phrase and is code for neither. When one neglects to include the full quote as stated and take something out of context, of course interpretation will change.

BTW, the word “bashing” is interesting. What is the difference between “bashing” and “exposing the truth?”

Specifically, starting with post #38, when this thread took a right turn from the reality of talking about the words that were said and the FUD began.
Hussein is trying to communicate his "solidarity" with Soros' cadre, IMO, though one can only guess what really is on someone's mind.

How is Saddam Hussein even related to this discussion??? Some folks need to get names straight before they start talking.
I think you are confusing "socialism" and "social programs".
I respectfully submit that you are trying to draw a distinction that simply doesn't exist. Socialism is implemented by a series of social programs. While Obama would not call his brand of politics, “socialism,” if you read his biography and philosophy thoughtfully, the conclusion is unmistakable. Obama is a socialist, by any reasonable definition of the term.

Let's not try to cloud the choices in this election by clever definitions, let's make sure that it is understood that a vote for Obama is a vote for socialism. You can call a “pig” a “rose,“ but it is still going to lie in the mud and oink.
now me, I am a TEXAN :p as far as that goes. I aint even so happy to say I am an American some times:mad: at least here we put murderers down when it is time. and we dont listen to the world court.we take right and wrong seriously.
I respectfully submit that you are trying to draw a distinction that simply doesn't exist. Socialism is implemented by a series of social programs. While Obama would not call his brand of politics, “socialism,” if you read his biography and philosophy thoughtfully, the conclusion is unmistakable. Obama is a socialist, by any reasonable definition of the term.

Let's not try to cloud the choices in this election by clever definitions, let's make sure that it is understood that a vote for Obama is a vote for socialism. You can call a “pig” a “rose,“ but it is still going to lie in the mud and oink.

And I think you are trying to create black and white out of a spectrum that is naturally blurred.

But, by your own worldview, policies supported by McCain are Fascist. A vote for McCain is a vote for bigger government, bigger debt, and even more government involvement in your private life.
I'm an American, and I don't care what the rest of the world thinks of us...they're gonna hate us no matter what we do.

As for the "world govt.", they can stick that idea where the sun don't shine.:barf:
even more government involvement in your private life.
There is NO bigger involvement in your private life than socialism. Just look at what Obama said recently. That we need to inflate our tires properly. (forget that the idea we can inflate our way out of this is insipid) How would he enforce this? Would tire cops do random checks to make sure we are complying?

The fact is, socialism cannot exist without severely constricting individual liberties. Just look at Europe.

Now, you called McCain a "fascist." What is your evidence for this? Frankly, if you look at McCain's libertarian leanings, he is probably the antithesis of a fascist. It is clear to implement Obama's ideal of a socialistic USA, he would have to rule in a fascistic manner, because freedom of choice would have to go. Every time he starts a sentence with "We have to . . " it should chills up your spine, not up your leg.
I'm a British Citizen and proud of it. I was born in Argentina and so became an Argentine Citizen, as I live here I respect its laws and fulfill my obligations to it the best I can - but ...

I'm a life member of the NRA and GOA, I supported the US Presidential Campaign when Ronald Reagan ran for that office, and continued to support his policies at the time (as a writer and journalist, I had a voice - a very small one but better than none). I still follow American events more closely than any other - why ...

In the whole world to date, the United States of America - and your individual States - are only places I know of that have had some success in upholding a number of basic principles of freedom and individual rights on the basis of those principles alone:

Britain and Europe in general, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, many other countries enjoy more or less the same liberties but under an inherited system that evolved from the old monarchies - effective enough and backed by tradition - and to some extent, by the continued existence of the United States - and your most precious achievement, The Bill of Rights: not just composing it (at he time most of the ideas were already pretty well set out most notably in Europe): no, your ancestors did another most extraordinary thing: they made it work!

So, citizens of the world we are, and the kind of world that I want to be citizen of is that one that the America shows is possible. And Americanos , as long as you do your job upholding that Bill of Rights, we live in a better place than it would be. If you falter at home or fail your allies the world, nation by nation, can fall under tyrants and madmen - it nearly did once, recently, is happening now in places like Zimbabwe and Burma and many others. Many more are threatened. So you see? The 1776 Experiment succeeded, and you are saddled with being citizens of the world too.:)

'Nuff said :D
I am an American, but the world economy is increasingly tied together. I live on this planet and we are all tied together as humanity, but I'm an American citizen who plays a part in a global ecomony.
"Are you a citizen of the world?"

Nope. There's no such thing.

but they want there to be one day. many important people in american history have made refferance to the plan for one world government, and if you hve read, the Bible or 1984 you see it there as well.
There is NO bigger involvement in your private life than socialism. Just look at what Obama said recently. That we need to inflate our tires properly. (forget that the idea we can inflate our way out of this is insipid) How would he enforce this? Would tire cops do random checks to make sure we are complying?

Obviously if that was some kind of political platform, you would be correct. However, this is a) correct in that it will save gas, and b) isn't exactly his entire "energy plan" (though if you get all your information from political ads I can understand the confusion)
"Besides the recommendation to keep tires properly inflated, Obama also suggested providing incentives for people to trade in gas guzzling vehicles for more fuel-efficient cars; investing in research and development to produce new fuel-saving technologies like long-running batteries; encouraging innovation in alternative energies; and retrofitting buildings to make them more energy efficient." And additionally has discussed some limited offshore drilling.

The enforcement concept of yours is funny though. Someone talks about people taking personal responsibility and the republicans get confused??!? Come on, one would think that this is something that everyone would be able to agree on.

The fact is, socialism cannot exist without severely constricting individual liberties. Just look at Europe.

Now, you called McCain a "fascist." What is your evidence for this? Frankly, if you look at McCain's libertarian leanings, he is probably the antithesis of a fascist. It is clear to implement Obama's ideal of a socialistic USA, he would have to rule in a fascistic manner, because freedom of choice would have to go. Every time he starts a sentence with "We have to . . " it should chills up your spine, not up your leg.

You wanna take a stab and guess which presidential candidate is recommending a military approach to urban crime? Yes. We're talking about JBTs.

McCain voting record and support of Bush fear mongering supports the definition I have of fascism, specifically the last 5 lines in the example box:

But then again, I didn't say mccain was a fascist. I was trying to show that if I had to take a hardline black and white view of the world, I would have to categorize him as such. *I* don't have that worldview though, issues aren't all distilled into bumper stickers.

Now, particularly interesting is the "contempt of democracy" portion of the definition. In a true democracy (which we do not live in) the whole would be controlled by the majority. Since we don't vote for everything via referendum we don't have this problem. However one feels that a representative republic is better than a pure democracy, it still shows contempt for democracy in a strict sense.
I am an American, but the world economy is increasingly tied together. I live on this planet and we are all tied together as humanity, but I'm an American citizen who plays a part in a global ecomony.
