Are you a citizen of the world?

Are you a citizen of the world

  • Yes, and I live in America

    Votes: 17 11.3%
  • Yes, I live outside america

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • NO, I am an American

    Votes: 129 86.0%
  • NO, I am a citizen my country (outside America)

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
Red Green says we are all in this together......

I am a citizen of Rural (Alberta):D
I am a citizen of Alberta
I am a citizen of Western Canada, the Prairies (I'm a conservative)
I am a citizen of Canada
I am a citizen of North America
I am a citizen of the World (not very well traveled though)

It used to be that a driver license and a birth certificate (from the US or Canada) was a North "American Passport". Not sure about Mexican citizens getting into USA or Canada and what was required.:)

Sorry to be such a joke in the international scene. How strong would Canada and Australia have to be to take up the slack for the western world if the United States fell?:barf: Is it even physically possible? :barf: Look at the population....Hopefully Canadian Military losses (And Australian) are not over looked.:(

I'm heading off to the Peace River - Canada to go river boating with friends for a stag party for the weekend. I guess I/we will spend a boat load of fuel to go. Who is the greatest user of fuel right now? Include war fuel usage. Gotta love supply and demand, thanks for the price of fuel, stupid global community.:confused:

Point of order?

I believe that legally, most of us are not "citizens of America" or even "citizens of the United States".

We are citizens of the state where we have legal residence. Only people born in US posessions and territories are US citizens. The rest of us are citizens of NY, WA, CA, CO, AL, AK, etc.. We are citizens of the individual states, which are a part of the United States, but we are not technically "citizens of the United States", even though we call ourselves that daily. We are looked upon by the rest of the world as US citizens, and in one sense we are, but in another legal sense, we are not, we are citizens of the states individually, and not of the United States as a whole.

Even our own govt plays a double standard on this, accepting "US" as valid citizenship on some legal documents, and requiring state of residence (citizenship) on others.

Am I citizen of the world? Yes, in the original sense of the term, meaning someone who was traveled, and eductated beyond their rural counterparts. "Worldly", and "wise" were commonly used terms once, and citizen of the world once meant someone who understood things outside their regional area. One cannot be a citizen of the world in the legal sense (as one is a citizen of a country or a state), but only in the metaphorical sense. And in that sense, we are all citizens of the world, because we were born and live here.

Although too often the actions and goals of many individuals seem to indicate that they are living in a world of their own manufacture, and not the same one I live in, other than physically.
It's all part of the "new world order" deal. Very anti-Christ/book of revelation. Obama's "citizen of the world" bit is him saying, it's not important to be an American...there is nothing special about it. It's a pander to his base which wishes America would fold to/into the UN and Europe.
Yes. I live in America, and I reject any notion of global government. Being considerate of other "citizens" can be given or revoked. My choice.
"We are all citizens of the world, whether you want to be or not is immaterial."

Not sure if you are addressing me or not, but if so you misunderstood my post.
Wow, I'm anti-social today...

Nope--I'm going to be that ol' hermit the locals say is probably just a legend up in the mountains and use to tell ghost stories to the tourists. :D

Been a lot of different places around the world--and I really love many places--just can't really stomach people in general. "Citizen" has a ring to it that means, to me, someone wants to take part in the general whole of the population. Not me. There are roughly 36,803,653,121 acres of land on the planet, and roughly 6.7 billion people. So... me and the wife will take our 5.5 acres each, and what happens over the fence can stay there. ;)
This may be my best thread yet:)

Madmag, you hit the nail on the head, citizen of the world = globalist.

my thoughts on the whole thing I am a US citizen. If you are a US citizen, you are my fellow countryman and in a sense, my neighbor.
If I travel outside of America, I am a guest, visitor or, tourist in that country. Visiting a place does not make one a citizen. there is a meaning of citizenship and it has a value to it. to say you are a citizen of the world is to disregard the meaning and value citizenship holds.

Simpatico, we are all inhabitants of the world. If you read the text of the OP I was trying to see if you describe yourself as a citizen of the world.
Recon, you mean I'm supposed to read the OP? :D

OK, I didn't get the Obama association, otherwise I would have answered differently.

I just finished reading The Return of History and the End of Dreams by Robert Kagan, so please excuse me if global interconnectedness is fresh on my mind.

Excellent read, BTW.
"I am an American and I believe in two things: Jesus, and the right to bear."

So...just how much bear do you have?

Most folks do not understand just what this means. I use to considered myself a "Wold Citizen" till I understood that you cannot serve two masters.

Just two examples:

A "World Citizen" will follow the dictates of world treaties over the Constitution.
A "World Citizen" will accept the world's scriptures as well as the Christian Bible.
Google "One Worldism"

I am an American Vet. who can only serve one Master.
Our American Constitution and Jesus.

Be Safe and Be Free !!!!
I am an American and I believe in two things: Jesus, and the right to bear.

Preach is brotha.

Jesus, Our Constitution.

I got my wife so t'd off last night discussing this globalism with was great!!! :p
I am not sure if Soros coined the phrase, but read one of his books on his One World philosophy. He wants to eliminate all nationalism, take down armies and national borders and create a world communistic/socialistic society, governed by the UN.

It is very disturbing that B. Hussein chose this particular phrase, especially in Europe, which Soros believes is moving towards his ideal. Given that Obama is the most liberal member of Congress (House and Senate), and his association with the notorious communist Frank Marshall Davis you would have to believe that his “citizen of the world” statement was a thinly veiled admission of his socialist leanings.
I am not sure if Soros coined the phrase, but read one of his books on his One World philosophy. He wants to eliminate all nationalism, take down armies and national borders and create a world communistic/socialistic society, governed by the UN.

It is very disturbing that B. Hussein chose this particular phrase, especially in Europe, which Soros believes is moving towards his ideal. Given that Obama is the most liberal member of Congress (House and Senate), and his association with the notorious Frank Marshall Davis you would have to believe that his “citizen of the world” statement was a thinly veiled admission of his socialist leanings.

Yah, I dunno that Soros coined the phrase. However, it is a "value laden" term such as "peace-loving" was in communist propoganda in the Vietnam era, actually before and after.

Hussein is trying to communicate his "solidarity" with Soros' cadre, IMO, though one can only guess what really is on someone's mind.

IMO, Obambi is like an English car. It is designed and comfortable to run on the left side of the road. Diversions to the right are based on finding traction, not on any change in mission or intent. Once past the "problem", whatever that might be, the English car goes back to the left side of the road and stays there unless there is another "traction" problem or something else that impedes the self-important progress of the car.

Also, keep in mind that English cars are unreliable due to poor assembly and electrics (design and assembly). The comparison might apply to Hussein...bad electrics, poor design and, where to start.
Who backs
Who backs Soros

Considering the left HATES American exceptionalism and wants American to be like Europe and wants THEM to like us...I would not be surprised if this country takes a HARD left turn in that direction in the event that we get Mr. Hussein Obama in office. To them, America is the problem.

Obama admited it here:

here is the whole link if you can stomach his wife's voice:
One point where Kagan is very succinct is the current division of the world into the autocratic countries (Russia and China are the largest) and the capitalist democracies.

It's ironic that the autocratic countries currently support national autonomy more so than the democracies do. He discusses in depth what he calls the return of great power nationalism. The European Union is based on "cooperative empire" where power politics would be replaced by "international law, supranational institutions and pooled sovereignty."

The problem for the EU is that "the core assumptions of the post-Cold War years collapsed almost as soon as they were formulated." Oops. Sucks to be EU!
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