I live in the boonies. "Town" is down the road, and about 400 people in size (we dont live in town).
Theres actually a lot more goes on out here than you might think. Less people, but lots of animosity and bad blood. Everyone literally knows everyone, and everyones business. Its a very religious and righteous area, just dont turn your back. Sometimes I think I'm in one of those old "drive in" movies with what goes on.
We have no real police protection, other than the state police. Their average turn out is probably about 30 minutes on a good day, unless a trooper happens to be passing through. No 911. No real address's for that matter, thats why no 911.
In the last couple of years, we've had a couple of killings, some obviously meant, others , well, was it a hunting accident, or wasnt it. (they take hunting and hunting rights REAL serious around here). The next order of fun seems to be the underage kids and the step dads. Been some killings related to that too. I've lived a lot of places in my life, rural, city, suburbs, scary, and next to scary comes rural when it comes to what goes on. Sometimes I wonder which is scarier. Hmmm, now wheres my muck boots? Baby's caaallllllin'!