Anything Good About The Gwb Administration????

To counter your 3:

The national debt is climbing faster than the space shuttle after liftoff.

The Patriot Act (as has already been mentioned).

Secret trials in Gitmo. (They're STILL trying to prosecute these people without letting them defend themselves. They shoulda just SHOT them instead of capturing them - it woulda been a lot less controversial.)

The crumbling economy.


The FBI.

The Dept of Homeland Security.

Airport shakedown security. (And the federalization of the illegal immigrant and convicted felon security screeners.)

In comparison, the stain on Monica's dress is miniscule (Nooo.... bad pun :D ).
If you was interested in serving the country why did you not join the regular service? Maybe you was simply looking for an easy buck, sinse up until ole W started calling um up they simply "stood by."
I didn't have to join at all. And an "easy buck"? I'd make more working part time at McDonalds. You do realize how denigrating other people's service makes you look?

And now they can't get anyone to join either.
All of the active duty services met or exceeded their recruiting goals for the month of September. The Navy’s recruiting goal was 4,818, and it enlisted 4,886 (101 percent). The Marine Corps’ goal was 3,694, and it recruited 3,738 (101 percent). The Air Force goal was 2,682, and it recruited 2,771 (103 percent). The Army's goal was 8,365, and it recruited 8,710 (104 percent).

Will you even get tired of being proven wrong?
Mostly we're not wrong. Selective reporting of informaton is not going to win support for your opinions.

Military Recruiting Goals for May 2005
from American Forces Press Service

Jun 13 2005

By Donna Miles
WASHINGTON -- Despite recruiting shortfalls for the active Army and all reserve components except the Air Force Reserve in May, defense officials say they will strive to fill the ranks with the highest-quality recruits possible and have no intention of supporting a draft.

The Defense Department released May recruiting and retention statistics for all four services today, providing a departmentwide manpower picture.

The Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force all met or exceeded their May recruiting goals, but the Army fell short by 25 percent. During May, the Army had hoped to recruit 6,700 new members but missed by mark by 1,661 recruits. This makes the fourth month in a row that the active duty Army has missed their recruiting goal..

The Navy enlisted 1,947 members in May; the Marine Corps, 1,904; and the Air Force, 1,049.

The quote is from a link on the page you linked to.

For the past SEVERAL MONTHS the military has been having recruiting difficulties and falling enlistment numbers. This is a well known and reported news fact and the cause has been placed on the war in Iraq and the fact that the nation is no longer supporting our continued presence there. Some more proof for you...

Army Having Difficulty Meeting Goals In Recruiting
Fewer Enlistees Are in Pipeline; Many Being Rushed Into Service

By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, February 21, 2005; Page A01

The active-duty Army is in danger of failing to meet its recruiting goals, and is beginning to suffer from manpower strains like those that have dropped the National Guard and Reserves below full strength, according to Army figures and interviews with senior officers .

Army Won't Meet Recruiting Goals
Associated Press
March 24, 2005

WASHINGTON - The Army expects to miss its recruiting goals this month and next and is working on a revised sales pitch appealing to the patriotism of parents, Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey said Wednesday,13319,FL_army_032405,00.html

Wednesday :: October 20, 2004
Military Falls Short of Recruiting Goals
We already knew that the Army National Guard fell short of its recruitment goals this year by 5,000. The Wall Street Journal now adds that the Reserves fell 45% Short of their goal while the gap in regular signups was 30% of the military's target

This is well known and documented information. A quick search will turn up lots of hits that all say the same basic thing. 2005 is going to be a recruiting flop for the mililtary.