Anyone Else "Done" with SA Revolvers

Not hardly. Ruger New Vaquero, twice around the cylinder, Duelist stance, 50 yards. Yep, I missed one. It was windy.

Like all of your other "done with" threads, NO!
If it goes bang when I pull the trigger, I'm not done with it. Be it revolver, semi-auto, or single shot. Weather I have to cock a hammer, or just pull the trigger. Weather if it has a double stack mag, single stack mag, or no mag at all.
Maybe if you tried it on those fancy autoloaders....
Great idea:rolleyes:
I cant afford a side kick following me around that reloads my guns when they empty. What are you thinking seeker_two

Sorry, no, it was made in 1882. It looks so terrific because it was refinished at the factory in 1965.

And its in 44 Russian, I will give you my first born male child for it!
You might have to wait a while since I am WAY over 60 and don't have any yet.
As passionate fan of the .30 Carbine Blackhawk in particular and just the Blackhawk in general, I'd have to say: HELL NO!
Well, I now own just two revolvers, and can't imagine owning a 3rd. Both are DA and I have seldom shot either one da.

So, I guess it's all about why you think a revolver is a good thing to have. I think they're archaic artifacts from the Ancient Time, and don't understand why anyone even owns 'em. Until I pull the trigger on my Smith DA 629, then I start to understand 'enjoyment'.

It don't have to make no sense. If you own a DA revolver and shoot it SA 99% of the time, a single-action doesn't really seem all that weird.

I think love of the revolver transcends any common sense anyway..and I'm totally okay with that. Loving sa revolvers over da wheelguns is, to me, a really very silly minor little point. The revolver is stupid archaic...and jee do you like shooting anything bigger than 10mm Auto? Then go wheelgun.

Revolvers have their place. I'm not a lover, but am a true admirer.
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I've never owned a single action, but I am REALLY liking the new Vaquero in .45 colt. I love how the single actions are made too. Very easy to take down and clean. Beautiful looking weapon. I'm going to have to get one of those for sheer enjoyment and shooting plus I love big bore calibers. That being said, I couldn't see using one as a self defense gun just because I'd need double action for that. However under certain circumstances a single action could work in a pinch for home defense. It's certainly more practical than a derringer.
Nope. In fact, s/a revos outnumber d/a revos 4 to 1 in this house.

Just picked up this .41 Mag Bisley SBH Hunter yestarday (shown with its 5.5" little brother).

I've never owned a single action, but I am REALLY liking the new Vaquero in .45 colt. I love how the single actions are made too. Very easy to take down and clean. Beautiful looking weapon. I'm going to have to get one of those for sheer enjoyment and shooting plus I love big bore calibers. That being said, I couldn't see using one as a self defense gun just because I'd need double action for that. However under certain circumstances a single action could work in a pinch for home defense. It's certainly more practical than a derringer.
The guys did pretty well with the single action back in the old days.
No, but I will always prefer a revolver with a swing out cylinder and a DA/SA trigger. A lot of my decision between a SAO and non-SAO revolver comes down to cartirdge:

For .22, I have no desire for a SA revolver unless it's a North American Arms.

In .327, I may have to go with Ruger's Single Seven because I don't like the SP101 trigger.

In .357/.38, I think there are just so many DAO or DA/SA revolvers available there's no reason to bother with a SA.

I just plain don't care about .41 Magnum.

.44 Magnum... now here's where I see the benefit of a Single Action. .44 has some recoil to it and I'm not one to want to shoot a heavy recoiling revolver in double action. There are some nice .44 Mag DA revolvers out there, but I'm not to hot on them.

.45 Colt... of course, it's THE Single Action cartridge.

So I guess that the Single Action is best for being a big bore revolver.
I have more revolvers than autos. I have more double action revolvers than single action. But I really like the single actions I do have. And my favorite single actions are the two Ruger Single Six's I own in 32 Magnum. Mine have 5.5" barrels and adjustable sights.

I love to plink and trail walk the woods with these guns. I don't mind cocking the hammers or the not so fast reloads. I like the small size package they come in. They are easy to carry and easy to shoot. I have a S&W model 631 in 32 mag but still prefer the Rugers. If I want to deer hunt with a handgun I have a very nice Ruger Super Blackhawk in 44 mag for that job. Single actions rock.
If I were a little more flush right now I would own one of the Ruger Flatops in 44 Special. The spring storms are coming. Thats when I make my money for the year and maybe I will buy one then.

How could I miss this thread?

Oops! I see I didn't. But it stuns me anew each time I see the question!