Anyone CCW a Revolver?

I still carry a wheel gun from time to time. I have carried my J, K, L and even a few N frames depending on the weather and where I'm going.
I carried a 642 for many years, but I can't honestly say that I enjoyed practicing with it. Eventually bought a Glock 26 for increased capacity, more comfortable shooting, and, for me, better accuracy. The 642 fell into such disuse that I moved it along. Sacrilege to some, I know, but even though I was raised on revolvers, I have grown to prefer semis for carry.
When I carry at all, it's either a S&W 642 in a pocket holster or a S&W 64, 2" k-frame in a pancake holster on my belt.
I am always amused by that "... in the summer... in the winter..." business. Do you really think someone who might be out to kill you will care what season it is when he does his deed?

If you need to carry, you carry what you need to carry. Wearing a jacket in the summer might look odd, but holes in your precious bod will look even worse to the medical examiner. If you don't carry because it will be uncomfortable, then you really don't need to carry. Leave the gun at home, and be comfortable.

I am always amused by that "... in the summer... in the winter..." business. Do you really think someone who might be out to kill you will care what season it is when he does his deed?

Probably not but there is a plain reality that different types of clothing open up different possibilities. What a person can carry concealed, or at least can comfortably carry concealed, is a major check on power, capacity, and other desirable features in a defensive firearm. So it matters whether a person is dressing light in sweltering humidity or dressing heavy in freezing cold. If you live in a place where weather and wardrobe change throughout the year, why wouldn't you want a little diversity in your tool set to accommodate those changes?
Walking - Model 85 (with hammer spur removed) in back pocket

Generally out and about - LCR in cargo shorts pocket

Cold winter days - CA Bulldog (with shrouded hammer) in coat pocket
I am always amused by that "... in the summer... in the winter..." business. Do you really think someone who might be out to kill you will care what season it is when he does his deed? definitely don't want white grips after Labor Day...... :D

I think it has more to do with size, bulk, and the ability to penetrate an attacker's winter clothing. As I live in Texas (where we really don't get winter here), I just carry the same gun in all seasons.
...there is a plain reality that different types of clothing open up different possibilities. What a person can carry concealed, or at least can comfortably carry concealed, is a major check on power, capacity, and other desirable features in a defensive firearm. So it matters whether a person is dressing light in sweltering humidity or dressing heavy in freezing cold. If you live in a place where weather and wardrobe change throughout the year, why wouldn't you want a little diversity in your tool set to accommodate those changes?

I agree with this synopsis because it reckons with the reality most of us live in. If I really need to carry and nothing less than a full-size, powerful handgun is needed always, irrespective of the climate, neighborhood or social circumstance, a rifle comes to mind...
Yes I supplement my carry all the time with an LCR.
When I carry one weapon only it is a revolver and is an
8 shot S&W 357 and speedloaders for it.
I don't own any semi-autos. I carry a Smith Mod 40 (1958 vintage), an LCR 38 +p, SP101 357; or if I'm on the ATV, a Ruger .44 Vaquero 3 1/2" birdshead grip.
Most common is a 442 S&W, alternating with an older Colt Cobra. Using a pocket holster.
My only cold weather change is to move my carry to a coat pocket.