Any time , any place (Philly Bus Shooting)

Thanks,. :D

All them negative waves, are like, negative man. What a way to go into a fight. You gotta feel the positivity!. :)
Folks - you do not refer to genitals or other common obscenities even if you are full of righteous rage. Just deleted a long post for that.

You know the rules - this is a family friendly site.

First I saw an old man beat up a guy went after him, on a bus, then this one. Kinda turns me off public transport for sure......

Be careful what you say and who you say it too, maybe you can avoid this in the future. Some folks get all upset over things folks say to them. Them folks and the gal need to be locked up away from good people.
I hear you threegun but I know that 7.62 39 will go through both sides of that bus with no problem that is why I said if I can hunker down and try to hide I would do that unless I am 100 percent sure I could drop that bg with a head shot then I am going to hide and see if they board the bus.

I would hide if the following options were not available.

1 run like heck and dial 911

2 throw there intended target out the window and let him get shot ( should have kept his mouth shut ) better him die then me and all the innocent people on the bus.

I have been shot at before while trying to play a prank. It was almost the scariest thing I have ever had happen to me, it was at the time. I layed flat on the ground and cursed everything that prevented me for laying closer to the ground. I have never thought myself a coward but if people have been shot at before and wasn't scared then so be it I am a coward.
I was a kid in a batman cape playing a prank on a city slicker that just moved to our neighborhood and after scaring him about panthers me and my brother dressed up as one.
IMNSHO Mr. Lady-Don't-Hit-Your-Kid missed a great opportunity to mind his own business and keep his flapping mouth shut.

100% correct, when did it become fashionable to tell others what to do and how to do it, never ever tell a mom how to treat her kid. My ma woulda pulled her hogleg and told him to get the heck off the bus, she never hesitated to whop us on the rear end when we showed poor manners.

We only rode a bus one time with ma, a guy shoved his hand into my bag of popcorn, he made a huge mistake there. Like a momma bear she went right after that guy, lit into him like a tornado. No cell phnes then.

And did anyone notice them guys didnt hit anything? or anyone?
Im with threegun and chakstrickland the 7.62x39 is a REAL issue. It looks like it has the bar cheap folding stock and the polymer furniture with the grip, its decent but not the greatest AK. However, the 7.62 could rip through the bus if that thug decided Im emptying 30 rds right now into the side of this bus. The rifle could have easiler killed 6 maybe more and wound others shooting like that. Not to mention another idiot has a pistol to reak havoc :eek:. If I was on the bus and armed with my 3913NL I would have attempted to put 4-5 124gr. Gold Dots at the guy with the AK. I bet you his partner would run but I wouldnt expect it and would turn to him next. This is all arm chair quarterbacking of course and I dont claim to be Mr. Cool :cool:. However I am confident In my skills, tactics, and practice. :)
though I tend to agree w/the minding your business part

100% correct, when did it become fashionable to tell others what to do and how to do it, never ever tell a mom how to treat her kid. My ma woulda pulled her hogleg and told him to get the heck off the bus, she never hesitated to whop us on the rear end when we showed poor manners.
we have a "picture" from a small article by a reporter. The man could've had some valid reasons for his statements or threats. He might have been trying to protect an innocent child, and the later actions of this woman tend to fortify the fact that this mama was anything but regular.
I think that guy would've unloaded w/determination if he heard one shot come his way. It seems like a difficult shot from abus when you're pretty much totally surprised anyways. I don't think I would've had the skills to pay the bills on that one...just being honest.
The man could've had some valid reasons for his statements or threats.

Then the man needs to dial 911 and let the pros handle this, I bet it would have ended differntly if he had done things this way. I hate to say that as I prefer to handle things myself but in this day it is best to involve the police and remain anonomys.

I "saved" a kid once, I was ridint my motorcycle and saw 4 or 5 guys adults piling on a kid was like 13. I get off teh bike and start pulling guys off telling them leave him alone. I told my girlfriend to run down to the 7 11 and dial up 911. Cops show up, seems this kid was in a home for bad kids and he was trying to escape.......oopsie sorry see ya later....
I have to take issue with the thread title.

Sure, this theoretically could happen anywhere - but it's probably 1000 times more likely to happen on a Septa bus in North Philly compared to the majority of localities in the US.

Not to say you shouldn't always be alert but seeing something like this wouldn't really raise my personal DEFCON rating if I lived out in Green Acres or somewhere. Heck, I live on a different part of that same bus line and I don't worry too much about that stuff.

Then the man needs to dial 911 and let the pros handle this, I bet it would have ended differntly if he had done things this way. I hate to say that as I prefer to handle things myself but in this day it is best to involve the police and remain anonomys.

Again you make a good point, but does that change the fact that this person trying to help the child was dealing w/an emotionally unstable individual? Did he deserve this consequence? Also, she might've been long gone by the time the police arrived, and the person was probably trying to be kind by giving a verbal warning before bringing the police and possibly social services in her life. After what happened, I wouldn't be surprised if this person witnessed more than the article has knowledge of: lots can be construed by listening to dialogue and just being a fly on a wall for a few bus stops. I myself would usually mind my business, just saying. So the disgruntled worker that comes back and tries to off everyone...I guess it wouldn't have happened if they saw his side and/or didn't fire him prematurely? you catch my drift
Did he deserve this consequence

I dont think he deserved anything, I am just saying in todays world it is best to NOT confront another person and tell them what to do. They may be a flake as this one was and you may end up dead for one little remark.

I am all about AVOIDANCE and I try to AVOID situations that may get me shot. I will use my cell phone and let the paid pros handle the situation. That way I dont have to worry about some idiot shooting at me, I was shot once and it hurts real bad. 9 months healing sucks too, loss of work loss of pay. But hey, do as you wish. I am old enought to just keep my mouth shut.

Did he expect that from her? Heck no, if he did would he had still said something to her? Would you?

I had a dealing with a crazy person, he hit me in my head with a radio, broke a tooth off at the gum. That hurrt worse that the hit on the head. Nut cases are all around us, be carefull or you may see the wild side of nutso.