Any time , any place (Philly Bus Shooting)

I dont "plan" on missing, but I will keep shooting until hes down or Im empty.

Just because he has a rifle, doenst mean hes going to hit you. Especially if hes got the stock folded, and is shooting from the hip.

Having an aggressive mindset, generally goes a lot farther than having a timid mindset, especially when the opposition isnt expecting you to be explosively aggressive. If you have to fight, then get right to it and force them to react to you, instead of the other way around.
I hope that law enforcement finds, arrests and charges those people with every justifiable felony that their horrendous actions call for. Further, I hope the judge gives them the maximum incarceration time consistent with any convictions pursuant to those charges. Those people need to be removed from society.
Mello2u said:

I hope that law enforcement finds, arrests and charges those people with every justifiable felony that their horrendous actions call for. Further, I hope the judge gives them the maximum incarceration time consistent with any convictions pursuant to those charges. Those people need to be removed from society.

+ Infinity

I agree whole heartedly my friend. Society would be a little better with these scumbags locked away.
To Dennis1209.
You can CCW in buses and light rails in (Minneapolis) Minnesota. I was surprise that the bus driver did not take off as soon as he saw the two thugs with the AK and pistol, instead he waited till the shooting started making the passengers sitting ducks. Are people really stupid or clueless under this situations?.
As for how to handle this scenario :eek:. The eyes say it all LOL.

I think get low and prepare for them to board the bus and begin assassinations before acting. However my final answer is going to be it depends. Depends on my location in the bus. It depends on the position of innocents outside the bus. It depends on what my handgun rounds would be asked to penetrate to get hits. If I could get outside the confines of the bus, which is nothing but concealment to the AK, and attack the threats head on I would feel much better about this scenario.
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I was not aware spanking was considered "Child Abuse"

I guess I get to go around crying to everyone how I was abused as a child and to pity me! If only my parents had used words and rational thought to get through to my undeveloped child mind!

If I was carrying on that bus, I don't know what I would do... probably just lay down and point a gun down the aisle and wait for someone to enter into the path from the doorway... assuming there was no bystander in line of sight.

I wonder how these guys passed their background checks... Oh wait, they probably legally buy a gun in the first place.
One reason why I'm more comfortable carrying my G26 with a spare 15 rd mag.

This isn't as uncommon as people think. A couple of years ago there was a group of people shooting at random buses in Durham, NC.

In the same city a kid was shot in the back while taking his little sister and brother to the mall. They were riding the bus and some older guys started picking on his 11 or 13 year old sister. He stood up to them. They waited until he got off of the bus, followed him in to the mall parking lot, and then shot him while he was trying to rush the siblings to safety. He died at the mall entrance. If I remember correctly it was three guys with one shooting.

I know of a recent situation where two women got in to a confrontation because Lady A looked at Lady B the wrong way. Lady B bumped her and they got in to an argument. The police intervened and thought they difused the situation. When Lady B got outside Lady A's boyfriend punched her in the face. Lady B hit the ground and the boyfriend started kicking and stomping on her. Lady A came running up, dropped to her knees, and started punching Lady B in the face. The police intervened and broke it up. Lady B was taken to the emergency department with a broken nose, loose teeth, and a concusion.

Lady A and her boyfriend are both free on bond awaiting trial. :mad:

That seems to be common now. A small group with one or two attacking a single person. That is why I carry a P-07 with no less than 17 rounds of Winchester Ranger Bonded 147gr. I usually carry an extra mag with 16 more rounds. I'm not sacrificing myself to some wolf pack.
I agree with whoever said that the women was probably upset because she was told not to do somthing, regardless of what it was. Second is that it teaches you to keep your mouth shut unless something really is bad, spanking a kid for doing something wrong is deserved, heck my dad used a exstension cord on me, a little paddling is good for the kid.

What I would have done if I was on the bus...hmmm... after I pooped myself I would have laid down flat on the floor and with gun drawn waiting for someone to enter.

Who stands and shoots through the wall of a bus when you are trying to assassinate a single person??? I would have expected for them to enter the buss and execute the intended target.
Another vote with laying down and only engaging if the gunman enters the bus.

They caught the guys who did this--too bad they won't face any significant jail time.
The only problem with waiting is that the AK could open the bus up like a sardine can. While I'm laying on the floor preparing for a boarding a random round may hit me anyway. This scenario bites.
I don't think anyone can realistically ay what they would actually do. This is not Israel, Mexico, or Washington DC. We don't expect such acts here.
We can't say because of the variables involved. One thing is for sure the bus interior is only concealment. An defensive response could be as dangerous as an offensive one since the rounds could still get you while lying on the floor.
I still think laying down concealed is better than standing trying to push out the crowded exit with everyone else.
I don't think anyone can realistically ay what they would actually do.
Absolutely, and it goes for anything for that matter, not just this. What this does now, is give you another scenario to work on and run around in your mind so you have some sort of general, predetermined response, should it ever happen to you.

One thing Im amazed at though, is the number of responses that are strictly "defensive" in nature, and some to the point of basically inaction. It seems that many people who carry a gun, are so focused on violating someones "rules of carry and gunfight etiquette" that they seem to need permission from someone in authority to proceed. At some point, you need to grow a pair, think for yourself, realize that if you want to live, and win the fight (and this goes for ANY fight), its not going to be by acting defensively. This is all about pure aggression and crushing your opponent(s), and with overwhelming force, as quickly as possible.

Being stuck in a bus like that is really nothing more than being caught in an ambush, and the same rules apply here, as they do in an ambush. If you stay in the kill zone, you die. You have to aggressively fight your way out.

This is why we need to be allowed to carry, and this is why we need the death penalty. All four of those individuals need to be convicted and executed (unless the woman who called didn't actually intend for guns to be involved...but the three men certainly deserve it)

As for the bus driver not taking off immediately, he may not have known what was going on at first....this was the back door of the bus, not the front door

As for what to do....if you have a gun, and you can see and understand what is happening, and you can get a clear shot....short range, that AK with no stock isn't much better than a pistol, except for power and capacity. If you can take the shot without hitting a bystander, I'd say that's the thing to do
Another reason why it doesn't pay to announce your intentions before you do something.

Guy on bus (probably blowing a minor incident a bit out of proportion) should have just called if that's what he felt he needed to do, not announce it.

Similar to someone with a strong dislike of you walk up and, intending to assault you, announce "(Name), I'm gonna beat the snot outta you!"

If you plan to call the police for any reason, just call 'em, don't tell the guy you're calling about that you're going to do it.


I hate to say it, but the entire event could have been avoided if one guy had kept his mouth shut.
I was not aware spanking was considered "Child Abuse"

This whole thing isn't really about what level of physical discipline is appropriate for children. It is about a woman and her cohorts acting with murderous intent after she was told something she didn't want to hear. But I guess in the ghetto-thug culture that we are all supposed to respect in the name of "diversity", killing a person over using their free speech is appropriate.
In the "ghetto-thug" culture being disrespected is cause for retaliation including death.

Since there are cultures like this and others which place a less than human value on life, we must prepare to defend ourselves when they try to impose their values on us.

Part of this includes not giving them a reason and avoiding high concentrations of said people. The rest includes becoming the best you can with your firearm and tactics.

Scenarios like this are excellent for getting our brains working on the solution that offers the best chance of survival.
I realize that there is a need for aggression but to me shooting holes in the side of a bus trying to kill the guy with a assault rifle or shooting through a window gives away my position if I don't kill him. It would be like clearing a dark building with a continuous glowing flashlight. It becomes a bullet magnet. If I was shooting the side of that bus and next thing I know a window shatters and I hear gunshots that isn't mine im going to open fire on that area.

Sure if you are 99 percent sure you can kill the bg without drawing fire then do it...if not I would lay down and hide :(