Any time , any place (Philly Bus Shooting)

While I think that guy was a fool for threatening to turn a lady in for lightly spanking her child (a great example of one of the many things wrong with America today, in my opinion), certainly her reaction brought things to a whole new level.

There are a lot of interesting tactical points in this video, thank you for posting it. The first that I see - what if a person on that bus was armed? Would you return fire and risk drawing more fire on the innocent people around you? I think I would since they're shooting anyway, but I don't honestly know.
Philadelphia Bus Shooting

Not sure if this is on another thread or not, if so, please merge, but I just saw the video of this because someone was upset about a woman spanking her child. I guess you really have to mind your own business. The lady called in a hit while still on the bus. What a world we live in today. Take a look a the assault rifle this creep has:
Just goes to show that your common bad guy is really a scared little wimp. They didn't get on the bus cause they would actually have to see faces as they shot and/or take return fire from somebody who knows more about guns and how to properly use one.
A quick side track based on this thread. The ABC 20 / 20 " What would you do" series stages situations to see if the public will intervene when : Drunk mom tries to put kids in the car to leave. Couple are fighting. Someone being bullied. and so on. With some of these situations the actors staging the situation will push back when someone steps in. I'm just waiting for things to go very bad and someone feels threatened enough to pull a gun.
Have you ever seen one of these videos where the thugs pull out an LCP or small j-frame? Thugs always seem to have at least full sized service pistols or revolvers. But, jeesh, concealing assault rifles...:eek:

One reason why I'm more comfortable carrying my G26 with a spare 15 rd mag. rather than my PM9, LCP and 442. Although they all see some service from time to time.
I almost fell out of my chair laughing, first at the guy who threatened to turn the woman in for child abuse then at how she basically called a hit down on this bus. This crazy world we live in never stops amazing me.

From a CCW/SD standpoint that is really a no win situation. I do not know how thick your typical bus window is, I can assume that it is a bit thicker than a standard car window. That means you would probably best be packing something like a .357 or 10MM to engage someone accurately on the other side. Even if you were packing a 10MM or .357 I would be worried as hell about hitting anyone innocent inside the bus or outside on the street.
The complete lack of respect for human life by these losers never ceases to amaze me. You never know how stable the people you are interacting with are and it's just not worth it to be confrontational over minor issues.

Tactically in this situation the best bet (if you were armed) may have been to just hit the deck and not return fire, but if the driver doesn't take off and they board the bus it's a different story completely.
another idiot letting a woman ruin his life: 'you mess w/my girl, check out my little friend an how tough I am'. have fun buddy...

this is an example how things can escalate. the woman has a right to spank her child but emotions take over and go up the ladder real quick.
If I was by that door and the bus wasnt moving, Id have been shooting. What other choice do you have? Where they are isnt an issue, on the bus or off, they are still obviously a threat and need dealt with.

As far as the woman spanking her kid, Id have applauded her and told the other boy to mind his own business. Then again, he might have called somebody too. :)
Does anyone here (probably ex LEO or Military) have experience in shooting through public bus type windows? The few times I have been on a bus, they looked thicker than a car type windshield though they are flat and not rounded. What caliber would you need to be shooting to insure your rounds not only penetrated consistently but were accurate on the other side? would even a 10MM give you that?
May be wrong but, I don't know of any major city you can legally CCW on the public bus / light rail system. In St. Louis it's a big No No! Personally, in any sort of crowded situation I believe I would duck and cover if by myself. You own where those rounds end up and the likelihood of hitting a bystander is to great for me to chance. Besides, an assault rifle is no match for a defensive handgun.
If you shoot the boy with the assualt rifle first, even with your lowly handgun, then the assualt rifle cant hurt you. ;)

If you just duck and let him shoot you, the result is likely to be different.