answering the door armed

There are times, though, when someone will knock on your door to tell you you left your garage door open or some other such thing.

I suppose if the doorbell rings, I could answer the garage door....

Some fool came running up to my house. Banged on my door and was yelling that my house was on fire. I knew it was a trap. I am writing this from a library computer. My other computer is uhh.. busy.
If my five and a half foot stature all gussied up in Dockers, button down shirt and tie sends you running for your gun, you have got some head issues.

Con men are successful because they dress exactly like that.
Oddly enough, one time a friend and I banged on the two doors of a duplex, late at night. The house was, in fact, on fire. Nobody pointed weapons at us, which was nice.

Turned out the stoners in the western unit had improperly stored some fireworks, some of which had spontaneously ignited. We saw the smoke as we were driving through the neighborhood, trying to find a party we'd been told about (college days).

We probably looked suspicious, in hindsight, but the stoners and the middle aged couple in the eastern unit were probably happy we got them out of the house - the fire had entered the attic.

Fire fighters got there in time to save the house, but it had major smoke damage.
Maybe I am a little inattentive at home, but I usually just answer the door. I have never had any problems with strangers. Maybe I am lucky. Maybe it is my physical stature, haircut and my normal command posture. Maybe it is my demeanor. For some reason, I have never had any problems and tend to frighten most people. Mostly I get the young kids asking me to sign a petition against fossil fuels, fast food or firearms. After a Q&A forcing them to think, I permit them to leave.

But reading the posts here, maybe I have to rethink my normal procedures.

No... these guys are just insanely paranoid. ;)

I really feel sorry for the little kids trying to raise money for school in you guy's neighborhoods.

I live in a place that they won't deliver pizza after dark (lived here for almost 10 years) and I've had shady people come to my door. Known thieves trying to sell a bbq pit at like 10:30 at night, I say no thanks then call the cops to let them know that if someone is missing a bbq pit this guy has it. I have YET to have a single problem with anyone.

That being said, I got no problems with the idea of being prepared and armed when answering the door or having something close by. I certainly do the same, nothing wrong with being prepared but I believe there is something wrong with losing touch with humanity and becoming so paranoid we won't open the door for a fellow human being because there is a .00000001% chance something bad MIGHT happen.
I don't consider myself "insanely paranoid"...but as it's been said, just because you're paranoid, that doesn't mean someone's not out to get you. To get to the point: If I don't recognize the person knocking, I don't answer the door...and my "emergency management equipment" is always close by. In a country rife with home invasions, I prefer to hedge my bets. Plus, since I work in LE full time, that knock at the door is best ignored anyhow. I don't have a take-home patrol car to advertise what I do for a living, and my neighbors never see me in uniform. But, I have had a guy I arrested come knocking on my door once [didn't open it then, either]. Plus, once the neighbors find out you're in the LE biz, they tend to look at you as the neighborhood security guard...a position I have no interest in filling. So: The knocks from strangers will remain unanswered.
if you think it's paranoid to have homeowner's insurance, automobile insurance, fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, then I can understand you having the opinion that it's paranoid to have a firearm handy any time it's possible to do so.
If you don't think of those things as paranoid, yet you believe it IS paranoid to have a gun at hand at any time at all, then you are a victim of the systematic and intentional demonization of firearms that our society has been subjected to for generations. I suggest you seek help for that affliction.
I suppose another way to look at it is:

My doorbell, I'll answer it or not as I like.

My gun, I'll carry it if I like in My House.

My castle. My rules.

Something else that comes to mind, though, is if you don't answer the doorbell, is someone going to believe you're not home and come charging through the door?

The more I read this thread, the more I think that whatever we decide to do, the results could be disastrous. In other words, we can't really predict what the best response really is.

"Smile, Wave, and have a plan to Kill everyone" If you think I want to kill everyone go stick your head in a hole, if you think I don't have a plan to kill you at any point in time, think twice!

After all Mindset yellow right!

As for the armed thing, well maybe;), hell I carry a shotgun around the yard because we do have bear and Yotes around here, oh yeah, and that break-in last week! not that I carry 100% more like does he want to test which 10% I am not carrying?
my walls are thin, even from my bedroom someone can hear "Whos There?"

don't answer me and I don't answer the door.

even the warrent officers found out to answer me, bad way to start a day.
I don't answer the door without a gun. Had quite a few home invasions here lately. I always have a gun on. Or one I can reach quickly. My PFP or 642 can always be in a pocket of a coat or even a bathrobe. The only time I showed my weapon was a couple of weeks ago. A group was running a scam where they were sending young guy around making up diferent excuses to try and get a look at peoples houses. They would case the house and decide rather to hit it or not. Had a young man come to my door. Had my SIG 229 on. Left it showing. Didn't draw it. I opened the door and he couldn't even speak once he saw the gun. Never pointed it at him or threatened him. The sight of the gun was enough.
Normally I'm not armed when I answer the door,but situationally I am.
I lived,for a while,in a high drama neighborhood.Apparently I was unusual because I paid my phone bill.Domestic violence issues would sometimes result in frantic banging on my front door ,sometimes 2 or 3 AM.Upset women,he has a knife,etc.
I say,There is the phone,call 911.
She asks,What is that (shotgun) for? I answer,You said he had a knife.If he comes through my front door I'm going to kill him.She looks at me like I don't know how to play Jerry Springer show just right.
Other neighbors,"Dad's beating up mom"
I answer,"there is the phone",drop a speed loader in the S+W.Again,the question"Whats that for?" I answer"Domestic violence is dangerous"
I do not believe in playing hero,but in this case,she was a small 50 something woman and he was an over 6 ft strong guy.This may have been a life and death ,seconds count,police only minutes away deal.I took the risk to put one eyeball around their doorjamb.The situation was not critical,I retreated.I went home, fill my Win 97 with #4 buck ,have it beside me on the couch.
Its 11+ PM,another knock.S+W in the back of my pants,I look to see who it is through the glass panel,high on the door.Its an LEO.I put both hands on the glass,tell him about the handgun and shotgun,ask "What do you want me to do"He says "No problem,have some questions about your neighbor"
This was years ago,I moved,and I'm sure I wasn't tactically correct,seemed right at the time.
When someone rings the bell, I look out my window first before going to the door. If I don't recognize the person, the gun goes in my waistband. This way, I can see if there is anyone trying to stay out of sight to the side of the door or something. if it's the Fed-Ex guy, the sight of his unifrom and truck is enough to convince me he's on the level.

I look at it this way: the minor inconvenience of sticking that gun in my waistband is worth the peace of mind of being able to defend myself in case it does go wrong. My wife used to think i was a bit paranoid, but the home invasion in CT, when the wife and young daughters were raped before being doused with gas and set on fire changed her mind. Imagine what was going through that father's mind?
No... these guys are just insanely paranoid.
That being said, I got no problems with the idea of being prepared and armed when answering the door or having something close by. I certainly do the same, nothing wrong with being prepared but I believe there is something wrong with losing touch with humanity and becoming so paranoid we won't open the door for a fellow human being because there is a .00000001% chance something bad MIGHT happen.

The odds are a lot better than .00000001%

Simple math with the 70K robberies at one's residence...
US Population ~ 320,000,000
Typical household size ~ 2 to 4
# of households in US ~ 160,000,000 to 80,000,000
Chances of it happening to you - 70000/160000000 = 0.044% to 70000/80000000 = 0.088% or

1 in 2285 to 1 in 1143

Of course all this depends on where you live...etc...etc and we're just talking about averages.
Well after talking this issue over with the wife, she recommended I quite wearing the black leather thong while gardening and do not open the door with my sumo outfit on and I might just might get a few more door knockers.

Not gonn try it, wouldnt be prudent at this juncture.

Besides I can hide a friggin ar15 in them sumo diapers....

Anyone else install a camera to see who or what is at the door? and lets not forget to add the electric door knob switched on after viewing the cam?