answering the door armed

Who’s there?

When someone knocks on the door how do you determine who it is before opening the door?

Most front doors have a peep hole but it darkens when you put your face to it. If it’s a BG they could shoot right through that peep hole and blow your brains out, then kick in the door and ransack the house. Ever thought of that?

If you have a latching storm door he could shoot right through it and then kick it in and ransack the house.

If you have a window facing the entrance he can see you looking through that window and shoot you. Then kick in the door and ransack the house.

If you go out the back door and run around the house, with a gun, to see who it is then you are outside and your local laws might get you on that.

Just thought I’d throw in a few things for getting your paranoia up and running.:eek:

I’m not paranoid but I do know they’re out to get me.
Open the door with an empty holster. Make sure they see it is empty.

That would worry more than seeing one holstered. Kinda like finding half a worm in your apple.

Why would you answer the door to a suspicious person? Are you looking for a fight?


If I don't recognize the person, I don't answer the door. No problem.

If I don't recognize the phone number on the call ID then I don't answer the phone either.

If they want to come in after I have not answered the door - that's another story. ;)
I have a front door and a side porch. Friends and relatives come to the side porch, strangers to the front door. Plus, my dog will alert if anyone comes on the property.
In virginia, you can carry, either open or concealed on your own property.
I am always armed.
Unexpected door inquires will find me with my left foot six inches from the door, left hand to open, and right hand is full of PT-145 behind my hip.

+1 But switch it, because I'm left handed and the door is hinged on the

And, if it's really late and the tone of the knock doesn't say "I'm sorry for knocking so late, but...", Then I rack one into the chamber just before I open the door. Easily heard on the other side, as confirmed by one officer, looking for an obscure address on my street....
I don't answer the door for people I don't know or who haven't been invited. The uninvited are not there for your benefit. Unless it's someone official like the UPS guy I don't make contact. I don't walk around armed but I do keep a small shotgun within easy reach.
I don't answer the door for people I don't know or who haven't been invited. The uninvited are not there for your benefit. Unless it's someone official like the UPS guy I don't make contact. I don't walk around armed but I do keep a small shotgun within easy reach.

My BIL is a UPS driver and they tell me they keep very tight reign on their uniforms just for the reason you'd described. You would not believe how many people will just open the door for someone in a uniform without thinking twice.
My german shepherd dog answers the door for me.

do not open the door. For non neighbor or family/friend it always goes
like this.....

loudly through the closed/locked door (and I am armed with a .357 Ruger)




chances are, if they are there legal and honest, they'll answer each question sincerely.

chances are if they can't listen or answer, or hesitate or leave during the process, then they are not legit.

But either way, the door will not be unlocked, nor opened.
I live in the People’s Republic of Massachusetts. As far as my research has indicated, there are only two places one can open carry. The first is at home. The second is at work. So you could answer the door with a sidearm openly displaced.

Maybe I am a little inattentive at home, but I usually just answer the door. I have never had any problems with strangers. Maybe I am lucky. Maybe it is my physical stature, haircut and my normal command posture. Maybe it is my demeanor. For some reason, I have never had any problems and tend to frighten most people. Mostly I get the young kids asking me to sign a petition against fossil fuels, fast food or firearms. After a Q&A forcing them to think, I permit them to leave.

But reading the posts here, maybe I have to rethink my normal procedures.
Man, no body ever knocks on my door :( folks just dont come around here. My door is under the kitchen window so all I need to do is look out that window to see who or what is knocking. I am usually outside tho, have had 2 different exp. Once 2 guys pull up in a truck wanting to sell me boxed meat for like 12.00 per pound. Pointed to the feed lot and my cattle, told them to leave and they did.

Second time 2 gals pull up, I am on the deck and looking down into their car. Very low cut tops, low hemmed skirts, hotties. They get out and ask me if I know Jesus, told her the way they are dressed I had thought they were on the "other side". They left.

I shower once a week, brush my teeth, why oh why dont they come by so I can skeer them off? :)
Man, no body ever knocks on my door

Me too. I live in a secure building and when we are home, at night, I just look through the peephole :)

WildusuallyifanyoneknocksitstheoldladynextdoorAlaska ™©2002-2010
I don't yell out"advance and be recognized"But i have answered the door at night with a Glock 21 in my right hand, down at my side.And when we sit out back at night,there is an M1 carbine with soft points in case the coyotes come up out of the woods. If you don't like it,well that's why the no soliciting and no trespassing signs are at the end of the driveway.
I carry in the house and out in public all the time. In the house it is acceptable to do so with the shirt tail out covering the gun on the right side. In public it is acceptable for the shirt tail to be out covering the gun on the right side under the coat if the weather is cooler. I also have some 5.11 carry shirts that I now use that have pockets on the inside of them with snaps under fake buttons to get to the gun if packed on the right or left side. Nifty way to have it your way. These days it pays to stay safe by carrying your gun with you as I cannot afford to carry a Policeman with me.
Friend of mine didn't open the door for a 'plumber' supposedly sent by the landlord. It was the Boston Strangler. A woman upstairs did and was killed.

That's enough of a lesson for my family.
............. The uninvited are not there for your benefit.

Lot's of exceptions to that rather subjective statement. Like the times a person I didn't know rang my doorbell to let me know about a problem I wasn't aware of. Doesn't happen often--but it happens.

And yes, I answer the door prepared for trouble when it's some one I don't know. And I confess to not answering it at times, also.
I have a "No Soliciting" sign on my door. I recognize our mailman, UPS and Fedex driver. If it's not one of these three I won't open the door (have a peephole). I see no reason to... nothing they can have I want.
Friend of mine didn't open the door for a 'plumber' supposedly sent by the landlord. It was the Boston Strangler. A woman upstairs did and was killed.

Dang Glenn, you don't look THAT old:p

WildyouarewellpreservedAlaska ™©2002-2010
Well, I certainly try to get a look at anybody coming up the driveway or near the door. If they look suspicious then I ready a Glock. To be honest, that doesn't happen often. I know my home. I know what can become a handy weapon if needed. I know there are still honest people in this world in need of assistance at times.

To many folks cross the line, and go from being careful to flat out foolish and overly fearful.

I had a far less desirable type come to the door asking for water for a supposedly overheated car. He requested use of the faucet, and I consented. We used the outside faucet. He did all the work and I watched. My hands were free and my eyes on him. He was helped and I was ready.

On the other hand, I have probably caused some folks a great deal of alarm. You see, I am one of those guys who comes and bothers you late Saturday morning. If somebody answered the door with a gun in hand it wouldn't concern me much. If my five and a half foot stature all gussied up in Dockers, button down shirt and tie sends you running for your gun, you have got some head issues. If you think my smiling bespectacled face on your front steps, is a violation of your Constitutional rights, or an invasion of your privacy, then by all means lock and load the AK and get down behind the couch. I have locked down more than few a neighborhoods.

In the end be careful, but don't be fearful.