And only one Assault rifle, what would it be?

If nothing else changed (legislation, current political climate, SHTF, etc) besides my ability to afford one, I'd get a AK74 Krink. It the only one I could afford to feed with a happy switch available.

Given the choice I would choose the Daewoo K2 over the DR200 simply because of the 1x7.3" twist.The folding stock is also a plus.
Im taking an M4 style carbine with a .308 cal upper. daytime nighttime scope. laser. tactical light. bipod. you know the works. reason for the .308 upper is its a nice round similar to 7.62. good at med to long range. hits a little harder than a .223! OHH OHHH AND its a hunting round so there for as "shtf" and the govt takes the standard .223s off the shelf to use for "national security" the .308 hunting round will still be aboundant there for personal protection hehe:D
Assault Rifle- Saiga .223

Battle Rifle- FN-49 30-06

Hey, waddaya know, those are the only two rifles I own in those categories, all the rest are bolt or lever action.
Im taking an M4 style carbine with a .308 cal upper. daytime nighttime scope. laser. tactical light. bipod. you know the works.

Ohh, good idea. Pick a bunch of stuff that adds weight and that will stop working when there are no more batteries!

reason for the .308 upper is its a nice round similar to 7.62. good at med to long range.

What is THAT supposed to mean?! It's like me saying I'm going to pick a .223 because it is "similar to 5.56mm!"

OHH OHHH AND its a hunting round so there for as "shtf" and the govt takes the standard .223s off the shelf to use for "national security" the .308 hunting round will still be aboundant there for personal protection

So I'm going to somehow still have my rifles after this "SHTF" but somehow I don't have all the many thousands of rounds I've stocked away just for them? All my reloading components stopped working? The unopened metal cans of 5.45x39 mysteriously disappeared?

I'm not dissing 7.62 NATO. I'm a FAL guy myself. But it will be a peculiar future where you can still find and buy .308 Winchester but not 5.56mm or .223 Remington!

My one and only Assault Rifle is in my cabinet...6.8SPC in a M4 carbine look alike. Kills everything, doesn;t miss, is loud as hell and has never let me down.
assault rifle??????????

i agree with post #15. got one as a christmas present a few years back. wont comment on what i an old man 2 days older than dirt has been able to do at a measured 400 yards with it couldnt believe it my self. my son stood there with his mouth open.:eek:
My Robarms XCR. I do like the Daewoo, but my neighbor wouldn't sell his to me. I like my Ak and my AR's, but I can only choose one and the XCR is the best of both worlds.
Gotta go with the AR.

Superior accuracy compared to the AK and adaptable to many configurations. Lugging the ammo to feed it is a bit easier than the AK's as well.

AK-103 type rifle. Polymer furniture with the hitting power of the 7.62 X 39 cartridge. AK reliability to boot. Can't beat that unless you add a 4 X scope to it.
AK. Don't care who made it as long as the gas tube and front sight are on straight & it wasn't crowned by a drunk chimp with a chainsaw file. I can fix those things if need be, though. I'd like a big pile of Hungarian 20 round mags and a couple of cases of Barnaul Silver Bear, while you're boxing it up.
I own an AK, and am selling it. I have over the years owned several AK's, a Beretta AR-70, HK 911, Beneli M1 super 90, Several AR-15's, Tec-9, etc. I ended up selling every one sooner or later.

After much consideration, the only "Assault" rifle I will ever need, I have had since my Dad gave it to me almost 3 decades ago, a Sears Ted Williams model 100 (streamlined Winchester model 94) lever action in .30-30. For the woods (or god forbid and urban enviroment or self defense situation if "it" hits the fan), this rifle is powerful, quick repeat shots, slim in profile, lightweight, and and easy to shoot in the prone position.

And it is a superb Deer rifle that I will pass on to my son.
OK Mods, why hasn't this thread been moved to the NFA forum? :confused: I know people on this board who will fall on their swords in protest of somebody innocently using the word "clip" but for some reason it is accepted for people to buy into the fraudulent use of the word "assault rifle" for semi auto guns. :rolleyes: