And only one Assault rifle, what would it be?

I suppose that taken as literally as one can without the "switch" my rifle would be the Colt AR-15 Tactical Carbine I now have. But as far as battle rifles go, read MTMilitiaman's first post and swap M1A with FAL and you have my opinion. As he loves his M1A, I love my FAL. As he'd love to have a FAL, I'd love to have an M1A. Too bad we don't live closer, we could hit the range and try out each other's rifles.:D
I don't own an "assault rifle", but I do own a SKS that I like a lot. 1951 Tula re-arsenaled in excellent shape, think I paid under $100 for it several years ago.
Not my favorite, but I'd pick my Bulgy AK47. Sure, I own other rifle's I enjoy shooting more, my small collection of AR's would be high on that list.

Kind of like a rancher going to the stable and looking at a line of thoroughbreds, and looking at a trusty ol' mule at the end. Just one? The reliable ol' mule gets the call.
Pick one...SOCOM 16 ......that's what I'll bring. If I felt like the SOCOM 16 wasn't the right fit, then I'd just bring them all.


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Well if I only get one! I am assuming this is some sort of a stimulise program you are pitching to the government?


I will need several cases of ammo when uncle sam gets around to sending that to me!
FN PS90 for me: Short, manueverable, can be aimed/fired effectively w/one hand, fully ambidextrous, 50rd mag, mild muzzle blast, no muzzle flash, easier to fire from prone (no mag sticking out the bottom), ridiculously easy to strip/clean/maintain (blowback action, no gas system to clean/adjust), easy for other family members to use, ammo effective to 200m (I can't realistically see taking shots at that range, much less farther), ammo weighs half as much as 9mm or 5.56 so twice as much can be carried for a given weight and you can get a companion pistol in the same caliber (FN Five-seveN USG) to simplify logistics. It's not perfect but it suits my particular needs better than anything else (YMMV).
Tomac, It's good thing that the ammo is light and that you can carry all you will ever need, cause it's unlikely for quite a few years that you will find that five seven stuff laying on the shelf at the country store, guess they will put it in between the '06 and 12 gauge.......also there's the legal matter around that cartridge, will it be banned by next set of anti-gun legislation along with 50BMG it's written into the current drafts of the bills alledgly being held till lib's control both branches of gov. But if you will send me 20-30 thousand so I can have rifle and pistol combo with enough ammo to make me feel warm and fuzzy I'll join you.

The same attributes you attribute (aside from pistol brother) to the FN, I also see in the M1 carbine, funny that not once has that rifle been mentioned and CMP has a gazillion of them they are dumping into the hands oflaw abiding citizens. If I had to choose an alternate to my shrimp sized monster breathing fireball creator SOCOM 16 I would certainly consider the M1 Carbine, everyone in my family can handle shoot one, ammo is so so here and there available, reliablity is top drawer and best of all it's made out of wood and steel
Skydog, thx for the informative & objective input.;)
Whether or not 5.7 ammo (or any caliber I use) is available at the local store is moot since I always buy mine in case lots and stack 'em high & deep. I don't exactly see .30 Carbine ammo overflowing the local shelves either for that matter.
If the Dems get the AWB they want then no semi-auto, regardless of caliber, will be safe so again the point is moot.
While I consider the .30 M1 carbine to be a direct predecessor to the PS90 and a viable option it's still not as short as the PS90, as easy to clean/maintain, as flat-shooting, as easy to scope, doesn't have as many rds on tap in the mag, .30 ammo's not as light as 5.7 & the .30's steel & wood (beautiful as they may be) will not withstand the elements as well.
However, if the firearms you've chosen for your particular needs suit them best then by all means you have the right firearms for *you*...
ETA: Here's a pic of the PS90 completely field stripped for cleaning (takes less than 30 seconds w/o any tools). All that needs cleaning is the bbl & chamber of the bbl group & the moving block group directly behind it in the pic (although I suppose you could wipe down the trigger pack w/a clean cloth once in awhile). Care to post a pic of the .30 carbine or your SOCOM 16 field stripped for cleaning, perhaps including what tools were needed and how long it took?:
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Tomac, I envy your selection,(I really do, as I said if I had the coin to stock the ammo then I WOULD HAVE THE SAME PLATFORM..READ MY POST AGAIN PLEASE) and there is no doubt that your system is definitely state of the art, the reality of this entire thread is (I believe in my objective state of mind) going to be much the same conclusion as the prefect "most accurate" rifle's whatever you have found that works for you, I have not been able to find a single rifle that fits the needs of my entire family and friends (my circle of trust) so we have taken a platoon type methodology to the solution with a reasonable variety of weapons shooting as few different calibers as possible and trying to select calibers that are in plentiful supply at virtually any location globally. Several of us are pilots of both planes and sail boats.

I think often many of us think of our rifle as doing the "work" for us, without superior physical training, mental alertness and preparation, knowing the 'stakes and limits of the ONE rifle that one will used, then all this chatter becomes moot. It is good that these people have objective views about their weapon of choice, because the guy with one rifle, one load, iron sights and a superior knowledge of his/her surroundings is the one I fear the most. I personally also in my objective state of mind think that the folks that can afford to do so familiarize themselves thoroughly with the workings, repair and cleaning of as many different platforms of rifle defense as possible. Well I've rubbed my nickels together till they are only worth two cents so I therefore toss my two cents onto the woodpile, and shut up for awhile.
I don't have M1 Carbine, I just like them, I think they are the best (pistol) ever made. I think they are a blast to shoot.

Cleaning M1A - M14 Platform. I need several things, cleaning rod or bore snake, a 7.62 cartridge, a combo-tool, two gas piston drills and I prefer to have a wrench to "hold" gas cylinder/barrel while I torque off the gas cylinder cap, a stiff bristle brush is nice to have and a clean rag and some grease pots.

Cleaning the Steel Warrior comes in intervals, not in complete overhauls like the AR family, but more akin to the AK with a little more attention to detail.

Every 200 rounds bore gets cleaned with snake or rod whether it needs it or not.
5 minutes to 10 minutes, no take down necessary.

Every 600-800 rounds gas piston gets pulled, drilled and polished, add an extra five minutes.

every 1500 rounds, well this is when it gets to be fun, plan on about 1 hour to do her up right. Give you time to relax from the rigors of the day and hold her tight! :o
I agree there is something to be said for the FN PS90 and a companion FN 57 pistol. But it isn't just ammo cost that gives me pause. It's the whole thing. I paid $199 for my SAR-2. The 30 round mags were less than $10 each. You can buy the ammo for $120 for a 1080 round sealed can. Milspec ammo. (And the metal cans I already have from several years ago cost me less than that. Weren't they around $79?)

Sure, you don't see SAR-2's for that price anymore. But I'm having an AK pistol built right now on an AMD65 kit. Don't need US parts so that makes it cheaper. I've only got about $170 in that gun for the kit and the receiver. I spent outrageous amounts of money for an unissued Yugo .223 AK kit. That was over $400. About $100 for the receiver. Maybe another $100 for US parts. And the extra mags are crazy expensive (for an AK) at $25 each. Still means I got the whole shebang for around $700. And I can use my AR ammo in it.

If we use Bud's online prices, the PS90 is going to run about $1660 plus transfer fees. And that's with a 30 round mag. So $60 each for the 50 round mags. Let's go cheap and just get three. So that adds $180 to the cost of the rifle. And if I was going to get one, I really think I would be unhappy with the stock sight. Probably end up spending another $300-$400 to end up with something better. It seems like I could end up with $2500 in the rifle by the time I get a few "cool extras" for it.

The handgun isn't cheap either. Bud's wants $855 for it plus transfer costs. That's what I paid for my HK45 and I have to say I would take the HK in that comparison!

And that still leaves us with the ammo costs. I'm not even going to go look that up. I really doubt 1000 round cases of it are going to compare favorably to 5.45x39 or 7.62x39 or 5.56mm. And we've come this far without even arguing about whether or not it really provides enough stopping power in the first place.

I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm saying I don't have enough money to make the experiment! I might really love the little rifle but man, that's a lot of money. I could get a US made AUG for that and I would personally rather own the AUG. Granted, if money is no object, it is an intriguing concept to play around with. But I really hesitate to recommend it for the "average Joe" looking for their SHTF rifle!

If I ever see somebody at the range shooting one, I'll have to beg to try it! I'll be sure to offer to pay for my share of the ammo.

If I only is actually I only have one assault rifle. That is a civi version of a military type in semiauto form.
The Daewoo DR200 has been called the best assault rifle in the world.
Subjective but certainly a fine weapon.
It combines the things one like in an AR-15 with the better qualities of an AK-47.
The fact it uses AR mags and some parts interchange as it is a similar bolt it differs in that the gas system is a piston rod like the AK (but better, IMO) so the lack of carbon blowing on the bolt means one can go thousands of rounds without a single cleaning. I bought my second DR200 in 2003 and 55 months later I cleaned it for the first time.
Very accurate cheaper to load for or find cheap ammo for.
Far more reliable than an AR, far more accurate than an AK.
Big black, dripping with savvy, hell forget shooting it, if it had a bathroom I'd live in it!

Tulsamal, I completely agree w/you about both the price of the PS90 & the appeal/utility of the 5.45 AK (my fav non-PS90 platform). I remember when I bought 2 new SAR-2's when they first came out. To test reliability I took them both right out of the box w/o cleaning/lubing and with the help of a couple of friends put 4K rds of Wolf 60gr 5.45 through them (2K apiece) in the course of a single day. Reliability was 100% and with the exception of the PS90 have yet to encounter that sort of "right out of the box" reliability and using the Kobra sight could consitently hit the 300m gong all day if I did my part. I think I paid $250 for mine, Kobras were $125 back then, EG 5.45 mags were dirt cheap (would pick up the NIB EG 4xmags/pouch combos for like $35) and Wolf 60gr 5.45 was right around $100/case. Unfortunately, SAR-2's are no longer imported and I fear all it would take is a stroke of the executive pen to ban further imports of 5.45 ammo (know of any domestic 5.45 ammo makers? I don't... at least my fav 5.7 ammo is produced domestically) and the currently available 7N6 milsurp is corrosively primed which adds to the time, effort & supplies needed for cleaning adequate enough to avoid rust (not that big a concern if you're only using it for range ammo). For the price, IMHO, you can't go wrong w/a good 5.45 AK and a few cases of Wolf 60gr put back, best "bang for the buck" value out there.
Yeah, the PS90 is the most expensive rifle package I've ever owned (I don't think I want to add up exactly how much I've put into them) and it's not for everyone or every pupose but price aside I think it makes an excellent survival/SD setup.
ETA: SkyDog, my apologies if I misinterpreted your posts...
Cleaning the Steel Warrior comes in intervals, not in complete overhauls like the AR family, but more akin to the AK with a little more attention to detail.

Every 200 rounds bore gets cleaned with snake or rod whether it needs it or not.
5 minutes to 10 minutes, no take down necessary.

Every 600-800 rounds gas piston gets pulled, drilled and polished, add an extra five minutes.

every 1500 rounds, well this is when it gets to be fun, plan on about 1 hour to do her up right. Give you time to relax from the rigors of the day and hold her tight!

That makes sense. I do it a little differently, cleaning the bore and the gas system together every 300 to 400 rounds. Basically, that means I just pull the cable from my Otis through the bore everytime I take the gas system apart. After the bore is clean, I clean the gas system, and put everything back together dry.

The receiver and bolt stay so clean, I could probably go 1200 to 1500 rounds on my M1A before I clean it, but I don't.
Tomac, no apologies necessary. My original answer early in the thread stands, AK , but I'm a 30 cal person, did the exact same thing you did with SAR-2's, but for some reason (it's been a few years) I took them back and just sold them back to the gun store, for like 150.00 each, and tossed about 3K rounds of ammo into the city landfill because I had opened all the boxes and put them into sealed cans, there's some the county landfill for you treasure hunters, about six months ago I sold all my AR15 stuff, rifles, mags, ammo, tools and everything AR associated to my stepson for $1.00, I desloved myself of 1911 format pistols and standardized on two pistol formats, XD in 45ACP and Berreta in 9mm with recreational Walter's in 22LR and as easy to conceal backups, my wife and I decided to keep our target 22 I'm way off topic...short and long of the whole selection process for me is what I shoot well and what I have a respect for in caliber, basically we are a 12 gauge (all 870 pumps) 762x51 M1A and Bolt action rifle fanily with AK-47 folders and fixed as assualt semi auto's, The 30.06 Garands are just basically for looks and occasional matches. if it HTF the Garands and '06 ammo would be left behind, no second thoughts at all. BTW all my M14's have fibreglass stocks on them. The wood stocks hang for presentation purposes of the rifles when they will no longer be needed or used, wraped in plastic. Just waiting for me to turn back into dust.;)
I brush off face of bolt and ramp and chamber brush (I forgot in my list of items) and wipe out the chamber every 200 rounds of so, maybe light grease outer rail if becoming dry, check grease on bearing, but I seldom if ever take out of stock before 1500 rounds and clean, degrease and regrease everything.
Approaching 10,000 rounds on same barrel (chrome molly) very soon, maybe next week and TE is 5 and bore is 2, but I can still nail clay pigions (laying on the ground) at 300 yards (not meters) with South African surp ammo, but barrel is at the end of it's life and will soon be headed back to krieger for an upgrade, this is the MAIN thing I dislike about 30 cal rifles (especially since all of mine are match rifles and not chrome lined) they chew up barrels like crazy.
Skydog: Nice setup you have! Although I regard the PS90's/FN57's as the primary firearms I also have several 12ga pumps for close-in & a .308 NDM-86 Dragunov for distance shots. However, I wouldn't feel terrible if I had to leave everything but the PS90's & FN57's behind.