An Open Letter To The CEO of Levi Strauss & Co.


New member
On November 30, 2016, the you, wrote “An Open Letter to Customers: Our Weapons Policy” which you posted on LinkedIn – featured in “Editor’s Picks, Retail & E-Commerce.” The letter can be found and read here:

You requested “… people not to bring firearms into our stores, offices or facilities, even in states where it’s permitted by law.” You cited an incident to support this policy by saying “Recently, we had an incident in one of our stores where a gun inadvertently went off, injuring the customer who was carrying it.”

Numerous internet sleuths, myself included, have been unable to uncover a single incident of a negligent discharge of a weapon in any Levi’s store, anywhere. Outside of reports of an 18 year old who negligently shot himself in his thigh while exiting his truck, parked in a mall parking lot in Augusta, GA, there are no police reports, news stories, or anecdotal evidence which points to the incident referenced by yourself to have actually happened.

There is a tremendous effort by those who wish to violate Civil Rights to vilify the Second Amendment and those who exercise that Right by painting pictures of gun owners as negligent, not-safe, and dangerous to others. This “incident” should it be proven that it did not actually occur, is an affront to the Constitution of the United States, Civil Rights, and millions of individuals who take the Civil Right of the Second Amendment as seriously as others take Freedom of Speech.

While the rights of a corporation such as Levi’s are such that you may restrict items, such as weapons, in your stores, I sincerely hope you did not fabricate this story in an effort to push an anti-Second Amendment agenda. I also hope that the millions of American gun owners abide by your request and not carry inside your stores – by taking their business and money to other retailers and manufacturers of quality clothing elsewhere.

Should you wish to come forward and present the actual facts of the incident, a copy of the police report or other such verified information, I am sure the world would appreciate the factual information so we do not rely on supposition and potentially false statements.
if the story didn't make it in the news then its up to you to prove it didn't happen, good luck with that.
As long as it's still a "request" and not prohibited, I don't have an issue. But then, I ain't no internet sleuth. Once they use their right to demand I leave my gun outside or leave myself, then I'll exercise my right to shop elsewhere. But then, I don't ever remember shopping in a Levi's boutique.
No need to prove anything. Levis doesn't want gun carrying customers, I'm fine with that. I don't [at people to prevent me from executing my rites . I have worn Lee jeans for decades and now have one more reason to keep doing so.

I will add them to my "Do Not Shop There List": ;)
Gander Mountain
Bass ProShop
Academy Sports
its kinda hard to complain about a request in response to one of us being completely negligent.

a request is not a policy change, and probably an appropriate response to the incident to make their customers feel safe shopping there they could have easily changed their policy to prohibit guns. Seems like every time a company sends out a 'request' its in response to actions of lawful gun owners carrying in their stores... e.g.: Starbucks.
Should you wish to come forward and present the actual facts of the incident, a copy of the police report or other such verified information, I am sure the world would appreciate the factual information so we do not rely on supposition and potentially false statements.

You could simply call the Commerce Police Department or Banks County Sheriff's Office before running around implying people liars. Not sure where we are as a country when people want to throw fits without lifting a finger to find out the truth about things on their own. Some kind of spoon fed generation.

Levi's does not owe you a thing and you don't have to buy their products. I haven't bought their products in decades since they started down a political road I don't like and moved almost all of their production overseas. Also their jeans are not that good anymore being thin, tight, generally uncomfortable and not durable in a made overseas by child slave laborer way.
It's lefty lip service, and divisive. It shores up their clientele. Let them have it.

A business owner is completely at liberty to ask me to do whatever. I/we am/are completely at liberty to exercise our constitutional right to obey the law.

This is not news. It's free advertising.
Levi Strauss has been anti-gun and anti-hunting for more years than I care to count. I learned that way back in the 1950's and have not purchased and product by that company since.
Paul B.
“… people not to bring firearms into our stores, offices or facilities, even in states where it’s permitted by law.”

This is NOT the same as this..

Levis doesn't want gun carrying customers,

A business owner is completely at liberty to ask me to do whatever. I/we am/are completely at liberty to exercise our constitutional right to obey the law.

And this includes respecting the business owner's right to what they allow (within the law) on their property and in their facilities.
I haven't bought any Levies products for over 20 years. Over priced, low quality, crappy products. When upper management in any organization abandons core values and take customer loyalty for granted they are wrong headed. Just another dumb decision by that company.
Folks are free to draw their own conclusions based on the evidence and what they themselves bring to the table. But the CEO of the outfit writes:

With stores in Paris, Nice and Orlando, and the company’s European headquarters in Brussels, I’ve thought more about safety in the past year than in the previous three decades of my career because of how ‘close to home’ so many incidents with guns have come to impacting people working for this company.

That's fair. But guns aren't to blame for this but at the same time security is a consideration.

We operate in hundreds of stores across every state in the U.S., and laws are different in each one. We know that the presence of firearms in our stores creates an unsettling environment for many of our employees and customers. We also know that trying to enforce a ban could potentially undermine the purpose of the ban itself: safety. With that in mind we’ve made this decision as a business – a request not a mandate – and we sincerely hope responsible gun owners will respect our position.

The incident is supposed to have taken place in Commerce, Ga. inside a store. But it, according to the letter, not the only reason for writing a public letter.

Seems the CEO knows that putting up a phony "No Gun Zone" sign is worse than useless. So they ask customers to not bring guns into the store.

They don't demand it. They ask. They also have no way to enforce it one way or the other. They don't want metal detectors up in front of stores.

They aren't telling people to leave their guns at home. They're not telling people not to exercise their rights. They are asking that people not bring a gun into the store and shoot themselves in the foot.

Don't try to make this a conspiracy. Nothing to boycott here. (unless you've been boycotting Levi's for another reason.

Just don't go there.

Lots of places have these sorts of admonishments. Unless it has the force of law I ignore them.
Im confused. If somebody legally asks me not to exercise my rights, i should be happy with that, keep funding their message by buying their products???? Oh yea and i can feel free to comply or not comply as the law allows??? Is that the message here?

Frankly, i would rather quit buying from them until they ask me to come back with a changed message. In addition, i would hope word spreads to speed up their change in message back to something pro gun and frankly pro made in the usa.

But what do i know. Being free to post their crap is one thing, but they should be sued everytime this policy endangers a customer or employee.
I only buy Magellan jeans from Academy or the No Name brands from Wal Mart.
LEVIs are only a good deal from the "good will" store and I dont often shop there.

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nathan said:
Im confused. If somebody legally asks me not to exercise my rights, i should be happy with that, keep funding their message by buying their products?

You really believe that you have a right to carry a concealed weapon on private property?
The Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment applied to business and private clubs as well as to government bodies.

Seems like if one amendment applies universally, then they all should...
Considering that Levis were originally made for the gold rush prospectors, they seem to have strayed far from their roots.
While their jeans once were for regular folks who actually got them dirty, they went fashionable and expensive a long time ago.
I haven't bought any Levi products for decades.
Plenty of others to choose from.