An Expert Informed Me I Was Undergunned....

Wife and I were shooting our ruger lcr’s and had a guy telling us we were doing it all wrong, He said should be putting our thumbs up along side the gun for more control. I said thanks but we’re fine. I should have handed him my gun and said show me what you’re talking about.
Bet he reads all the magazines (with lots of advertising) and watches all the TV shows (with lots of advertising). Learning from all those "experts" being paid to sell stuff has to make him an expert on how much gun someone needs.
Frankenmauser be careful saying you rang steel at 275 yards with a single action revolver. I stated I could hit a 13oz coffee can at 100 yards with a handgun and was all but called a liar here.:D
Well, your revolver only has 5 rounds. That's some serious inefficiency. What if you are attacked by 6 thugs? :D
No you are not. You may be under-skilled, but you are not under gunned. I'd say the same thing to him.

More ammo is not a bad thing ever, but it's not as good as most "modern experts" think.

More ammo is the best thing to deal with more bad-guys, but every bullet you fire is on you. You are responsible for it. So missing more is NOT a good thing, and the way most of the "modern experts" train is from a skewed idea of how real fights are.

Only hits count. And accuracy matters more in fighting then it does in hunting. Get rid of the mindset of shooting at the enemy and slow down enough to shoot the enemy. Shooting at and shooting are NOT the same.

Nothing stops incoming rounds better than shooting the man well who is shooting at you.

Quit shooting "at" them. Train that way! Train as if you were hunting deer. Shoot carefully.

Missing the enemy and hitting someone else is not going to help you at the time of the fight or any time after. It's certainly not going to help the innocent person.
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buck460XVR's post , now that's funny . Like standing at a urinal , I have to remember that one . There's nothing funny about carrying a 357. I carry a S&W Chief snub 5 shot 38 spl. at times , you have to hit what your aiming at . I wouldn't want to get hit with a 22 or even punched in the face . For someone to point an laugh would be alittle annoying .

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've heard that over the years. Normally I just look at them as if I'm looking at an idiot and don't say anything.
Just out of curiosity, why were you shooting offhand? Is that how you intend to shoot in a defensive situation?

I shoot everything I shoot offhand, at least some. Though it does become more of a chore with `14" barrel scoped Contenders...:rolleyes:

Shooting offhand (unsupported) is, I feel the minimum skill level needed. when you need to shoot, a rest might not be possible. If you can't do it without a rest, you need to practice till you can.

be careful saying you rang steel at 275 yards with a single action revolver. I stated I could hit a 13oz coffee can at 100 yards with a handgun and was all but called a liar here.

The world is full of people who think that, because they cannot do something, no one can. Frequently, the world proves them wrong.

In my younger days, I could routinely ring the 200rd gong with my favorite pistols, and could hit the gong (after ranging shots) with ANY handgun you gave me, OFFHAND!! And I usually shot my Ruger Blackhawk offhand, one handed. So, someone hitting a 275yd gong or plate is certainly possible.

I've got handguns capable of ventilating a coffee CUP at 100yds, and, from a rest I can do it with them. Could I hit a coffee cup at 100yds, with your service grade 9mm combat Tupperware? I doubt it. Nor would I expect to be able to do it with my dads match tuned .45ACP Government model that still shoots 2" groups at 25yds. I doubt you could. Those guns just are not built for that level of accuracy. But I can do it with some of my pistols, and with scoped Contenders from a rest its actually rather easy.

Well, your revolver only has 5 rounds. That's some serious inefficiency. What if you are attacked by 6 thugs?

Order the 6th one to stand downwind of me, while we wait for the cops to come pick up 5 bodies...:rolleyes:
How you intend to shoot in a defensive situation may not be the way it happens.

A few years ago, I broke my dominant hand and shot with just my other hand. I competed and took classes like that.

Now I'm dealing with a serious shoulder injury on my support side. Coming to a two handed grip might give me a major pain spasm that would screw up whatever. Thus, I'm competing with just one hand and 9mm Glock (started out with a 22 Buckmark for practice). I shoot pretty well at IDPA distances with just one.

Also, in reality - you might have your hands full, have to grab a kid, use a light, use a phone, pick your nose. It's good to shoot one handed. Lots of gun fight pictures show that. Will I go for my preferred grip - I sure will but if I can't, I'd better be competent.
Definition of expert; ex is a has been, spert is a small drip.
Cslinger almost had it right it is " Bless your pea picking heart."
When I carried a .38 snub nose revolver my wife and I used to run the targets down range. I would fire my five shots she would fire a G17 magazine worth and pick her five shots to count for scoring.

It was generally competitive.

Point: all the capacity in the world is meaningless if the shots are not on target. And meaningless is a best case scenario assuming there are no bystanders
The guy in the next lane pointed at my rig and laughed saying it’s 2018, they make better carry guns you know......


I may bust my friends chops about what they shoot, and jokingly so, but I'd never criticize any one else's choice of a carry piece. At the end of the day, it's all you.

Given your Expert's level of marksmanship, I'm guessing he subscribed to the 'spray and pray' method of marksmanship vs delivering accurate fire.
Experts who give unsolicited advice are worth what you paid for it. I stopped doing that.

Case in point - I was taking my TX CHL test (easy for anyone with any practice). A guy next to me says that I shoot too well and should miss some of the center Zero zone shots. Why? Well, he tells me that if I go to trial they will ask me why I didn't shoot the bad person in the leg. He knew this as he was a trained sniper.

Given the OP is a well trained shooter - just laugh it off with us.
When the wife took her CHL test, she just made one ragged hole in the center. The instructor, just smiled and said "one large hole counts."
The TX CHL test - on the other hand, in one of my runs for renewal, there was a set of old folks (ME now). They were sharing a Colt 1908 Hammerless 380 from Grandpa. They loaded the magazines backwards. Oh, dear! Instructors have all kinds of scary stories. One of my friends said the guy next to him kept hitting his target.

As we have discussed in depth - lots of folks like to carry more ammo and a semi for the more extreme possible interactions. If you are comfortable with a revolver and shoot it well - that's your choice for the extremes but it certainly has lots of utility.

If I were not able to carry a semi, I would carry my SW 632 SS 3 inch barrel comp'ed revolver with 327 magnum loads and a couple of speed loaders. I wouldn't be helpless. I also practice with it.
Well, your revolver only has 5 rounds. That's some serious inefficiency. What if you are attacked by 6 thugs? :D

Then the OP could just use his tank SP101 to pistol whip the snot out of that unfortunate 6th thug. :p
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