An Expert Informed Me I Was Undergunned....


New member
While at the range shooting (indoor with a retail sales area), I removed my sweatshirt because it was getting warm in the range. This exposed my EDC, a Ruger SP101 .357 in an outside the waistband kydex holster. The guy in the next lane pointed at my rig and laughed saying it’s 2018, they make better carry guns you know......I said thanks, I’ll look into that.

I noticed he was shooting a Sig 226 and a Glock, not sure what model. He was shooting at 5 yards and was all over the target, not even something you could call a group. I was shooting at 20 yards with a Ruger Blackhawk and making 3-4 inch groups offhand.

I think I am fairly well armed and competent with what I carry. I am not so sure about the “expert” who gave me his unsolicited advice......
mk70ss wrote:
...Ruger SP101 .357 ... The guy in the next lane pointed at my rig and laughed saying it’s 2018, they make better carry guns you know...

Well, keep in mind the guy who could barely get on paper at 5 yards had probably just returned from his appointment with the testosterone supplement doctor.

The one gun I have actually had to use to defend myself (although in both cases as soon as it was produced, the assailant decided he had an urgent appointment elsewhere) was an RG-25 25 ACP zamak wonder (what the media used to call a "Saturday Night Special").

Imagine what your "expert" would have made of that?
Gun-Snobs are everywhere.

I am not so sure about the “expert” who gave me his unsolicited advice......
Our world is full of folks like this and even though they can't keep their mouth shut, you can certainly keep them from touching your heart. I run into guys like this, mostly at private ranges. .... :rolleyes:

The last time I ran into this, I listened in hopes of learning something and then said; Thank you for your input that we didn't ask for. ..... :rolleyes:

Be Safe !!!
I should give you some more information which this incident more humerous, I am a retired LEO (21 years city cop). I was firearms instructor for our dept. for 10 years in handgun, patrol rifle, and pepperball gun. .....
Better carry guns? I wonder if he meant firing upside down under water or something?

Shoulda mentioned a "better" weapon won't help if you can't hit anything...:p
Well, back in the really old days, you could have challenged him to a dual at 20 yards. :-)

Carry what you are good at and what you are comfortable with. Hell, even if it is something chambered in 22LR or 25ACP.
Pretty sure he was serious.

Don't be such a Sensitive Sally. Just smile, nod your head, and move on.

Then, first chance you get, use your tax-refund to man-up to an autoloader in 10mm AUTO.

You can thank me later. :p ;)
I am not so sure about the “expert” who gave me his unsolicited advice......

Like most all unsolicited advice, it is worth exactly what you paid for it, and is how you should take it.

I have yet to ever take the time to look at someone else's group or accuracy at the range, unless they are shooting with me or ask me for advice. Kinda like when standing at a urinal.....ain't really no reason to look anywhere but where you are aiming.
I was shooting at 20 yards with a Ruger Blackhawk and making 3-4 inch groups offhand.
Just out of curiosity, why were you shooting offhand? Is that how you intend to shoot in a defensive situation?
On New Year's Day, I was out with family, pretending to be serious, but really just launching a lot of lead at steel plates.

Long story short, my uncle made a comment about being in the 21st century, and my "old" barrels couldn't hold a candle to modern barrels.
Meanwhile, he was dancing all around an 8" steel gong at 100 yards, and couldn't hit a 12x24" plate at 275 yards ... with a 16x scope on an AR.

I pulled up my Super Blackhawk (.44 Mag with a 240 gr bullet at just 750 fps), held for proper elevation, and rang the 275.
I walked back to my table, grabbed my .307 Win Marlin 336 (built from spare parts), walked back to his shooting position, took aim, and smacked the 275 again.

I smiled, looked at him, and said smartly, "It's the 21st century, you know. There are videos all over the internet that will help you with trigger discipline." :D
If you had put 5 rounds in a tight group at 5 yards, then asked him what you were doing wrong, ... (or better yet at 25 yards)
If your SP bothered him he probably would have had a breakdown if he had seen me CCing my 2.75" Speed-six. ;)

Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper "You're only outgunned if you miss." :D
Just ignore those guys.../..there are a few of those guys at every range in the country unfortunately....but I tend to kind of smirk at them when they start running their mouth and turn my back on them ( or growl a little -- and since I'm 6'5" and 290 or so, it works pretty well ) ...:D

Shoot and carry whatever you want...( I carry a revolver once in a while, and I don't feel outgunned either ).
Experts who give unsolicited advice are worth what you paid for it. I stopped doing that.

Case in point - I was taking my TX CHL test (easy for anyone with any practice). A guy next to me says that I shoot too well and should miss some of the center Zero zone shots. Why? Well, he tells me that if I go to trial they will ask me why I didn't shoot the bad person in the leg. He knew this as he was a trained sniper.

Given the OP is a well trained shooter - just laugh it off with us.