Ammo Shortage

i wonder how many rounds Uncle Teddy bought?

It's conceivable that some are purchasing large quantities only to sell it when the scarcity has driven prices to unprecedented levels.

That certainly could be the case, but it could backfire as well.

I recall during the AWB that AF-15 mags were selling between $30 to $50 apiece depending upon the make and scarcity.

Now, you can buy the best of what was available then for $15 a mag.
Those who didn't unload their AR-15 mags during the AWB got left holding the bag.

Ammo could turn out to be the same thing.

I learned quickly when dealing in daytrading stocks that "buying high and selling low" was not a good strategy. ;)
Panic is defiantly making things worse but to not be worried would be worse still. There was talk before the election that he would never make it into office, but he did. The NRA advertised against his election to the point to basically cause a nation wide gun and ammo panic and still he was elected. We as in gun owners seem to not be in the majority. History has taught us to say something won’t happen is to cause it to happen. Etc. Titanic, Hindenburg, 2008 election……Guns. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.