Allright whos going to man up...

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I've never hunted with a pistol, but I've often gotten close enough to deer and hogs that I'd feel confident in taking a shot at that five or ten yards. :) Even so, I'd prefer a .44 Mag or .45 Colt over the ACP.

Ruark said, "Use enough gun." Well, yeah, but a little bit more than just enough ain't a bad thing...

:), Art
Yah I'm thinking the same thing as Art. I've shot many .......... Piglets with a 45.........Colt!:D

I love my mini 30 for close range. The last two hogs I shot I could have shot with a 45 acp. But drop them dead in there tracks? I don't know? One was a feeder hog and the other I chased through the woods.
First off, I'm honestly not calling you out. In a tizzie about people hunting hog with .45? Perhaps. Same with .22 LR Coyote Assassins. I consider it inefficient, non-productive and, yes (despite your claims to the contrary), unethical.

I've hunted FL hogs as I live here too. Now don't get me wrong. Florida has hogs every bit as feral as Texas. However, as you know, our most concentrated hunting here are areas where humans are hardly an "event" for them.

Yes, I, too, believe that, under the right conditions, I could take a feral hog with a .45. Hell, under the "right" conditions, I could take one with a pen knife. But hunting, true hunting, never allows us to pick the conditions. That's why we call it "hunting", no?

So, if I'm challenging you, it's for one claim only. The claim that you can ace a hog (I couldn't care if it's feet were buried in cement) with a brain shot from a .45 at 25 yards. Once again, that is a 3 inch and one half inches square....take a skull and measure it. I don't care how many you've hit with a .44 Mag where "the brains are removed in the process". We are talking a 3" hit on a truly feral hog, at 25 yards...with a 45 ACP...from offhand...under field conditions...on demand...consistently. No matter how you spin it, that is World Class Shooting.

Know what really gets me "tizzied" about it? It tells those just starting out that this is acceptable, if you know you're a "good" shot. The result? Lots of wounded hogs; lots of stories about how "I just know he ran off and died"; lots of jaw breaks....every thing's fun and games until someone "puts an eye out". :D

So, I'll give you the next shot at The Challenge. You tell us what rules are acceptable and we'll see if we can't accommodate to allow you to prove to everyone else here that the 45 ACP is an appropriate, chosen weapon for killing feral hogs.
hog hunt

I hunt hogs with a bow. and i carry a .40 cal on my hip for a BUG;) . but i am in a tree stand. :D there is not a big enough $$$ purse in the world to get me on the ground with one of those beasts. they are mean and down right evil creatures. i cannot believe you guys are actually considering hunting feral hogs like that. i guess i just lack the testicular fortitude or my logic out weighs my sense of adventure. either way good luck and be careful.
I don't know about pistols or the like. I kind of enjoyed my hunts up on the Big Swamp Club. I never did see any of the hog hunters I was with carrying any firearm at all. They just caught them and cut them and docked the tail. It was a hoot for sure. They are all pretty good tree climbers.
Rich, I read the first post and it said “All right who is going to man up and shoot a hog with a .45 ACP?” I offered to give it a go this weekend. I wasn’t aware of the previous outing. Then you offered to take someone “on a real hunt with a .45, no feeders.” I thought you wanted to go “stalk” some pigs one weekend. I don’t know the difference between Texas pigs and Florida pigs. I have shot pigs in Georgia and Florida. I guess they are more closely related because they act about the same.

to allow you to prove to everyone else here that the 45 ACP is an appropriate, chosen weapon for killing feral hogs.

I never claimed that the .45 ACP is the right gun for hunting pigs, but it is better than a .22 if you ask me and I have seen more people hunting hogs with .22 rifles than .45 autos.
I don’t think you will find any experienced hog hunter claim the .45 is the best for hogs, but you will be able to find plenty that could kill a hog with one and that was the challenge as I read it in the first post.

I've hunted FL hogs as I live here too. Now don't get me wrong. Florida has hogs every bit as feral as Texas. However, as you know, our most concentrated hunting here are areas where humans are hardly an "event" for them.

Of the hogs I have hunted, the ones that see humans the most are the hardest to hunt. The last piece of “untouched” land I hunted here, had not been hunted in decades and the hogs had not seen humans to speak of in years. We had hogs come into camp and lick the bacon grease from breakfast off the ground 20 yards from where we were sitting. We had hogs walk past us at 10 yards on the road and do little more than snort at us as we talked amongst ourselves. :shrug:

Know what really gets me "tizzied" about it? It tells those just starting out that this is acceptable, if you know you're a "good" shot. The result? Lots of wounded hogs; lots of stories about how "I just know he ran off and died"; lots of jaw breaks....every thing's fun and games until someone "puts an eye out".

Maybe you’re right. Maybe this is worse. I forget that people are crazy enough to believe everything they read on sites like this.

What can be done and what should be done are two different things. I don’t recommend people hunting hogs with a .45, I just offered to kill one for this feller that started this post and take a few pics. I guess I missed the history lesson that preceded this post.
I never did see any of the hog hunters I was with carrying any firearm at all. They just caught them and cut them and docked the tail. It was a hoot for sure. They are all pretty good tree climbers.


I've killed a couple of hogs with 3" Wegner folder. Wild hogs that my DOG caught. I just stabed them in the right place while the dog did all the dangerous work.

Are you trying to tell me that you were catching wild hogs by hand? Or did you ommit the part about the catch dogs?

As far as hogs being wild hell beasts, that is a wide exageration. Hogs make some wicked noises, grunts, screams, growls and barks which is why I think that people are scared of them.

Hogs are only dangerous when cornered or wounded and even then they are 90% bluff. I've had them come screaming and growling straight at me on many occasions when I've been between them and where they want to go. And if there is any possiblity they will dodge around you at the last second or retreat once they see you are going to hold your ground.

On one occasion I did have a real life porky charge. Here is the common factor I've noticed in a really aggresive hog. When they see or smell you they'll throw their tail in the air the hair on their back goes up and they'll start spining and screaming right before they come at you. That is in my limited experience the one you need to watch out for. Especially the one who do it in the wide open. That's how a really pissed porky displays.

You’ve been charged by Porky’s TWICE, if I recall correctly. I distinctly remember hastily climbing up a granite boulder to get away from a pack of pissed off javelina with someone that looked just like you, only skinny. :rolleyes:
I believe the occasion was that we’d gone hiking and both of us forgot to bring a gun. I think even your dog was disgusted with us that day. :o
Of course there was a catch dog on an ear, two on the big boars. The men I was with had no desire to kill one of the hogs. They actually were interested in having more hogs on the lease. That is why they cut (castrate) and docked the tail on the young boars. The lease is very big and many types of people hunt there. Deer hunters, both still and dog, bear, and hog. The barrows were all marked with the docked tail. Any member wanting a meat hog could take one and not affect the breeding stock.
Well, I'm headed to TX in a couple of weeks to go hog feeders.

I'll be bringing my .45 because I can legally carry in TX, BUT...

I'll be hunting with a 57# longbow and some homemade wooden arrows with a hand sharpened broadhead. Nothing to it! Stick em in the lungs and they don't go far and sometimes the rest of the sounder will wander back while you're sitting there waiting for your arrow to work! Good fun!

Now, I did shoot a big TX boar right behind the ear with a 30-06 once at about 80yds. I was shooting handloads with 180gr Nosler BT and the bullet did not exit. Incidentally, he wasn't at a feeder or following any thrown out corn, just wandering around.

Hey Rich, is it the dense cover and stalking in FL that makes the head shot so illusive? Can you bait hogs in FL?

Hogs are one thing them Peckered Collaries is a hole nuther story.:D

I distinctly remember that the dog actually started the whole thing cornering a sounder of javalina then when they realized they were cornered they decided to give "Sunny" a little bit of the ole javalina hiyacka.

Of course I also remember that rotten little beast beat us to the top of the rocks in a steady, rapid, retreating manuver.:D

That darn dog was a skunk, javalina & porcupine catching little SOB. And he never once won a single fight with those critters. He's the reason I'm married to veterinarian today. I knew I'd never be able to afford the vet bills with my hobbies!
Hey Rich, is it the dense cover and stalking in FL that makes the head shot so illusive?
Nope. They're as easy to head shoot as deer.
All you have to do is be very quiet and capable of hitting a 3" target with a handgun, from offhand, under field conditions consistently.

Can you bait hogs in FL?
Yup....and that's about your only hope of killing one with a .45.
I distinctly remember hastily climbing up a granite boulder to get away from a pack of pissed off javelina with someone that looked just like you, only skinny

HA! I think formerflyer's gonna tell some stories on H&H! :)
Come to think of it, I believe it was Sunny that started that fracas. He sure hated Javelina. His hatred probably had something to do with the Javelina that took care of his neutering, in a very informal and un-sterile fashion.

That dog had the worst personality, the least training, the most aggression and the fewest redeeming social characteristics of any dog I ever met. Kind of like us at the time, now that you think about it. :D

Oh, and to put this (ever so slightly) back on topic: The .45 works just fine. On Javelina. Up close. So does a .40 S&W. 9MM was much less impressive. It sounded like a running gun battle before everything finally got settled. As for pistols on feral hogs, I'll keep carrying one for backup, but wouldn't want to hunt with a pistol as the primary weapon with anything less than a heavy-bullet .357. That shooting into a moving teacup at 25 yards stuff sounds a little bit above my ability, so I'll stick with something that will work with a shoulder shot.
I think I speak for more than one or two of the rest of us when I say;
It would be a blast to go with you two sometime.
Thanks for the stories and such.
That part about most agression and fewest redeeming social characteristics sounds like my ex-wife and I believe she socially neutered me in a very informal and un-sterile fashon. Another story.
Those little javelina are a little more pack agressive when your dogs get em cornered than hogs. Ever have the rest of the pack come to the rescue of one?
Does the hair on the back of your neck stand up when they do that moan and gnashing of teeth thing?
Just fishing for a story. Thanks
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