Alec Baldwin update

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in this article it appears that as armorer she was working with one arm tied behind her back, being limited to 8 "armorer days" for a movie with lots of guns and lots of shooting.

As others have said in this thread . I'd like to see how much bullying Baldwin did on the set . Yes she was in charge of firearms but Baldwin was not only an actor on set , as the producer he was her boss as well . She clearly was not a strong enough person to challenge his authority and that's on her . I really hope one of these goes to trial , televised would be even better .
Considering both recorded incidents, and his reputation bullying people who didn't work for him, I think we can form a reasonable opinion about how Baldwin would behave on a set where he was the boss.

One of the serious flaws in the movie industry, still, is the fact that disagreeing with "the boss" (about ANYTHING) can not only cost you your job at the time, it can cost you a lot more, even your entire future career in the industry.

The fact that some people risked that and walked off the job anyway tells me that the set was not a happy workplace.
I wish I could find the video but it shows Baldwin carelessly pointing a handgun during a filming break. Some guy in the background is telling him to stop messing around and to put it down.
You won’t find it , at least not in main stream anything. That has been scrubbed from the net . It’s called controlling the narrative .

Was the clip on the set of rust or other movie ?
There is one from Rust. Was released by the Sheriff's department. Baldwin screwing around with the revolver for like 8 minutes, pointing it at or near the camera.
Then it cuts to black, about 45 seconds before he pulled the trigger on the fateful live round.

I can't find the original, but there is a short clip around the middle of this video.
Taking the gun out slowly or fast not sure it matters when you compare it to his interview with George Stephanopoulos . Where he said the gun was already out and The cinematographer was directing him to pull the hammer back-and-forth . It was then the gun went off ?????

It seems based on the probable cause statement and some video released . Everything we all have heard has some truth behind it . Only problem is at this point we are at best hearing the 4th or 5th rendition of the events .

Example , the negligent discharge was not Reed or other actor but rather Reeds assistant furthermore it was a blank rather then a projectile being discharged. Are those distinctions without a difference? Maybe because what was reported was “mostly” true on that but not the whole truth . I saw a lot of that type of thing reading through that probable cause statement. We also don’t have any cross on these statements, what will be discovered then . Like the old saying when standing behind a stick it is clearly pointed in a specific direction unless you stand behind the other end :-@
Last night I watched a Youtube of "60 Minutes Australia" on the "Rust" tragedy.

It had some vid clips and interviews from the "day of". Do I give 60 Minutes my 100% credibility? No. I maintain a healthy skepticism. I assume there is a propaganda message.

But I do believe they put together a pretty good ,comprehensive presentation.

I have a better image in my mind as to what happened (maybe).

Murphy's Law brought many factors together.

I was left with an unsubstantiated hunch about something. Nothing was said,but it seemed Hannah has a pistol/cartridge belt she is attached to. In some of the photos of her, its a prominent fashion accessory.
Of course,I do not know anything, but I was left wondering what cartridges MAY have found a way into the cartridge loops. Just curious. It could be a pathway.

The pressures and expectations of the financiers and bean counters led to corner cutting and subordinating safety.
The Leadership had priorities other than safety.

Halyna was part of the pressure to get "This one little take" done . "It will only take a minute" The composite dummy gun did not have a moving hammer.

This vid presents (true or false) the call went out for Hanna to bring the "real gun" to the church set,right now.

My take (not fact) is 24 year old Hannah was overwhelmed. The load/prep/ "Y'all watch while I do it" procedure may have been done haphazardly,just going through the motions. Hurry,Hurry!!! In this 60 Minute vid, (true or false) Halyna was kneeling about 6 ft in front of Baldwin,framing his belt buckle area. Baldwin drew from under his lapel . Thumbing the hammer back was a detail they were trying to capture.

The gun fired. Entry was right underarm. Exit left shoulder blade..

Its a problem when a gun goes through a status change and identifies as a banana . For the scene. Might has well have been a banana , gun safety wise.
"I didn't know the banana was loaded" (60 Minutes Australia)
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Hello All. Thanks for letting me in. In the interest of full disclosure, I joined mainly to jump into this topic. But I may participate in other Firing Line topics as I do own and shoot, both modern and antique weapons.

I don't think Hanna was overwhelmed. She is just a sloppy purple haired Gen Z 24 y.o. that has the brains and mannerisms of a 17 y.o. Stoner. She had no business being an Armorer. She was probably hired because she was cheap.

In the first interview with Detectives, she appears stoned. Or she was at least coming down off of a good high. Yes, the day of the shooting. I hope they did a toxicology test. I know I would have.

She is disgustingly flippant thru-out the interview. She pulls a handful of cartridges out of her pocket, different rounds mixed together and drops them on the table. This girl has absolutely no organizational skills. And I don't care how long she was around her father when he worked as an Armorer, she learned nothing during that time. During that first interview, She didn't know the terms for different parts of a cartridge - she points to the projectile and says "this little nipple thingie". She didn't know what the word Protocol meant as in "safety protocols for ammo". The word baffled her. The detectives leave the room and she plays with the cartridges on the table. This girl's a joke.

She lied at least 3 times during that interview regarding live rounds on set. She brought onto the set, and was extremely sloppy, with live 45 rounds. Letting them mix in with Blanks and Dummy Rounds. It was a major dereliction of duties on her part. The Detectives were setting her her up with the questions about live ammo.

Seth Kenney of PDQ Arms & Props has text messages from Hanna asking to fire PDQ pistols in the desert. He texted her back "Absolutely Not". She responded "ok, she'll use her own 45."

The DA knows they have a strong case against Hanna. She (along with AB of course) is responsible for Halyna Hutchins death. She deserves the full 5 year prison term. I just hope it's televised.

That's my story and I'm stick'n to it.
In the first interview with Detectives, she appears stoned. Or she was at least coming down off of a good high. Yes, the day of the shooting.

Possible, I suppose, I know nothing about her personal habits. However, do consider the possibility that the shooting was a HUGE shock on both an intellectual and emotional level, and often people in shock do not act the same way as someone who is not.

Alternately, perhaps she had taken something after the accident in an attempt to calm down or just temporarily escape the horror of the situation.

Note that the first "interview" with Captn Hazelwood found he had been drinking. That's right, hours AFTER the Exxon Valdez went aground, the Captain had been drinking. What a shock!

Personally, I think the first thing he did after going ashore was head for a bar. He knew his career was screwed, so why NOT have a drink? :rolleyes:

Perhaps, that's what the armorer did, only she can say, if she choses to, or if asked, under oath....
I don't think Hanna was overwhelmed. She is just a sloppy purple haired Gen Z 24 y.o. that has the brains and mannerisms of a 17 y.o. Stoner. She had no business being an Armorer. She was probably hired because she was cheap.

I'm open to the very real possibility you are correct. I know that I don't know.

Hopefully it will all come out in the trial One characteristic an armorer must have (IMO) is the strength to stand up and say "NO!" There is no compromise!
We WILL take the time and we WILL be safe.

I have no doubt there are Women who can do that but I believe I saw a Girl.

Grand Scheme of things... Yes,she owns her part. Maybe it would have been a kindness to fire her before the wreck,
But from the Big Money down through the Chain of Command there is responsibility. The people who got it right are the ones who walked off.
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HiBC , I agree I to see a girl not quite ready to be an adult. Some of the video after the shooting she is clearly in shock and can barely function. I would not doubt she medicated in some way after . I to agree with the new member that they should have ran tox on both Reed and Baldwin .
RobAndrew said:
That's my story and I'm stick'n to it.
That's a very strong first post. Since you came here specifically to make that post (and to discuss THIS incident), I think it's fair to ask what your relationship is to the incident, and how you seem to have such detailed information about Ms. Gutierrez-Reed and her police interview.
There is one from Rust. Was released by the Sheriff's department. Baldwin screwing around with the revolver for like 8 minutes, pointing it at or near the camera.
Then it cuts to black, about 45 seconds before he pulled the trigger on the fateful live round.

I can't find the original, but there is a short clip around the middle of this video.
From Baldwin's statement, he knew that blanks have wads that can hurt people, but he still decided to point the pistol directly at the cameraman.
Sounded to me like the sheriff's investigators were angling to trying to figure out how live ammo got on the set. I couldn't tell for sure--but it seemed the armorer acknowledge that there was a separation of live ammo in the trailer. She seemed stupid to me for even talking without a lawyer present. Anyway, I think tracing the path of the live ammo on set will eventually lead to a pretty clear outcome in terms of who is liable.
That's a very strong first post. Since you came here specifically to make that post (and to discuss THIS incident), I think it's fair to ask what your relationship is to the incident, and how you seem to have such detailed information about Ms. Gutierrez-Reed and her police interview.

Aguila - Sure. But I have no connection to the incident. I'm speaking solely on info from Youtube. The PD interviews are there with the armorer, Alec, and interviews with other people who were on set the day of the shooting.

Also bodycam footage from PD arriving on set that day.

The interviews with the Detectives are very telling.
HiBC , I agree I to see a girl not quite ready to be an adult. Some of the video after the shooting she is clearly in shock and can barely function. I would not doubt she medicated in some way after . I to agree with the new member that they should have ran tox on both Reed and Baldwin .

You're absolutely correct, we don't know if she took some self medication after the shooting. And if you're referring to the Police body cam footage of the first cop showing up on set, yes, she may be in shock.

I also think part of her demeanor is due to guilt. She knows she screwed up. The first PD on scene of the shooting asks for the gun, and is told Hanna took it . She took the gun from the scene of the shooting (while there are two bodies laying on the floor) and took it back to the trailer. She removed all the rounds from the weapon. Removing a gun from a crime scene, I'm speechless.

This is the video of 1st PD bodycam. Not graphic, but it is disturbing to watch. He starts trying to locate the weapon at about the 2:00 mark.
Dang--at least a half hour out after the the shooting she's still alive but critical and on the scene.:confused::confused:
She removed all the rounds from the weapon
I may have missed it--did she actually say that?
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