Alaska The Last Frontier


I'm guessing you're right about a lodge. Another outdoorsman, who was caught trying to fool his viewers, is Bear Gryls. Bear was doing a show from the Scottish Highlands. The weather was awful so he build a nice shelter for the night. You did not see him sleeping in it. The next scene shows him crawling out of the shelter in the morning. Someone spilled the beans so he had to change wording and re-shoot scenes on some shows. I don't want to minimize his abilities and achievements by saying this so I'm sure he is quite capable of staying overnight in the shelter.

He and 11 English buddies made an agreement with the French Foreign Legion to see how many of them could make it through the Legion's tough basic training in north Africa. They filmed the ordeal. None had to commit to the five years in the Legion if they made it through the training. Bear and two others made it.

Bear also flew a powered hang glider over the top of Mt. Everest.