Alaska The Last Frontier

After watching the show for a coupla years, I see why they raise cattle. If they had to depend on their hunting/shooting skills, they would have starved.
Atz Kilcher is not a poor fellow. How many people own all that equipment that they have?

Atz is a millionaire...something to do with his singing daughter.

Otto is the one with all the equipment. Atz is the brother that mostly spends his time on the range looking after the cattle (Otto's cows).

Atz's daughter is the singer Jewel who was married to Ty Murray the pro rodeo cowboy.

It is my understanding that the producers contacted the Kilchers about the show before they even knew they were related to Jewel and that they didn't use her to get the deal. It wasn't until after they were contacted that Jewel sang the theme song with her dad (Atz) who is also a singer. Of course she has helped them out putting them in contact with management firms and lawyers.
"Otto is the one with all the equipment."
All that "equipment" wouldn't buy one GOOD tractor even in the lower 48.
I found their place on Google last night-they have neighbors within a mile or less and a "community" within a few miles. Homer is maybe 30 minutes away depending on road conditions. They live on "Kilcher Road"--imagine that.
Speaking of Otto, from what I know of that area, Otto could make a dern good living with his landing craft hauling supplies and equipment for others who live in that part of Alaska.

He could work in the summers and spend his winters in luxury setting by the fire. Though most of South Central Water ways are ice free for the most part if he wanted to work in the winter if he was inclined to get rich.

But I'm lazy, I'd spend my winters setting by the fire...........OH WAIT, I pretty much do that now. I could stay in Wyoming where I don't need as much firewood.
On one show,Otto mentioned he worked at the Valdez
oil spill. Eivan also works with the heavy equip off
the homestead,so all isn't as it appears.
I enjoy the show, the scenery and the wildlife. I don't think they are very good hunters but they can fish. Farming is what they are best at. I grew up on a beef cattle farm and they know what they are doing. I'm glad I didn't have to heard cattle as far as they do at times.

Jane seems like a sweet, tough lady but she worries me when she shoots. As for the guys, they shouldn't shoot deer on the run but to each is own and every situation is different. I will pass on a running deer myself. I like clean kills and deer that pile up with one shot. And what is with the odd rifle calibers? Its probably hard enough to find 30-06 or 270 up there and I think I heard one of them say they were shooting a .280 or .264? Those do not seem like a very common round to find in a remote area.

Its a better show than that Alaska bush people show, that is terrible but amusing. The older daughter is the only one that has any sense or skills on that show. She can shoot too.
reynolds357, I agree, they are not good hunters. There is another show with worse hunters. The show, "Life Below Zero" follows people who live above and below the Arctic Circle. One dude, Chip Hailstone, is married to a local native. She can hunt at times and in ways he can't simply because she is a native. On one show, they found a large herd of caribou. She, with her Mosin Nagant without a scope and another family member, were shooting willy nilly into the herd. I think they killed one but who knows how many were wounded.
Chip has some legal troubles which preclude hunting. Apparently soon to be resolved, however.

A daughter shot a caribou but only wounded it. His own video of the event showed a lot of scrambling to get the final kill-shot. Their own preference is to hunt by boat and get up close and personal. He's provided numerous still photos of those.
Speaking of Otto, from what I know of that area, Otto could make a dern good living with his landing craft hauling supplies and equipment for others who live in that part of Alaska.

Otto does use his landing craft to help out others / barter for goods. They used it to clear a beach recently where they got to take all the metal from the clean up. He moves horses for one lady and she trades hay/straw with him for it to feed his cattle.
Art EATMAN, is he or will Chip be a felon? By the way, have you ever seen anyone in more dire need of a visit to the dentist than Chip. His wife is not fare behind him.
I do believe Chip's wife, as I mentioned earlier, can do things non-natives cannot do.

Last year, I watched an episode of "Yukon Men". I saw two of the regulars, in the dead of winter, looking for a hibernating bear to shoot while in the den. This didn't seem right to me so I did some research on the internet and found that natives in the Yukon can hunt anything, in any manner, anytime of the year. While doing the research, I must have had a brain fart thinking the show is done in Canada. I now realize the show's name is Yukon Men but it takes place in Alaska. I don't know if Alaska has the same rules for natives like in the Yukon in Canada but it seems unfair for them to take a sow bear with youngsters in the den in the winter.
In TV shows there is something called a SCRIPT!
And these characters as well as on other "reality" shows follow the script for the most part. Mother Nature and unintended occurances being outside the realm of the script, I actually like the show for it's entertainment value...
Originally posted by AJG:

In TV shows there is something called a SCRIPT!

I actually like the show for it's entertainment value...

Unless you are using domesticated animals trained to come to a particular spot to be shot, there is no script to hunting and fishing sequences. It is readily apparent that the Kilcher family is not hunting pastured animals or fishing in a barrel. Thing is, it is also readily apparent that the Kilcher family is not very good at hunting and fishing. We are led to believe they have been subsistence hunters all their lives. We are also told everytime they go to hunt or fish that "we need this meat to survive the winter". If that were really so, they would be much better at it. Funny how many times when they have success, they have someone else along to guide them. Then there are the examples of Jane and Atz Lee throwing lead at a bear at long range without knowing the yardage and then aimlessly wandering thru the brush to see if they hit it. Last week, Atz was shooting a shotgun and hunting waterfowl for the first time in his life. This is man supposedly born and raised in Alaska(on the final frontier), spent over half a century there, hunting for subsistence and never shot a shotgun, nor hunted waterfowl. Then there are the examples of taking a bush plane or a commercial ferry to an island hunting and coming back with no meat or one small deer. For the cost of the ferry or the float plane ride, they could have bought a couple more calves for Otto's herd.

Entertainment yes. Reality, not so much.