Alaska The Last Frontier


New member
Any of yall watch the show? Those are the worst bunch of hunters I have ever seen in my life. They can not hit anything. I would feel safer if they were shooting at me than shooting at something 15 feet from me. They give hunters a bad name. In the last episode one of them said "lets all 3 shoot at it and maybe one of us will hit it." The "it" was a deer at 250 yards. They killed three deer in the episode. Had to shoot 2 of the three deer three times each. They missed several. It makes hunters look like a bunch of idiots.
As pathetic as that may appear, maybe its not so far from reality. I sold a bunch of brass and bullets to a fellow who lives in a remote Alaska village, and in the course of our correspondence, he said moose season was right around the corner, and he does most of the reloading for those in his village. He asked one hunter if he'd sighted in his rifle, and the guy says 'heck no, I've only got 5 shells'.....
On that episode, the DIL has a ND when she releases the safety with finger on trigger so yeah, it might be safer to be the target. Same DIL had a faked "scope eye"--appeared she used eye shadow to create a black eye rather than have a cut on the eyebrow as would be common for this instance. The older "wives" are veggi-tarians and have weepy fit when something really is killed. The whole thing is so silly, dramatized, and contrived as to be UNreality TV.
I watch the show for entertainment just to see what foolish endeavor they enter into next. We who live the "rural life" know a farce when we see one.
My television came with an OFF feature and I use it regularly, and I receive
18 FREE channels with an out-door antenna. Okay, this was a little off topic.
None of these so called "reality shows" are reality. They are all heavily scripted and written for public entertainment. Those people they are filming are compensated for their time and participation. Turtle Man gets $27,000 an episode...that was his first of second year. He's getting more now. It's make believe, don't get too caught up in it. You are correct though, it makes legitimate hunters look bad.
WHAT? You mean those shows aren't reality? I am shocked. although possibly the hardest I have laughed in a long time was at an episode of turtle man when he closed himself in a big culvert with some skunks, and surprise got sprayed. BTW I know a lot of big tough as all get out farmers who get weepy eyed at butchering time When a critter they have hand raised get killed.
At least part of "Life Below Zero" is as real as can be. member caribou is sometimes shown. His threads at THR include much explanatory material and numerous photos of his family's subsistence lifestyle.
My wife and I watch it and my wife always comments on how terrible they are at shooting.

I know a lot of what goes on is a put on for the camera.
However I can't believe sweeping each other ( which seems to happen often) with loaded firearms is a put on for TV.

The shows does make hunting and hunters look bad.

The gal that scoped herself should be made to stay home, or at least not be allowed any ammo when carrying a firearm.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
The problem with being scripted is that neither the writers or the "reality people" know any better when it comes to guns and hunting. There doesn't appear to be much technical expertise on any of these shows. North Woods law had an episode where Warden LaFlamme was telling that someone shot a deer too close with a bow and the arrow didn't have enough time to reach full speed after it left the bow. He said it had to travel (if I remember correctly) fifteen yards or so to get up to full speed! Must be using jet propelled arrows. After fifty plus years of shooting archery, I always thought the arrow started slowing down as soon as it left the string:)
I haven't seen the show but it can't be any worse than Mountain Monsters, can it? :eek: I'm waiting those guys to eventually shoot each other the way they swing those supposedly loaded weapons around...:rolleyes:
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How many of us experienced shooters have worn the scope eye? I have and will never forget it, blood, pain, embarassment, and later laughter. Pretty easy to see how it could happen to a relative novice.
yep, I know a couple guys like that. I won't deny I've had seasons I'm not proud of but that sounds ridiculous. sadly, that's how a lot of those shows are. watched one a few weeks back where a family took off blasting at an entire herd of caribou that were trying to swim across a river 100 yards off... everybody fired so much they had to reload and in the next scene there was a single caribou washed up on shore. you would think people who depend on hunting for food would be better shots.
"Apparently you didnt see when they filmed her getting scoped, it wasn't faked."

Yeah, actually I did see it. Pretty difficult to get "scoped" on the cheek bone.
They need to trade their bolt actions in for AR-10's with 30 round mags.

Nothing against AR-10's but they are dangerous enough with what they have, they sure don't need guns that hold more ammo.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Oh boy, my neighbor and I were watching "Bush People" just the other night, and the dad and one of his sons went deer hunting. The rifle that dad carried looked to me to be a Winchester model 70, and the son carried a sightless, scopeless 1903, anyway he took his deer with one shot, aiming over what appeared to be Weaver bases.
I thought the shot was a remarkable feat, considering no sights on the rifle!
I can't begin to count the number of times I have seen bolt action rifles with no sight of any kind or sometime scope rings with no scope used in movies. I am one of those guys who notices things like that because any time a firearm shows up I am trying to identify it. What the heck it's a TV show or movie.
I thought the shot was a remarkable feat, considering no sights on the rifle!

I shot a deer once by sighting down the side of my barrel, but he was only 12 feet away, directly under my stand, and I couldn't see anything but a brown blur through the scope.