A Real Incident, What Would You Do?

The car was automatic transmission which also went in his favor as with a manual , he may or may not get it to move considering the situation.

Don't know about the hearing stuff of his family but his right hear kept ringing for like a couple of hours after that.

Its the 2nd incident that I have known in which CF 98 (Norinco QSZ 92) came in action and performed reliably. It is no doubt one of the best pistol in its price range here in Pakistan. I think Chinese weapons are hard to come by in US. Does any 1 of you have any experience with this pistol?
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Bad-mouthing the Good Guys

Someone said to him that we live in a much different world than him. I want some of what he's smoking. Then he says that but their police are corrupt and can't be relied upon. Our police in the US are the same way.

Edward, I'm really sorry to hear that you feel that way. Sure, police corruption exists everywhere, and we are surely not immune to it here in the USA. But I believe that here it is rare and isolated, not institutionalized or on the scale it exists in the third world.

I feel sorry for folks who cannot count on their police, and I feel sad for you that you have come to feel as you do.

And I hope I can assure the many LEOs, active and retired, who participate in TFL, that attitudes like Edward's are not common among Americans.

Sure, there are LEOs for whom the badge is a license to steal, and worse. In my 6 decades I've even known and encountered a few. But the overwhelming majority of LEOs I have known took on "The Job" out of tremendous idealism and a noble calling to help preserve the "Thin Blue Line" between civilization and lawlessness.

Until my own experience forces me to believe otherwise, I will continue to regard the average cop as a professional, to be respected and admired. I'll take my chances with our cops over those anywhere else; God bless 'em!
Bad-mouthing the Good Guys

The bulk of LEOs in the US are good people. It's the few bad ones that make the news, and it's that image that eats away at the public's trust.

With regard to the OP's comments on his country's police officers, having done business with certain foreign nationals, I am not surprised. I can also tell you that my parents and others from the "old country" didn't trust the authorities in their country and from what they had described - with good reason.
I'm not trying to badmouth LEO's, but I am trying to be realistic. I believe it used to be more isolated incidents, but it's more mainstream now. All you have to do is turn on your cable tv and you can see people get violated and harassed everyday.

I would agree that there are a lot of good men who are officers still. Corruption is rampant, and abuses of police power are becoming more common. To blindly deny it in some sort of respect for the uniform is unrealistic.
FLOOR IT!!! Run right into them as I tell everyone to duck. I would also have my pistol in hand when they stopped and ready to shoot if necessary. Like someone said hard to say without being there but thats what I think I would do. Your car can be a potent weapon too... Shoot if you had to but with others in the car run em down.
I have the utmost respect for LEO

but some communities are so bad it is extremely difficult to not believe that a blind eye is turned day-to-day due to many factors: some of numerous examples being 1)LEO wants to live until retirement and 2) LEO grew up in the realms of that community.

ps- community can be small and concentrated like a city or much bigger such as your state or a portion of your state
I had failed to note the "pillion riders" omkhan mentioned. I'm pretty sure he means passengers.

In Pakistan and Afghanistan, (and for that matter Mindanao,) it's very common practice for both armed robbers and assassins to use motorcycles. Driver pulls alongside, passenger shoots. It's something they warn everybody about during driver familiarization.

To have two motorcycles, with passengers, perform an obvious blocking maneuver would be a huge warning flag.
Reverse and floor it. At 15 mph cut sharp to do a 180. Put in drive & floor again. Give dad the piece. Tell wife to lie down and call 911. Be ready to fill them full of holes run & them over & over & over if they need it, without a single hesitation.
To have two motorcycles, with passengers,

Would get run over. I have thought about this and Ifind trying to stop a car with a motorcycle to be a stupid move. After Iwas hit by a car at age 18 on a motorcycle I can tell you the car wins every time and the rider will be hurt. I had a broke arm and leg from the impact. So I would just floor it and drive thru them.
Reverse and floor it. At 15 mph cut sharp to do a 180. Put in drive & floor again. Give dad the piece. Tell wife to lie down and call 911.

Been there, done exactly that- except for no dad present, and calling 911 in Venezuela (I'm sure in Pakistan too) is totally out of question. We don't even have a real 911 here.

We were shot at, and thankfully the perps didn't hit us. Nor did they give chase. So it was a relatively happy ending, mainly due to good luck. But I think that if I had to go through such thing again, I would shoot first and not leave all the hard work to lady luck.

Edited to add a reality check for people who don't know how lucky they are: This happened within blocks of my home, and of a police station. We rushed there, and asked them to escort us home. We had to actually pay for them to do it. On the way home, we ran into the BGs, and the Police refused to do anything about them. That is police corruption for you!
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markj, that was my point earlier... I'd hit them with the car, and knock them off the bikes.

Backing away from them still affords the opportunity for them to shoot.

I'd prefer not to allow any fire to come my way. Call me crazy...
It's unfortunate that young drivers are taught that no matter what, DON'T SCRATCH THE CAR!. Hogwash! I wrote a check for my newest one, will likely write one for the next one, no biggie. If it had a sticker price of over twice my annual salary it would still make an awesome weapon that I would never hestaite to use. I have some pretty powerful handguns but none will ever generate the energy of my most anemic car.
Get off the X, indeed. Get home safely, the rest is just paperwork...or not.
If you can't drive around, run them over ... getting into a shootout with four armed men under these circumstances is guaranteed to end badly for you and the family members in your car ... your vehicle packs a lot harder punch than any handgun you might have with you ... here, I'd drive far enough to make sure we were safe and then call 9-1-1, tell them what happened and ask for help ...
Your friend did the right thing.

I agree that driving into the motorcycles or backing away from them is usually the best tactic. In most places in the US, this is what I would do. It is possible that the car would be disabled, but there are enough people around and the police are effective enough that the criminals would probably flee before you would be overrun. In a rural area, or in Pakistan, I'd be more inclined to do the same thing as your friend.
markj, that was my point earlier... I'd hit them with the car, and knock them off the bikes.

Backing away from them still affords the opportunity for them to shoot.

I'd prefer not to allow any fire to come my way. Call me crazy...

OK hello crazy :) yes backing up gives them time to shoot you sooo run em down and get away without harm.
Have dad put them under gun point as you try to escape the way you came. If they go for the guns start shooting.

I would up your fire power to at least include an AK-47 also plus another handgun. This way pops can man the AK while you and the pretty wife pop of handgun rounds while maneuvering.