A Real Incident, What Would You Do?


New member
I originally posted the following here http://www.pakguns.com/showthread.php?6337-A-Real-Incident-What-Would-You-Do

Now would just like to share it with you guys and want to know how would you react in such a scenario.

Hi All,

I am posting a real scenario below which recently happened to a relative of mine. However, before I tell you guys what he did, I would like to ask you guys to put yourself in the guy's shoes and let us know what would you have done.

You are driving your car with your dad on front seat and wife (young & beautiful) on back seat in a not so populated/ crowded roads of Gaddap Town(Insert any suburb / shady/ not so populated area that you know of). Your trusted piece is in the car with chamber loaded and in very easy/ quick access such that you can get it into action under the blink of an eye if needed. The road you are driving on is bumpy and your speed is hardly 30-35 KPH. There are bushes on both sides of the road. Considering the area and all the news about kidnapping/ abduction and other crimes going on in this locality you are in condition yellow.

Suddenly out of no where 4 guys with 2 bikes came from the wrong side of the road and you couldn't see them before hand because of the thick bushes. They slowed down in front of your car, you honk them to get the way but they stopped the bikes almost 14 ft from your car and naturally you hit the brakes to stop as well. Now both the pillion riders turn their heads towards you and that is the point your alarm goes on. You see both of them getting off the bikes very slowly and clearing their shirts and there you see the grip of a pistol in one of the guy's pants.

Kindly respond with what do u think/ believe you would do at this point of time & lets not get into the debate like why go there if its such a bad area etc because you can not always avoid bad parts of the city no matter what. Looking forward to read/ know your views, thanks.
Hard to say without having been their but here’s one possibility.

I would have backed the car up if possible (I wasnt their so I dont know if there was other traffic to be concerned with) and if they attempted to follow without presenting some law enforcement ID then it may have become time to engage anyone whos hand went for a weapon.

A second possibility depending on the exact terrain would be to drive into the bushes and go around as quickly as possible, but again without knowing how high or thick the brush its only a guess heck this might not have been a possibility but its at least worth consideration.

Third as the first one draws a weapon, run them over.

My repeated concern is are these guy some sort of law enforcement or people concerned that they may be kidnapped or attacked. I think you could take my first or second action without having to engage until someone is presenting a weapon. My third possibility leaves no room for error and the consequences are going to be tramatic even if they are BGs.
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There was one thing that immediately came to mind as soon as I finished reading this. That was "drive around". Hard and fast with necessary precaution. Conditions were present that would raise suspicions, but at the same time nothing warranted any aggressive action on my part.
There was one thing that immediately came to mind as soon as I finished reading this. That was "drive around". Hard and fast with necessary precaution. Conditions were present that would raise suspicions, but at the same time nothing warranted any aggressive action on my part.

Making you stop in the middle of the road and reaching for their guns does not warrant an aggressive action?

@BGutzman, They were not LOEs. We have an executive order here according to which police cannot search/ stop/ held any 1 in plain clothes.

Turning around was not possible as you got thick bushes both side. Road was not that wide may be hardly 40 ft. No incoming traffic. Day time around 2:30 PM
You see both of them getting off the bikes very slowly and clearing their shirts and there you see the grip of a pistol in one of the guy's pants.

They were clearing their shirts/ kameez which is usually knee length, for what you think?
Stopping in front of me to block my way is an aggressive action and it doesn’t matter if they display a gun or if they display a toothbrush. They’re up to no good.

Drive around, back up, or if not possible for either then pull and pump. Their action is such that one can legitimately claim fear for their life.

Don’t try to drive over because motorcycles have pointy parts which can puncture tires.
My reaction would be

keep on going, even in the US, this has happened out in the wild, and also at night in the fog, someone tries to stop me, Sorry dude, I just punch it and get out of the area fast, and motorcycles don't present as much of a problem as you think, steer around them somewhat and just get the pedel to the metal. In this situation, being that the LEO's are a response type factor, they come after the fact, assuming you could call them, your in serious trouble if you stay in one place and don't do what you should do, and your handgun could be a factor depending on the approach of the BG's, they have guns, they don't have to follow any rules, and they don't care one bit about your rights, so your it. Do what you have to do to survive. And true BG's are not going to call the police if you have crunched some motorcycles on the wrong side of the road. Now if you stay put and try the old threaten trick, then your also in a bad position, as you are saying you don't have what it takes to put up a fight, plus your the only one armed, your in the driver seat, and you have your family with you. You could loose bad here if one of the BG's starts shooting, so get away fast, don't even think about the possible BG's well being. LEO'S have a saying " Do what you have to Do ".. so do it. And live.

Oh and I have personal experience with this situation in the PI and Mexico. And I was not allowed to be armed in those two countries. And was not a Leo at the time. So all I had was the gas pedel.

Duane, ret USN/Leo
Making you stop in the middle of the road and reaching for their guns does not warrant an aggressive action?

@BGutzman, They were not LOEs. We have an executive order here according to which police cannot search/ stop/ held any 1 in plain clothes.

Turning around was not possible as you got thick bushes both side. Road was not that wide may be hardly 40 ft. No incoming traffic. Day time around 2:30 PM

You have details about your laws most members would not be aware of. Further they (the riders) could have assumed you were the threat and were trying to defend themselves. Hard to ride a bike and shoot.

You seem kind of aggressive with the members here which is uncalled for, you asked a question and we are left to imagine a situation we were not present for that leaves a lot of information we don’t have.

Our laws are different and un-uniformed police could well be preforming some legal duty if this was to happen here.

But given your agitation Im guessing you went with run them over. I have had my heavy motorcycle struck by a car and know just how easiy it is for a car to clear a motorcycle out of the way.
I guess the first thing I do is check my GPS to figure out how I got into a situation where guys are riding pillion wearing qameez and shalwars.

But if this was the U.S....

What was the honking meant to accomplish?

It was not meant to warn of impending danger - it was basically a way of expressing anger.

Moral of this story is control your temper while driving and don't be a dick.

Want to know what I would have done? I wouldn't have laid on the horn to begin with.. how about that for a scenario?
I agree that things are different here in my part of world. We have a corrupt police that you CAN NOT rely upon. Response time can be from 30 minutes to infinity.

As for being aggressive, that's what not I meant. I apologize if I offended any 1 but I was surprised to see that this action of deliberately stopping you and reaching for their pistols is not deemed a threat?
I don't think the issue is that folks are not seeing it as a threat, the issue is that not every threat, or possible threat, immediately requires deadly force by firearm. Folks are exploring other options, which is perfectly reasonable, considering the fact that they are not right by the window, the other persons are inside a operational vehicle and still have the option of movement. Personally, I would have gotten my weapon in my hand or near it and tried to get away by going backwards rapidly. If they actually had guns in hand I think I would run them down and keep going to a safer area.
this is why I posted it here to know various responses. Given the same threat and same variable, every 1 will behave differently. I will disclose what he actually did shortly which may or may not be correct/ appropriate but I can tell you that it worked for him luckily and he went home without a bruise to him or his family.
If I believe we are in danger then my car becomes my 1st weapon. I hit the gas pedal and hit the back of the bikes as hard as possible without running over the bikes. If I hit the guys that got off the bikes fantastic (mission accomplished) but I also want to disable the bikes and the drivers.

Another thing to think about - considering I don't know how things operate in that country - is that flashing a weapon may be effective to them. I'm not sure how many guns are there and if these guys would rather take helpless unarmed victims. Who knows, that might send them on their merry way without having to run them over and ram their bikes.

One thing is for sure, I'm not wanting a shoot-out with them. I hope your relative lives long and prospers (unless he's the new head of Al Qaeda ;)).
Just to explain myself a bit more...living in differing worlds, our reaction to an action can be as night and day. Where you may see the precursur to a physical conflict unfold, such as clearing an overgarment to reach for a firearm in your environment, it would be auspicious for me to pause a brief moment and make sure that what is being reached for isn't "bubblegum" in my environment.*

* Edit : Pause or "Get the heck out of Dodge".

If I am forced to defend myself or others here, I must be able to demonstrate to the authorities a clear and present danger. I can certainly see where you are being proactive in defense of your life and loved ones regarding your environment.

And if I have offended you, please accept my apologies.
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driving around sounds nice

but let's be reasonable, that might end up the wrong answer and you and/or your family might end up shot or even killed. my alarm would've gone up as soon as they stopped in the street but that is not saying their ploy would'nt have worked. this is one of those situations where the assailants have put some good thought in ahead of time and the victim's reaction time must be very quick.

I think if one never stops and speeds quickly they should be ok. if one stops or slows down and then tries to flee your reaction time has already suffered a bit or possibly a great deal. again I am not saying you had much time - you could've been playing with the radio and wahlah, your stopped. it can be that quick. if you speed backwards or around the perpsafter stopping and they are making their move: two good possibilities are they will be impulsive and upset and already engaged so your in very grave danger.

the other, better possibility is that they only cared about getting you to fall in line with their plan. therefore, they are composed enough to cut their losses and not do anything more stupid. I for one do not want to rely on anyone. I do feel it was a definate threat when these individuals stopped in front of my vehicle's path and showed their pieces. I would like to hope that I would never have stopped. My odds would be better, and I think there is a good chance in most situations I wouldn't have stopped(in some form or another).

It will be nice to find out what happened and if the other individuals were indeed dangerous or not? In situations like this you can do 'the right thing' and lose or die. Possibly, depending on the situation - if we were omniscient beings - we could know are only chance was to draw, fire thru our windshield, and keep going. It we be nice to know the end result of things like "Groundhog Day", so we could do the right thing every time. Life is a gamble. To me, this incident is a definate threat even if it turns out harmless.

I would have never slowed down and would have also sped up. If by some unlucky chance I was surprised or distracted plus ended up stopping or hopefully just slowing down, I would've been nervous plus tried to remedy while having by SD firearm in my hand(OP said it was extremely quick acces). I would have done this stuff as quick as possible. My goal would've been to not look the lion in the eyes...if they were even lions...

EDIT: PS - this was overseas, but originally upon reading I pictured some adolescents or young adults in FL somewhere.
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Someone flashing a weapon is certainly an agressive move, pulling the weapon more so. Its a difficult situation because you have other people in the car with you, I still see running at them as the only solution for your region as a shootout is likely to get your loved ones injured and 4 guns against one isnt good odds.

The whole situation sounds bad but as described here I would make the bikes into speed bumps.