A Grudging Review of the Glock 19

I rented a Glock to try it out before. I shot it like crap, but that day I shot everything like crap so clearly not the weapon. In the end I bought a FNS which is basically a Glock from FNH without the track record of the Glock. I just like to be different I suppose. I'll still end up getting a Glock, probably in 10mm.
For some reason I can shoot just about any striker fired pistol that is not a Glock better than I can shoot a Glock. It sucks because I really want to love Glocks, but they just don't work well for me. That said they are very reliable (though I think other designs are as well). What more impresses me is the simplicity. Until I detail stripped a Glock I didn't have as much respect for them, now I do.
I went through a similar experience as you did Spats. The difference was that I hated Glocks, plastic junk crap that has the appeal of a spatula.
Being an N frame collector I don’t want no spatulas.
Then 10 years ago I got married and the wife decided several years later to carry. Took her out with multiple guns and let her shoot as much as she wanted and whatever she wanted. She liked the PPK/s but it bit her hand.
So we went to a LGS and what does she pick out?
Yea you guess it a G26, piece of junk Glock.
Well to make a long story short, Because of the difficulty of racking the slide she took over my 66 S&W and I am sorry to say I have becomes a Glock fan and the 26 is now my prime carry and my G34 is my race gun.
How is it that a small gun like the 26, is the gun that I am most accurate with and can shoot multiple rounds the fastest and with the best grouping I will never understand?
But they are still ugly, still Tupperware, and I still carry one.
So maybe there not so much junk after all.
Several years ago I was shooting mostly .45 ACP through 1911's. One day, a guy that I'd see at my gun club a lot brought in two new pistols he had just bought, and was raving about. A Glock 26, and a Glock 30. He asked if I wanted to try them, and I said SURE!

I believe I shot the G30 first as I already had my .45ACP out. I expected high felt recoil, and a lot of muzzle flip, so I aimed slight low, just under the bullseye of my target which was 25 yards away. All the rounds went right where I was aiming the pistol. The gun was pleasant to shoot, and I got used to the trigger quickly. I had similar experience with the G26. Both guns were boringly reliable, and hit where they were aimed. My groups were almost as good as with my 1911 that I'd been shooting for years. I was amazed at what these little pistols could do, but for some reason have gravitated towards others that I also shoot well, but I have a lot of respect for the Glocks. If I do buy one someday, it will probably be a G19.
Good Lord, I feel like I'm in an AA meeting! Hello-my name is Smith and I've become addicted to Glocks.

Apparently, some people need the reassurance of their peer group behind closed doors before they get the nerve to fess up. :)

Well, I'm the guy outside railing about the world coming to an end in the Age of Plastic. I don't like how Glocks point for me; I hate their triggers and I'll never feel warm and fuzzy over their appearance-and I very much doubt that I'll be changing my mind about these things anytime soon. And to think, some people have called me an ignorant, bull-headed malcontent who wouldn't recognize a perfect product if it came up and bit me on the butt. :D
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Good thoughts on the Glock, Spats. I'm in a similar, though not identical place - I just bought a G19 Gen4 because with the new grip geometry I can finally hold it properly. I'm still not a fan of the trigger, though - out of the box it broke at over the limit of my 8-pound RCBS trigger Gauge, an estimated nine or 10 pounds. It's now down to 6-1/4 pounds, but I don't shoot it as well as I do my also-new Walther PPQ. The G19 is destined to gain a 3.5# connector in order to see if I can shoot it any more accurately.

Both the PPQ and the G
Good thoughts on the Glock, Spats. I'm in a similar, though not identical place - I just bought a G19 Gen4 because with the new grip geometry I can finally hold it properly. I'm still not a fan of the trigger, though - out of the box it broke at over the limit of my 8-pound RCBS trigger Gauge, an estimated nine or 10 pounds. It's now down to 6-1/4 pounds, but I don't shoot it as well as I do my also-new Walther PPQ. The G19 is destined to gain a 3.5# connector in order to see if I can shoot it any more accurately.

Both the PPQ and the G-19 are my first polymer firearms and I'm not sold on either, yet. OTOH, it took me 25 years to decide I was going to keep my Browning HP and could therefore justify a trigger job, so the platic wonders may eventually work out for me...
Great! I just shot my first match with my new Gen 4 Glock 17. It was a sweet heart. With the smallest grip and the double spring, it was a joy to shoot. Except for one target (darn it), very accurate.

It joins my 19, and 26. I saw folks fumbling around with guns with conventional safeties and decockers. Who needs that!

My FIL has several steel pistols of the S&W brand and loves to shoot them. He wasn't much on them "plastic guns" but I finally talked him into getting a G19. I worked it over some like I do all my Glocks and now it is all he wants to shoot.
I saw folks fumbling around with guns with conventional safeties and decockers. Who needs that!

Most of my guns, all but one these days, have a decocker. I've never fumbled with it or found it awkward. But I learned on guns with decockers.

I will say one thing. This thread motivated me to pick up that used Gen 3 Glock 19 I saw.
First a little bit about myself, so that there are no misconceptions about my expertise in reviewing firearms. I have none.

Interesting. Thanks for taking the time to pixel-ate your experience. There are lots of reviews out there by Block lovers, Block haters, and everyone in between, but very few from a 'Block Noob' perspective.

I love everything about a Block.....except shooting one. Been that way since 1989 or 1990 when one of my friends got his first G17. [A purchase which made a really nice 5906 surplus to his needs.]

Gonna go look up a gen 4 to see if I can finally quit calling it Block. Everything prior has been unpleasant. Almost as bad as the Beretta 92 - too big in the wrong places. Just looking for a change of pace......
Your experience shooting with the G19 is the same as mine with my G22. I had made up my mind years ago that I would never own one, but finally decided my thinking was wrong after several friends kept telling to get one. I did and have never looked back.
I have close to a 1000 rounds through mine and it has never missed a beat. It is light, simple, reliable and parts are everywhere. I did buy a Lone Wolf 9MM conversion barrel along with some G 17 mags and I now have what amounts to two pistols.
Great pistol!
I just came upon this thread. Great review, Sparts.

Strange things must be happening in the Cosmos, because I also recently bought a Glock 19, and I completely agree with you (right down to being an old[er], [more] overweight lawyer).

I've favored 1911s in my shooting life and have trained with and carried them a bunch. I also, a few years ago, became very enamored of the H&K P7M8. But I had heretofore resisted Gaston's siren call.

So one Saturday a few months ago, my group was teaching its monthly basic handgun class. We hold it at an indoor range with a gun shop attached. I'd actually been toying for some time with the idea of picking up a Glock 19, and the shop had one in stock. So while another instructor was doing the lecture on semi-autos, I was buying the Glock 19. And of course since most of the other instructors are also Gunsite alumnae and 1911 adherents, I've been treated to a fair amount of grief.

Some further comments:

  • I'm not fond of the standard Glock sights. I find them too busy. I generally like a plain black rear sight with a bright bead front. So I bought a rear sight and brass bead front sight from 10-8 Precision and installed them. They work very well, but I need to get something like clear nail polish for the brass bead to keep it shiny.

  • I've also started experimenting with the XS Express sight. So I picked up another Glock 19 to fit out with that set up.

  • I find the triggers on the stock Glocks to be very manageable. I know there are a bunch of aftermarket triggers out there, but I'm satisfied with what came from the factory.

Spats, use your Glock in the best of health.
^ Frank, since you're in the business of trying out things. Check out the NY1 Trigger Spring and the minus connector. Both from Glock's mothership. The whole thing will cost you Under $40 with shipping and all. PM me for any details, I'll be glad to sift through them.
I agree with the comment of "One do-everything gun."

My G19 is as shootable as my Beretta 92A1 or the Glock 17 I trained with, but in a good holster conceals just fine. It has twice the capacity of my M&P Shield (Although I have to throw in here that the M&P Shield is itself as shootable as my G19, so there's that).

It's light enough to carry every day, but has the capacity and shootability to be my home defense gun as well. I can't afford new guns anymore, and I am down to only three at this point, but my G19 does everything I need it for.

I shot a Glock for the first time when I rented one to qualify for my CHL. I shot a near-perfect score with that old tired range horse. They are tools. They are good at their function. They would look stupid with pearl handles.