A Grudging Review of the Glock 19

Welcome to the fold. I fought the switch until January. In the end, convenience and the size envelope of the 19/23 frame won me over. I favor Gen 4, and have had no trouble with my 19 Gen 4 or 23 Gen 4. I'm now well into a 2,000 round w/o cleaning test with my 23 Gen 4.
I've read it a dozen times...
"I always hated Glocks...I'm a steel and wood guy...then, through some unlikely circumstance, I found myself shooting one...Gee, they aren't as bad as I thought...they are actually pretty nice..."
Yup, read it a dozen times.
Good Review. I've been a glock fan for years now and I always love to read reviews on them . . . good or bad. Like I have said for years, Glock is a pistol that just "works". At any angle, Glocks have a major place in the semi auto market place and have earned their respect with everyone. Yea, sure, they had some set backs with the Gen 4, but they came out of that just fine. Glock stood behind their reputation and made it right. Every few days someone will show concern with buying a Gen 4 but as of now...they should have nothing to worry about.
After about 4 months of carry, I started noticing that the finish on the extractor had worn off.
That is a cosmetic/nonreflective finish. The metal treatment that provides durability and corrosion resistance is unaffected when the black nonreflective finish wears off.
When Spats first started to question himself ;) he contacted me for some (really like 20) answers about his new found attractions to Glock. I walked him through this time in his life, explained it's normal, all men go through it eventually, and to just give in to his feelings.

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In all seriousness---Glocks are fantastic firearms. They aren't the only fantastic firearms out there but they're certainly tough to ignore for all the things they do well.
You'll do some grip mods to it... stippling...
Just be careful if you do that. I've seen a few Glock frames wrecked by amateurs with a soldering iron and some advice from the internet.

As long as we're doing pictures...

1 what kind of grips have you put on glock 19 gen 4 in the photos?
2 what supplies do you use to clean the gun and how do you clean them
3 what are good holsters for this gun
4 how do they compare to xd 9mm or xdm 9mm?
Frankly, I find myself in much the same position as the OP. I bought a Glock many years ago, in spite of the fact that dryfiring one in a gun shop literally made me shudder. I desperately wanted a 10mm and I couldn't find any 10mm pistols that were getting decent reviews with the exception of the Glock 20.

That G20 impressed me so much that I got another one in short order and have been shooting Glocks ever since.

When I started participating in the forums, I was surprised at all the sound and fury surrounding Glocks and at the many contradictory claims made. I was surprised to find that in many cases there seemed to be no authoritative source for detailed information on the operation of the pistols. I finally decided that if I wanted to find out how they worked I would have to find out for myself. I spent a good deal of time studying the operating system of the pistol until I understood it thoroughly.

Instead of familiarity breeding contempt, for the most part, the more I studied and learned, the more respect I gained for the design. They aren't perfect, and there are a number of things I would change--and some I do change about them. But they are solid guns, good tools.

They still aren't my favorites even though I probably end up shooting them more than my other pistols.

It's strange how things work out. I prefer rifles to handguns but I shoot handguns much more than I shoot rifles. I prefer revolvers to autopistols but I shoot autopistols more. And I prefer metal to polymer but I end up shooting polymer pistols more than metal-framed handguns.
what is/are your favorite pistols JohnKSa?
It varies somewhat with time. I've always been a fan of the Beretta 92 series pistols. And because it is so easy to shoot accurately, I have a hard time leaving the CZ75B in the safe when the agenda is pure fun.
Notta Glockhead

I'm certainly not a Glockhead. Actually, I'm a wheel-gun guy - Smith & Wesson, if you please.

But . . . I wanted a 10mm handgun and since I live in California, that means I can have any 10mm I want - as long as it's a Glock (all others aren't on the "approved list," handed down by the Ca DOJ gods).

So I got a G29SF. And I must tell you that it is one heck of a performing piece. I gobbles up everything I throw at it all day long and places the bullets right where I aim them.

(Now recoil was originally outside my comfort zone; but with considerable practice and some grip adjustments that this wheel-gunner never previously considered, it has become quite manageable. But all of that stuff is me with the 10mm round - not the gun.)

At any rate, I was so impressed with the gun - even before I learned how to shoot it decently, I turned around and immediately (30 day minimum between handgun purchases in Kalifornia) purchased a G20SF. I just had to get its bigger brother.

I am a big fan of both and love shooting them. I have since gotten aftermarket (Lone Wolf) barrels for them so they don't tear up my brass for reloading. With 10mm, the "glocked brass" is a very real phenomenon. But at home, they have the stock barrels in them. I only drop in the aftermarkets for range duty.

Great guns. Both of them.
Almost forgot: it didn't happen if there's no pics :D Here's my babies. The 29 has the Lone Wolf in it in this pic. I have also since added Pierce grip extensions to the little guy.
I try to not be a gun snob for any particular brand or model although I have to admit I favor 1911’s and FAL’s. I have a wide interest in firearms and my handgun collection focuses on large caliber, high capacity, semi-autos. While I tend to fall into the “all-steel” crowd I have no problem with plastic if it performs.

I had fired Glocks in the past – but only 9mm’s and 40’s. When I was looking around to pick up a few 10mm handguns the only models I could find were the EAA Witness and the Glock 20. I got one of each and have taken them out to the range.

The Glock does work – but not appreciably better than almost every other gun I have – maybe I’m just lucky? Maybe it is because the Glock model I got is the biggest of the line that it feels a bit clumsy? – but I am comfortable with my early Para-Ord and my FN FNP which are about as thick as they come.

When it comes down to it I shoot my HK USP and Para-Ord better than the Glock. Maybe after some time that will change but for now the Glock seems to be a safe queen. Maybe some day when I develop and interest in 9X19mm handguns I will have to pick up a Glock 17 or 19 but I’ll be waiting for the rumored hi-cap 45ACP SIG before that happens.
I enjoyed reading the OP comments and all replies. Last week, like a Jakeleg, I sold my Glock 19 because it wasn't comfy in my hand like my M&Ps were. As soon as I sold it, I missed it. I'll be getting another and it won't leave my collection again.
I've always been very careful not to post what guns I own on this or any other board. Quite simply, it's one of those things that I just don't think needs to be public knowledge. You may or may not notice that the review doesn't actually say who owns the G19, but in this case I guess I have to admit that it is mine. Yep, I bought a Glock. I'm not sorry, either.

As pflouffedaddy notes, I bombarded him with questions on which Glock to buy, and he was very generous with his knowledge and information. Thank you, pflouffedaddy, for all of your help. I know I was a pest. That's how I avoid buyer's remorse.

Constantine has also alluded to the fact that he's been getting this review in bits and pieces over time. To Constantine and pflouffedaddy, and to the few others who knew that I actually bought a Glock, thank you for keeping my secret. I appreciate your discretion, but I guess the cat's out of the bag now.

As to the rest of you, thank you for all of your kind words. I'm very glad that you enjoyed the review.
Welcome to TFL, charlesc!

As for your questions, I can't speak for any of the others, but I'll answer what I can as to myself:
charlesc said:
. . . .
2 what supplies do you use to clean the gun and how do you clean them
3 what are good holsters for this gun
2) I use the same basic cleaning stuff that I use for everything else: Hoppe's and RemOil.
3) I use a leather OWB by Galco. Eventually, I'll also get an IWB and it'll likely be a Theis horsehide/kydex combo.
Don't overlook the very cheap looking Glock-brand belt slide holster...they are very low cost and work great.
Most of the time, I use a simple kydex IWB clip on holster. Very lightweight, secure, and offers good trigger security.
Finally, Glocks have been so widely used by law enforcement and citizens for so long that eBay is filled with great holster for them at great prices.
I resisted the urge to buy a Glock for a long time, too. I would get right up to the point of laying down the money and turn away...until a few months ago when a used, but never fired, gen 3 19 crossed my path for $400. I now am trying to convince myself to sell a CZ RAMI and buy a 26. I haven't come to terms with that yet.