A "Craigslist" for guns: Armslist

Thanks for the info. Sometimes I am looking for things, or I have things I want to get rid of, and Craigslist won't accept them. The local paper does not have a very big circulation and the folks I have my internet service through has a classified section, but you can not list anything firearms related. (They even pulled my ad asking for reloading advice.)
If you want to see Swapgiant grow in your area then promote it. One of the things I did was when I checked Craigslist and saw anything hunting related I sent an e--ml to the person suggesting they list it on swapgiant as it was more pro hunter/gun. A lot of people responded positively. I also mentioned it to people I was standing next to at estate auctions etc when looking at firearms.
I've used both gunlistings and armslist. They're both good sites, but I prefer armslist.com because they have better email privacy. Gunlistings leaves your email right on the page so anybody can see it so you get more spam messages.
I noticed that Armslist.com added "sharethis" to their site. It's not for everyone, but it does help you to get a lot more exposure. Definitely good if you're looking to move something quickly.
I noticed that Armslist.com added "sharethis" to their site. It's not for everyone, but it does help you to get a lot more exposure. Definitely good if you're looking to move something quickly.
That's a pretty neat feature, I like that. I've already found four guns that I can't afford today. :D LOL!
I added a 'Gun for Sale.' It can't hurt, and I'm in no hurry to sell. If somebody buys it I get that new Sig or a bunch of goodies for my M&P15.
We use gunlistings.org mostly but I did post three things to Armslist.com and one sold within an hour, was quite impressed with that sort of response.