A .44 Magnum home defense story...........

Bob Wright

New member
An elderly lady told this story at my old local gun shop:

She had recently been widowed, and her late husband had left her a Ruger Super Blackhawk, which she kept in a drawer in table in the entry way of her house. Late one evening she heard somebody at her front door. Peering out she saw a burly young man, a student at a nearby university. He pounded on her door, then began hollering. She told him to go away, and dialed 911.

The man reared back and kicked in her front door, frame and all. He stepped through the opening growling and snarling. She retrieved the Super Blackhawk and pointed it at him, which infuriated him more. He moved toward her and she fired one shot. At the blast he fell backward through the new door opening onto the front porch. He got up and staggered a few feet toward the edge of her yard and collapsed dead.

She was buying some cartridges with a mite less recoil.

Bob Wright
You hate to see a youngster do something fatally stupid, but without knowing his intention, I'd say she did the right thing (as presented in the story).

1 shot, 1 kill. Statistically that's as good as it gets.

(I think my Barrett kicks less than the Super Blackhawk.)
tangolima said:

This sounds like bovine excrement to the Newton 2nd law physists (I'm not one).

I will assure you that from what I knew of this lady, she was not even capable of lying. Maybe you've never met folks like that?

Bob Wright
tangolima said:

I will assure you that from what I knew of this lady, she was not even capable of lying. Maybe you've never met folks like that?

Bob Wright
I'm not one of the physicists. But I did debate with them, so I'm on your side.


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I once met a nice old lady at a previous job. I helped her load some heavy bags of soil into her car. She looked to be about 70ish. She opened her purse to give me a tip, which I politely refused, and noticed a full-size 1911 inside before she closed it. I asked "You ever go to the range?" and she replied, "Every week hun." Bad a$$...
Moral of the story is don’t mess with old folks.

We had an incident here many years back where some Delta bravo broke into an elederly lady’s house and she killed him in the kitchen. When we interviewed her she said.

“I grabbed the shotgun, but then I thought I just put new tile down and that’s gonna make a helluva mess, so I grabbed the .357 instead”

Now that is mindset.
That burly young man probably was high on drugs or alcohol and knew her, thinking she would be an easy target......WRONG

We need more like her, all grannies that are capable of handling a firearm needs to be armed. Sure would cut down on the grannies that become victims to senseless crimes.
there ya go, this one "broke all the rules"...:D

.44 Magnum (never a recommended defense caliber)

SA revolver (again, never a recommended defensive weapon today)

ONE SHOT (no need for half a dozen speedloaders or 4 spare magazines there..:D)

Would she have been better off if she had a Glock 9mm? .40?, .45? or a 1911A1?? A lot of "experts" on the internet would say yes.

In this case, what a lot of folks would say is one of the worst possible choices worked just fine.

There were no worries about the speed of reload, or even the speed of a follow up shot. When one shot ends the attack, these points are kind of moot.

Of course I know the counter arguments, and they do make sense. This was not a case where the gun was chosen to be a defensive weapon, it was a case of because it was what she had, it was what she used, and used successfully.

And I rather doubt the old lady will be seeking counseling for the trauma, either. I can see her being asked (by some reporter) how she felt about shooting another human being, and her answer, "I think it was terrible that I had to shoot that poor young man, but he brought it on himself. Would you like some more tea, dear?"

44AMP.I agree with what you said.
I don't use my SBH for urban carry. But generally,I can't think of many situations I'd be likely to shoot my way out of that 6 rounds of .44 in my SBH would not get it done,and frankly,in the moment of truth,I might feel better SBH in hand than 12 shot 9mm compact.
Little old lady with a 44 magnum!

That's the stuff of legend. I love it!

She deserves 2 medals.
One civic improvement award, and another for marksmanship.