7.62 x 39 Russian 200 yard accuracy Siaga AK

Combloc rifles are not usually made for great accuracy. This is an old photo of my long departed vz-58 at 200 yards.


Three different groups marked there. I was happy to hit the paper, and that's from a rifle that is better than 99% of AKs in the world today.


The cartridge is not known for longer range accuracy, but with handloads I was able to plink my small steel target reliably at 150 yards with my also dearly departed CZ 527 M/CSR.



Start over and bring the target back to 100 yards, then fire 3, move it out 20 yards, fire three, etc, see where the groups are walking off to.
7.62 x 39 Russian 200 yard accuracy Siaga AK
Now I can officially tell my friends I saw "7.62x39", "AK" and "accuracy" in the same sentence.:cool:
Cheap ammo, cheap guns, and accuracy don't mix. Those bullets went somewhere to be sure, but they didn't go in a straight line. And the shocker is that the shooter was surprised he couldn't hit a target at 200 yds! We take a lot for granted with today's guns, but at a certain point you have to do a reality check.
Not cheap ammo. Hornady SST
3.5” at 115 yards 3 round groups.
85 yards further out they can’t find a 12” x 12” target.
Something is not right.
Cheap is relative. Hornady makes quality ammo.

Back in the day I was able to hold 1moa with my arsenal sgl ak in 7.62×39 with wolf military classic. Wish I still had that rifle. Never should have sold it. Bought it new for 700. In any case it was based off a Saiga receiver and re-worked after import as I understand it.
2 Questions.... 1) what is the twist rate AND 2) is there a bulge, jump/ gap?

It seems you have a weapon that is able to pass spec @ 100m / 100 y but is a hose past that. Somethig is off more than just the bore is loose.
“It seems you have a weapon that is able to pass spec @ 100m / 100 y but is a hose past that. Somethig is off more than just the bore is loose.“

And that is the rub

It should be 8” or less at 200 yards.

Not off the charts.

Totally consistent at 115 yards lost,in space 85 yards later
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Sounds like I lose my bets. Still maintain those slugs didn't evaporate...there's a group nearby.....somewhere.

There's been a lot of talk re Ruger bore diameters for x39mm rifles. Seems I've read that Rugers stance these days is their 7.62x39mm rifles are NOT .308 but the larger euro .310 (?). Dunno for sure. The Hornady .311 SST is the most accurate slug in my M77 MK II by a wide margin. I shot a variety of .308 slugs in that rifle, to include Sierra Match Kings. The larger euro SST out shoots them all. Anxious to try the SST in my Mini30 and AK but have not done so.
With good quality ammunition, an SKS should get 4-6 inch groups at 200 yards, and the AK should get 6-8 inch groups. If not, it would be the fault of the shooter.
Where is the 100yd group centered? Right in the middle? Did you try firing more than 3 shots?

4" group at 100yd doesn't sound good, but it is good enough for military rifles, barely though. Saiga is not military rifle. I would expect it to do better. I have an AR in A3 configuration, cheaply put together for no more than $550. It can do 1.5" without even trying hard.


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101 It’s not the shooter
,here’s my 308 savage at 200 yards
I am a competent shot and I spend time with all my rifles.
I have owned that Saiga for five or six years I just never taken it out to 200 yards before. It’s always performed as expected at 115 yards.


And my 223 savage 200 yards


And above the Saiga behaving as a consistently normal AK variant should at 115 yards. 3.5” group.
Again it goes to pieces all the way off a 12 x12 target in another 85 yards.
Next trip to the range I’ll grab the largest target I can and see just exactly how bad it is. It goes from a 3 1/2 inch group consistently at 115 yards to God knows where, way bigger than a 12 inch group.
I had 3 - 12inch high targets stacked 3’
It’s not stringing out elevation.
It’s all deflection somewhere.


Once more for clarity a nine round group at 115 yards note it throws high left when it heats up a bit. Note two each one round holes in the bull’s-eye.
But again all my 200 yard shots with it were cold barrel.
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From the picture I am reading going higher and to the left.

Do you have a spotting scope or high mag. binos that you / friend can use to know where each shot is landing @ the 100y line? If you do that would help tell if there is a barrel heating issue that is causing the drift.

Another Q. Have you checked the muzzle crown for any deformaties?
The only accuracy problem is at 200 yards, I’ll have that covered with a very large target the next time.I do have a spotting scope of course.
I have lapped the crowns on the barrels of all my other rifles and I intend to do it to the Saiga tomorrow.
Note all the rounds I fired at 200 yards were with a cold barrel.
The rifle only pulls high Left when it heats up.