.44 black powder for defense?

A point seldom brought up with respect to using a cap&ball revolver for home defense: black powder short guns are blowtorches! Anything flammable within ten feet of the muzzle is at risk. :eek: This will include loose clothing, drapes, bedclothes, carpet, the family cat, etc. And, if in protecting your life and goodies a fire results, insurance companies tend to be truculent with clients who use black powder inside the house. :(

So, are cap&ballers effective defense weapons? Yup. Are they a good substitute for a smokeless handgun of comparable caliber? Only if ya don't mind the possibility of making a complete ash of yourself fending off the goblins... :o

Just a thought...

My '58 Remington plays a HD role, but currently sports an R&D .45 Colt cylinder, loaded with Hornady 255 Grain Lead Flat Nose cowboy ammunition. But I don't think I'd worry unduly, if it were loaded with round ball over 35gr BP instead.
If using c&b for home defense, don't use a felt wad in there anywhere. They come out smoking and burning. Better chance of starting a fire than without it.
SO what is the advantage, if you miss you can hide behind the smoke cloud? I know of a guy who used a .44 loaded with just wadding for noise and fire, he used to scare the chicken poop out of some guys who were trying to break into his garage at night-the blast and noise had them falling over each other to get away.
I thank God that the only thing I've had to dispatch with any of my C&B Revolvers in my home was a Raccoon that found it's way into my Trailer.
hey raider

i'm from va. also richmond to be exact,what part are you from if you don't mind me askin?.


I have been shooting C&Bs for about 12 years and that is all I use for home defense. I shot a running coyote with a 3rd gen colt army at about 30 yrds took it down in 1. Not to mention a few wild dogs, I trust it next to me at night.
prince george ain't far from my area we used to play them every year in football,still fredericksburg is a ways away from me,the only time i visit it is when i have to submit plans for approval to the city,and it looks like a preety place,maybe we can get together one day and shoot?.:D


ChWingnut...I used to know a CB Radio operator that went by Wingnut... you be or been in the Mojave Desert? (Beastmaster)
