.41 Magnum Lever Action

I'm calling my LGS's today to get my order in, that's for sure. I just wish they made it in a smaller, lighter carbine--I don't think it would be giving up all that much energy for a cartridge that's not a long-range blaster anyway.
You know Stagpanther I use to feel the same way but after shooting a few 16" guns next to the 20" counterpart I really like the longer guns better. And even the 20" barreled gun is still pretty short.

I no longer shoot 41 mag but know a lot of folks like it. I have lever guns in 32, 357 and 44 mag plus two 30-30's and a model 39. I would like to get a 22 mag from Henry. If I could swing it maybe throw in another 357 mag. My marlin 357 is my favorite firearm of all that I own. It has a very usable 18.5" barrel.
I have a rossi 16" lever carbine in 44 mag--had to extensively "rework" it--but it is one of my favorite woods hunting gun--under 5 lbs very easy to negotiate thick hard terrain held in one hand and very quick to aim and fire--very close to my ideal firearm--other than the fact it's made by rossi : ) It fires my full-house hand-loads with ease--but those same loads are just too much for confort out of my SBH hunter. My BH 41 mag is much easier to shoot--and having a lever gun mate has long been a dream of mine.
Went to my LGS to post an order for the Henry.41. I've had one on my wish list for years.
All data is flawed, some just less so.
Really? I actually went to all my LGS's yesterday and every one of them told me that they couldn't even pre-order--how did you manage to do that?
called Henry this morning and got the following info: the actual hardware should be hitting the street some time in April. I was also told that some distributors (wouldn't say which ones) may have a pre-order policy--so I'm guessing none of my LGS's deal with said distributors.
I personally don't understand the purpose of about 99.5% of all cartridges now on the market, rifle OR handgun.

They are all for some perceived minor advantage over the existing rounds available. In the case of the 41 mag it is reported to have a flatter trajectory over the 44 mag. It does but it is so small that it is of no real meaning. The writer Brian Pearce dealt with this in an article a few years ago.

Just like the 243 vs the 6mm. The 6mm has at best around a 3% advantage over the 243. Big deal. If 3% more makes the difference between an adequate deer round and not enough cartridge then you are way too close to not having enough gun and really need a bigger round. Some say the 6mm is better because it has a longer neck. So what? I have never had a single bullet fall out of a 243 case. The longer neck is better for shooting lead bullets but how many shoot lead from a 6MM? I bet not many.

But "new" and "different" sells guns and ammo and gives people something to argue over on internet forums. Most likely that is their highest calling.:D
I shoot both 44 and 41. Quite a bit. There are obvious differences between the 2 if you shoot them enough out of both revolvers and rifles. Strictly in terms of usable impact energy--maybe not that much difference--but in "usability" shooting, IMO most definitely.
"They are all for some perceived minor advantage over the existing rounds available."

No no no! How silly of you to think that!

Cartridges are like children. Their parents (human or corporate) are driven to create new "offspring" out of a desire to see their progeny flourish.

Unfortunatley, like most human children, most cartridges are dull, uninspiring, and, well, pointless.

But their parents love them none the less.

Well you're the one who said he didn't understand the purpose of 99.5% of all cartridges on the market. I just happen to agree with you.

I like the rounds I load and shoot. from 22s to 32s, 38/357, 44 mag, 223, 243, 7-08, 7x57, 30-30, 30-06, 8x57, 410 and 20ga and probably a couple I have forgotten. But the truth is I could get by on about 3-4 of them and never really miss the rest. But like kids I wouldn't want to lose a single one.

And people will fight for the rounds they think hold magical powers. I am really surprised no one has come along to tell me what an idiot I am and how much better the 6mm is compared to the 243. I expected to flamed all to hell and back for what I posted earlier. But it still may come.:eek:
My earlier post was obviously tongue-in-cheek, but it also had a grain of truth to it.

Many companies have brought out cartridges that really serve no better purpose than that they carry the company's name.
Yep I knew you were grinnin' when you wrote it. The shooting world would be a dull place if we has just a few basic rounds. But sometimes ya gotta ask why??? Think SAUM SSM rounds that are now hard to find ammo or brass for. They didn't do a thing that the already available mags didn't do. Now there are folks with almost useless rifles they can't find ammo for.

Thats why I started this thread because I knew lots of shooters have been looking for a 41 mag rifle to go with their revolvers. I have done the same thing with lever guns in 22, 32mag, 357 and 44 mag. If Henry really wants to set the world on fire they need to bring out a 327 mag. They would sell those faster than the 41 mag.

I personally want a 22 mag lever gun. My bud had a Winchester 22 mag and hates that he sold it. It was a slick piece of work. I used to hand throw clay targets for him and he would shoot them out of the air. I even did it a couple of times myself. I have two Marlin 22 mag bolt guns and don't need a new 22 mag lever gun. But what does "need" have to do with anything?:rolleyes:
I really don't understand what you are trying to ask Stag unless you are asking why should there be a 22mag when there is already a 22lr? If thats what you are asking the best I can tell you shoot a 22lr then shoot a 22 mag. They are two different rounds and two way different power levels. After shooting a 22 mag I can't go back to shooting a 22lr the same day. The 22lr just feels so weak and under powered.
I really don't understand what you are trying to ask Stag unless you are asking why should there be a 22mag when there is already a 22lr? If thats what you are asking the best I can tell you shoot a 22lr then shoot a 22 mag. They are two different rounds and two way different power levels. After shooting a 22 mag I can't go back to shooting a 22lr the same day. The 22lr just feels so weak and under powered.
A village in Kenya called. They want their idiot back.

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits"... Albert Einstein
Does the 22 mag render the 22 LR useless? Does the new 17 HMR render both of them useless? just because a cartridge may have some over-lap with others doesn't mean it may not have additional advantages for the shooter--and that is the case with the 41 mag as well.
I never said a 22 mag rendered the 22 "useless". Where did you get that from? I have a marlin 39A in 22lr and would like to add a 22 mag to the collection. Pretty simple I thought.
You seem to be questioning why anyone would want a 41 mag lever gun--or even what makes the 41 viable--my point is the same can be said for many other caliber cartridges as well if you narrow the qualifications down enough.
You seem to be questioning why anyone would want a 41 mag lever gun--or even what makes the 41 viable-

WHAT??? Remember I started the thread so you guys with 41 revolvers could pick up a 41 rifle if you wanted it. If I still had a couple of 41 revolvers I would most likely want a 41 rifle myself. I really dig lever action rifles.

I don't question what someone wants. I don't care what they get. The more variety there is the more I get to read about. Now I admit I am giving serious thought to thinning out what I have because I have a lot of redundancy and just don't shoot much anymore. The 41 is a fine round I just like my one 44 mag pistol better. And I have marlin 44 mag rifle to go with it. I just don't remember the last time I shot them. The rifle was at least 3 years ago when I shot my last deer with it. The SBH? Who knows.:D