You tell me how the average person determines which cartridge has more power.
What has that got to do with anything other than your attempt to prove a point that isn't relevant to my comments and isn't consistent with the current thread of discussion?
The ROF designer has made very specific performance claims about the ROF and therefore it makes perfect sense for the discussion to address those performance claims. That's exactly what I was doing when you tried to misinterpret my comments as being applicable to what the average person thinks about cartridge performance or what is listed in ammunition catalogs.
You're the one being ridiculous to think otherwise.
Except I never made any claims about what "average persons" think about cartridge performance or how they measure it. You're the one who is trying to push the discussion in that new direction.
If you want to continue along the main thread of the discussion, it would make sense to take your cues from the ROF designer who is clearly interested in discussing the technical aspects of the cartridge's performance, to include things like pressure, powder type, case volume, etc.
Of course, there's nothing preventing you from branching off into a sub-discussion of what the average person will think about the ROF--but it's not really kosher to do so under the pretense that it's what everyone else has been talking about all the time.
For example, rather than saying: "JohnKSa, your criteria don't matter because..." it would make sense to say: "JohnKSa, your criteria don't matter
to the average person because..."
The former is ridiculous because the criteria clearly do matter to most of the people in this discussion, including the ROF designer and also including you, based on your earlier posts on this thread. The latter is probably true, although the relevance is somewhat questionable given that this is hardly a cartridge for the average person--even the designer states that it was never intended for the mass market--the average person, if you will.