.327 Federal Club thread

Naw, I done quit shooting.

So for that reason, I can't tell you anything about the actual performance of the cartridge, although if I were still going by the range every week, I'd still have to buy one first.

My comment about the .38 S&W was mostly in jest but still, halfway serious. An alternative to hot shot smaller caliber cartridges, how about a bigger, heavier bullet at modest velocities. That's what the .45 ACP (not supersized) are always saying, anyway. If you wanted to go the trouble, you could even load a 200 grain bullet. Frankly, I doubt anyone would bother, since nice guns in that caliber are scarce on the shelves and some I would even shoot with a mid-range load, if there was such a thing in .38 S&W. I have seen a couple of rather nice J-frame revolvers and a few WWII K-frames, too. I can't say I'd recommend a Webley from my own experiences.

How about this: a 200 grain .38 Special (standard pressure) load. Virtually guaranteed not to be a blaster but probably a pretty respectable performer. But here I go again, being old fashioned.
A Single Six .327 is a no-brainer, and I'd like to convert my H&R Mags if Ruger doesn't do the right thing there.
Boss... the scores of folks who know and love the .32 H&R Mag single six revolvers would have made many of them by now and you'd have heard of them... if only it were possible.

Cylinder is too short. :(
Most of those guys have been hot-rodding the pants off .32 H&R for 25 years, so they are nearly there already.
Sevens said
Boss... the scores of folks who know and love the .32 H&R Mag single six revolvers would have made many of them by now and you'd have heard of them... if only it were possible.Cylinder is too short. Most of those guys have been hot-rodding the pants off .32 H&R for 25 years, so they are nearly there already.

It is very possible and is being done--a lot. However, though a .327 SS conversion involves no cylinder frame modification thankfully, it does require a new cylinder (and "adjustment" of the barrel-cyl gap accordingly). Bowen sells fluted blanks now for others to use, and his shop, Clements, Gallagher, etc, have been doing conversions for awhile now. Quite popular, just not cheap because it involves more than a "simple" rechambering of an existing cylinder. Still, drool.
Just had to see how this thread was doing. At the range this afternoon to test fire my new Marlin 1894 in 44 mag and took the Blackhawk in 327 just for fun. It was just as much fun as the last time I shot it. Those 3" circles never had a chance. ;)
327 fed. mag. sp101

After shooting my sp101 in 327 and comparing it to my gp100 ,357mag Shooting 38spl. ammo recoil and noise are very close . Don't know where these yahoos are coming up with the 327mag being so loud. I have excellant hearing and loud noise bothers me , BUT the 327 out of a 3" sp101 barrel is NOT AS LOUD AS A 357 mag OUT OF A 6" GP100!!
My handload for .327 Federal Mag with 85 grain XTP's are about one grain less of Alliant 2400 than my load for 158gr JSP's in .357 Mag -- in a much smaller cartridge case and a max pressure of 10,000 PSI higher than the .357 Magnum.

I don't have any sound testing equipment but I'm going to suggest that in reality, .327 Federal from a 3-inch barrel is indeed going to be louder than .357 Magnum from a 6-inch barrel. But I also have no doubt that much like felt recoil, noise and blast is a very subjective thing.
Don't know where these yahoos are coming up with...
That would be the same place you are coming up with your opinions.

Ever heard .30 Carbine from a 7.5-inch Blackhawk? That's damn near the same thing as a .327 Federal right there... 5,000 PSI max less than .30 Carbine.

.30 Carbine from a handgun is almost universally accepted as absolutely, positively obnoxious. .327 is damn near the exact same dimensions in every direction, running 5,000 PSI more pressure.

It could be that you are shooting the weak little Federal Hydra-Shok load from your .327. That would be an answer right there. Pick up some Gold Dots or make some proper ammo for it yourself.
It could be that you are shooting the weak little Federal Hydra-Shok load from your .327. That would be an answer right there. Pick up some Gold Dots or make some proper ammo for it yourself.

I don't know about that.

I agree with him, that the noise level and muzzle blast are about the same as a comparably hot .357 Mag load. And I've been experiencing .357 Mag noise/blast all my life - in anything from a 2" barrel, to a 6" barrel.

I had some of the factory .327 Federal Hydra-Shoks, Gold Dots, and American Eagle SPs on hand for side-by-side testing. It was .327 SP101 vs .327 Blackhawk vs .357 GP100 (4"). Hot loads in the GP100 were as punishing, or more punishing than the SP101's noise level and muzzle blast. I still don't think they were worse than a .357 Mag, but the loudest/blastiest (;)) factory ammo was the American Eagle. (I didn't bring up the Blackhawk, because noise levels and muzzle blast are much less apparent than with the SP101.)

That's just my opinion, though.
Maybe proper test instruments would show otherwise. Who knows?...
A .32 that can be pushed 1400fps out of modern revolvers or 1800+ out of 92 winchesters and 94 marlin sounds like a fabulous idea. I think the problem is the name, no pizzazz, no romance, just confused with a S&W model 327. I would like to suggest a more appropriate name ummmm...how bout 32/20..yeah, that's the ticket
After reading most of the responses in this thread, most that shun it are NOT reloader types. They will settle for Plain Vanilla if anything else takes extra time or work to find. To those, I say the Federal .327 is not for you. For those of us who have learned to appreciate the fine accuracy of the .32 round whether it be in .32 S&W, .32 Long, .32 H&R Magnum or the new hottest Federal .327 Magnum this caliber is a welcomed one. It is everything the .32 H&R Magnum should have been. Most that hand load for the .32 H&R Magnum and have revolver's that will take the upper velocities got bored with it. I won't say I don't like the .32 H&R Magnum, but I will say it was designed for a weaker designed handgun that went Bankrupt less than a year after the Cartridge came out.

I am Glad that S&W Made a Revolver in their Medium K-Frame Platform for the .32 H&R Magnum that had a Barrel Under-lug and was called the Model 16-4 chambered in the .32 H&R Magnum cartridge. The sales of these S&W Model 16-4's got snubbed due to short consumer demand due to Poor reports of the Mild Anemic Factory loaded .32 H&R Magnum round. But for those of us inclined to load for it, we have learned it can be taken easily into the 1400 FPS area in a Heavier framed revolver with amazing accuracy, exceeding it's factory form of around 1100 FPS or Less.

You have to like the .32 round to like the Federal .327 Magnum. One thing that has bothered me is that Federal is not producing enough ammo for it to attract your Basic Walmart shoppers. You know the type that have the Old Lady watching over them when they take the Walmart trip with the Big Grocery cart and Four Kid's hanging off the sides of it, awaiting the wife's approval for them to place anything in that Cart that is not of use to the Old Lady or the Kids. :rolleyes: I am a little different in that area as I hate Walmart and hardly ever shop there. I don't need the Old Lady's approval to pick up or buy anything. Mine happens to shoot and enjoys any gun related purchases, and I made Damn sure of that feature back when we were dating, I was looking for a Gun partner and hunting pal when I settled down and got married. I go to gun shows and Chuckle to myself when I see some Poor brow beat Guy's being followed by one of these control Freak types that flies off the Handle at him if he picks anything up off a vendors table to look , or tells him "You Don't Need that". I hear this and think to myself, he needs to respond with Well, I don't need you either, but I Guess am stuck with you...;) Most of The Chin Music I hear from guys running their Pie Hole knocking this caliber comes from those that either do not have a gun chambered in it, or has a wife that will not let them spend the money to get one, as they will settle for a well worn out example of a revolver of common Vanilla caliber that come's dirt cheap, so long as the Old Lady Nagging them approves of their sub standard Purchase. ;)

Back to the Caliber here... In awaiting S&W to come out with this round in a medium K-Frame Target sightede revolver, I became anxious, then eventualy Furious to see it not happen. Being that I only have S&W's I feared it to not ever happen. I had heard that Hamilton Bowen of Friendsville, Tennessee was making guns in this caliber, along with Converting ones that were in the .32 H&R Magnum round. I decided to get some more information on it, and since his shop is less than 30 Minutes from my house, I drove down there taking with me my Beloved S&W Model 16-4 that was chambered in .32 H&R Magnum. I knew Hamilton from the past so we skipped the meet & greet when I got there. I puled out my S&W and asked him what was involved to convert it ? He said he only had to lengthen the cylinder throats in my existing cylinder, The he would match the throats polish the internal cylinder and test fire it. My next question was how much and how long does this take ? He said since I was hand delivering and picking up my gun that the total cost of his conversion was $95.00. The wait would be a couple of weeks as he was busy, but that worked with me so I left it with him for his conversion.

Two weeks later he called and said he had my gun ready for delivery. I told him when we were on the phone, that factory Loaded ammo was no existent at that time. I then asked him if he had any once fired cases to sell ? He told me he could spare 100 of them, and that worked for me so I said I would be there in 30 minutes to pick the gun and cases up. I paid him and headed right back to the house, and into my Reloading room. I had chosen some Sierra 90 Grain Sport's Master hollow point bullets for loading purposes. I resized, deprimed and placed the brass I had gotten from him in my Tumbler. I headed into the house and printed the reloading information I had found in an old Shooting Times article, the link for that article is at the bottom of this message. I settled on using Accurate Arms # 7 Powder dispensed at 10.2 Grains per their suggestion along with a CCI Small magnum pistol primer and medium crimp. I took 50 rounds of it to the range and set up my Chrono meter to see the velocity. It clocked 1420 out of my 6" Barrel Fifteen feet in front of the Muzzle.

The spent shells extracted fine, and the primers showed to have mild flattening. I headed back home to load up a Little hotter as I saw this powder and bullet was showing much accuracy and promise. I increased the Powder some, You do that at your own risk and returned to the range later that day. This increased load showed to have a velocity of 1560 FPS and actually shot tighter groups than the previous one. I then tried some more I Loaded even a little hotter and that load showed me a velocity of 1610 Out of my 6" Barrel. Primers now looked flat, but extraction was fine and the group left behind one ragged hole half the size of a dime at the 20 Yard line. I decided to make this load my hunting round and loaded 50 More for Deer season. Our Deer season opened one week later and I took the S&W afield with me along with my Rifle.

I was hunting a buddies land and he cautioned me of a Large Bobcat the week before the season opened when I drove down to walk around and check for Deer sign. He said that this Cat was acting weird as it had been in his Back yard twice within the last month both time in daylight hours and the last time it was there tried to attack one of his house cats. he feared it would bother or harm his wife who works in her flower beds in the yard, so he asked me to eliminate it should I see it, and I obliged his request. On the Opening day of Deer season I entered the woods in the early morning darkness dressed in Camouflage. I walked to my Tree where I always sit and sat down awaiting the lightness. It grew light and I did not see one deer, and grew concerned about this by 7:30 AM as previous years I had always seen a dozen or so by that time. It occurred to me that the Bobcat he spoke of had to be in the woods so I started looked closely for any movement.

About Quarter to Eight I spotted some body movement above me on the upper woods line about 100 Yards off. This woods line bordered a Soy bean field that had been harvested and was bare but there was heavy brush on the field-Woods line area. I watched intently until the large animal I saw movement from got closer. It was out about 50 Yard when it stepped out in a clearing and I could see it was the large Bobcat he had mentioned to me. I watched it move very slowly until it got about 35 Yard from me heading right at me, where I drew down on it with my S&W and fired a round. It heard me cock my action and looked straight at me and snarled, and at that moment I fired and it toppled over, Kicked a few times and laid on it's side dead. I called my son in law who was hunting that day with me, about 200 Yard's south of my spot on my cell phone and told him to get up here. He was in total awe at the size of this cat and the fact that I had piled it up with a handgun at 35 Yards using ammo I had hand loaded. We dragged it out after dressing it and later took it to be mounted. My Taxidermist told me he had to use Two Body mounts to get it all mounted on due to it's larger size.

He said it was the largest wild cat he had ever seen or mounted in his 25 Years of mounting animals. It weighted 41 Pounds dressed out and measured a true 41-1/2" In length. He fletched the hide and carcass and estiamted it's paw weight in excess of 50 #. It is currently one of the largest Bobcats to be taken in the state of Tennessee according to The Tennessee Fish & Wildlife resource agency. And so it goes, the Federal .327 Magnum more than did it's job and I have this cat looking down upon me as I type from my Computer daily. If you have no fondness for the supreme accuracy of the .32 Round, nor the urge to load your Own ammo for it, Then it more than likely will not be for you. I like it, Just like all of my .32 Caliber hand guns and will continue to load and hunt for it to shoot Targets and Take Game with... Hammer It




Awww, come on Hammer It, where a picture of the now finally mounted Bobcat?! If you've ever posted the final results, I've yet to see that picture, though I've read of your exploits of it many times.

I also saw where you had contacted Roy Huntington of American Handgunner -- did he ever get around to recognizing your triumph with the .327 Federal Mag anywhere in his magazine?
After reading this thread - when my wife and I went out this weekend for dinner, I decided to put my 632 on my belt, loaded with 327s and to be tactical, put my 432 in my pocket. Put two speed loads of 32 HR mag in my sport jacket pockets.

Felt prepared for most. Biggest challenge was the fancy dinner bill. :D
Awww, come on Hammer It, where a picture of the now finally mounted Bobcat?! If you've ever posted the final results, I've yet to see that picture, though I've read of your exploits of it many times.

I also saw where you had contacted Roy Huntington of American Handgunner -- did he ever get around to recognizing your triumph with the .327 Federal Mag anywhere in his magazine?

Hello Sevens & Glenn
I did get word back from Roy Hunington. His comment was rather unique neat story about the harvest of a lareg Bobcat with a Bowen Modified revolver chamberted in Federal .327 Magnum caliber, but his room for such a story or the reader's interest may not br peaked in it. The following month I saw his Feature story was on some Grandma that was a security guard at a local Bank that packed with her a Colt 1911. :rolleyes: That was the last "American Handgunner Ragazine" I Purchased or read any of his articles after that...;) Glenn, I still pack my S&W Model 431 daily in my Travels loaded with hand loads for the .32 H&R Magnum caliber. It is a comfortable carry being an Air-Weight weighing just Twelve Ounces Empty and like all .32's is deadly accurate. Hammer It



Hey! Move the trophy just a bit and it'll make that minivan in the driveway look like a Jaguar! :eek: :D

Very cool trophy.
Hey! Move the trophy just a bit and it'll make that minivan in the driveway look like a Jaguar!

Very cool trophy.

Hello Sevens
I appreciate the Kind words. ;) The Mount is held in Place with Two 3/8" cold roll steel rods that run all the way down the cat's back Leg's where his Femur bones used to be to the base of the Mount. It can be raised or lowered with these Rod's as they are threaded. I plan on adding a Large Fox squirrel to his Paw's once I find the donor this fall to Harvest it will make the mount complete. Our Fox squirrel's range in weight from 4-9 Pounds and the larger ones are the size of a small house cat. They are tough to kill due to their size, and will indeed attack the hunter if provoked coming down the tree to bit you ! I recently purchased a Nice Vintage Remington Target Master Model 510-X rifle that has a Vintage Redfield Cub 4-X scope mounted on it to perform the task of taking a Large Fox squirrel this fall... I will Post Pictures of my Cat with the Fox squirrel mounted between it's paws when I have completed the mount... Hammer It
Hammer - I agree. I find the 432 a very easy pocket carry gun. Light weight - 6 rounds.

I got it when SW were discontinuing them for $330 ish at the gun show. Should have bought two of them.

With floppy cargo pants or shorts, it's just right for TX heat.
Glenn E. Meyer wrote:
Hammer - I agree. I find the 432 a very easy pocket carry gun. Light weight - 6 rounds. I got it when SW were discontinuing them for $330 ish at the gun show. Should have bought two of them.With floppy cargo pants or shorts, it's just right for TX heat.

+1 Love my Airweight .32 H&R. Stoked with 100 gr Georgia Arms JHPs, it's a potent little bugger for pocket or hip carry.

I notice this thread now moving toward eight pages that there's absolutely no interest, pro or con, in the .327 or it's .32 brethren :)
Today I started the begging and pleading with colt for a .32 caliber cylinder.

4 inch birdshead 32-20 with an auxiliary .327 Fed cylinder. I am starting to quiver

WildohepmedeahlawdAlaska ™©2002-2011
Hammer - I agree. I find the 432 a very easy pocket carry gun. Light weight - 6 rounds.

I got it when SW were discontinuing them for $330 ish at the gun show. Should have bought two of them.

With floppy cargo pants or shorts, it's just right for TX heat

Hello Glenn
I have the Model 431. Same gun as yours as far as Being an Air-Weight but mine has an exposed hammer. I got it new in Box and traded a Vintage K-38 for it about Three years ago and never looked back. I replaced the Ugly Rubber Good-Year stocks it had with some smooth Magna's I had laying around. Here it is , Long Live the .32's....;) Hammer It....

Since this seems to be the most current and most active ".327 Federal Love" thread, here's a handgun that I didn't actually know existed:

USFA Sparrowhawk, .327 Federal Mag.

It's a single action hogleg with a 7.5" barrel and an 8-shot unfluted cylinder.
It's not cheap, with an MSRP of $1,495.

Not a bad little addition to the small collection of .327 Federal Mag hardware.