2012 Whitetail Harvest Thread

Holy smokes, the antler point counter skyrocketed on this page. :eek: That bow kill buck had some really impressive looking antlers IMO. Big and heavy without that all over the place look that sort of takes away from the appeal to me.

Oh, and that's definitely a nice backyard find for your SIL warbirdlover. We've got a pretty nice 8 pointer who comes out to eat the acorns in our back yard like clock-work but I just don't have the desire to kill him, too much fun watching him. :)
There's another 8 point buck (with an arrow in him) coming to my SIL's house. He's doing real well with that arrow so I just didn't want to shoot him. SIL can next year if he makes it.

I pay my lease money so I'll hunt that land, good or bad.
How the hexk could a deer be doing real food if its walking around with an arrow in it. You guys should have killed that one, I would have relished the idea of taking a suffering animal out quickly and humanly. Shame on you wadbird.
How the heck could a deer be doing real good if its walking around with an arrow in it. You guys should have killed that one, I would have relished the idea of taking a suffering animal out quickly and humanly. Shame on you wadbird.
I killed this doe in Maryland last month.


I've seen numerous bucks taken during gun season with an arrow in them (not visible from outside) from the year before. Also know many rifle hunters that got cut up from gutting their buck and hitting an arrow in them. Their bodies grow like a grissle around the arrow and they heal. I will shoot a deer if someone has blown a leg off or similar. This buck wasn't doing good a week before (per the SIL) but is acting normal as could be now. He should survive. Probably will break or chew the arrow off sometime.

I see so many bowhunters that can't hit the side of the barn on tv. If you look close the arrows aren't hardly penetrating, they're hitting them in the guts etc. and then someone off camera finishes them off for them. I can only imagine the number of similar or worse bowhunters out in the woods. I'm sure that statement can also be made about rifle hunters also but arrows (IMHO) are less humane.
Our rifle season has ended and I did not fill my doe tag.
Bought a couple of Savage 99s to hunt with this year. It felt good strolling through the woods still hunting, packing a Savage 99 with iron sights.
Brought back memories of past hunts when I was a younger man.

We have an alternate season that runs from Dec15 to Dec 25.
I don't have a muzzle loader, but this year they made it legal to hunt with a centerfire handgun during the alternate season.
So I guess I'll grab the 44mag out of the gun safe, blow the dust off it and go out and see if I can fill my doe tag.

I might also decide to use a 1911 in 45acp caliber, it would not be the first time I killed a deer with a 1911 45.

I hope the weather during alternate season is colder then it was during rifle season, it's hard for me to get enthused about deer hunting when it 70 plus degrees outside.

There's sure some great bucks pictured in this thread, congarts to all the shooters that filled their tags.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
We had one day here last week in central Wisconsin 65º F in December! Then another day was 10º F. No snow for several years during gun season. Must be global warming.
^^ Same here.

The weather in our week long gun season was just crazy. First two mornings, woke up to 20 and 17 degrees with highs of mid 20's. Last part of the week woke up to 45-50 degree's with high's in the mid 60's. :rolleyes:

Gutted two doe Sat. morning about 11 am, sweating in T-shirt and hunter orange vest. It was 67 deg.
Congrats all

Son and I can relate to 12gauges' experience first time in my 30 years I had to come back the next morn for one. Son and I got upstateNY Saturday and unfortunately found a 4ptr roadkill in our field, least we think it was, no bullet holes in the front half and coyotes already got the back end.
Up the hill and spotted some does no chance for a shot. Hunted all day Sunday
not even a squirrel - too war mhere nothing was moving. Out again Monday and
hiked to the back side of the hill where my got his last doe 2 years ago,
perfect spot but with all the blowdowns from Hurricane Sandy it was gonna be a tough drag if we got one. Well just before dark I hear him shoot and when I get over there no deer in sight and he's looking for blood. Finally find sign and track it 100yds down the far side of the hill with one sick flashlight (so much for being prepared:(
After hearing her crash around in the thick brush and light fading we decided to
come back in the AM and hopefully find her bled out. So after another 100 yd
tracking job we thankfully found her. He'd hit her a little low and back prob
just nicked one lung and the liver. With the heat she was already bloating so
dressing was an adventure (argh)
Well at least we got venison in the freezer now.
Congrats again all and best of luck to you all in your future hunting endeavors.
and a Merry Christmas too
I've seen numerous bucks taken during gun season with an arrow in them (not visible from outside) from the year before.

In 2000, my deer had a triangular scar on one side of his chest and a large keloid (mass of scar tissue) hanging off the other side .... the arrow evidently passed through and the holes healed over......

...this poor buck had pretty hard luck in the year before I shot him: he also was evidently hit by a car in late summer/early fall, as the left side of his antlers were damaged while still in velvet ( all points broken off the main beam and healed over) and the front left leg and shoulder were severely bruised (green and purple).....
I killed two nice deer this season . A six pointer and a nice nine pointer that I called Bullwinkle.The daughter and I are going to see if we cant get her a nice buck inthe morning..........LOUD


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Had some good luck today. A wet cold front is moving in and I thought it would be a good time to get my climber stand out of the woods, so I went there at about 2:15 and figured I'd sit for the afternoon. I hadn't been in the tree more than 30 minutes when I heard something coming, and out walks this doe. Stood perfectly broadside at about 40 yards or so, and BLAM goes the 535. Perfect bang-flop. No jumping, no kicking, no flailing on the ground.......bang, flop, death wheeze. :)

I love those Winchester Platinum-Tip slugs, and they're the most accurate slugs I've tried in my 535. On the far side of where the deer was standing, there was about a 10-12 foot long splash of blood and hair from the slug making its' exit. Every deer I've shot with them have bang-flopped. This one fills up the last little bit of room I had in the freezer, so I'm done for this season. Been a good one, time to kick back with a cold one and wait for the end of the world, or whatever is supposed to happen. :D


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