2012 Whitetail Harvest Thread


New member
Well I haven't seen a whitetail picture thread this season yet, so let's get one started! There was a pretty good one last season:

So post up a picture of your successful hunt and share a story if there's one to tell ;) Bucks, does, the occasional 'squatch that was in the wrong place at the wrong time, it doesn't matter...........ok maybe we'll stick to just the bucks and does. :)

I got this 6 pointer at the end of archery season, not a real big one but not a runt either, put some good meat in the freezer. He hung around and walked all over the place before finally coming in range, ran about 40-50 yards after the shot.


I had been seeing a nice wide racked 8 point for several days, but the only day he was within range was on the first afternoon I was out there, and I never go for the first one I see each season, so..........:p at me.


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That's a nice 10 pointer Salty! This one isn't mine, but from one of our group. Nice heavy 9 pointer, shot on opening day of muzzle season. Was a beast to drag out of the heavy stuff he decided to run in to.



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Here is an 8 and a 6, A friend and myself shot opening morning. One of the few remaining 8 pointers on our place. 90% of the bucks are large 6 points and 10-12 point deer.
Some nice deer already. Gun season in Wisconsin starts a week from this Saturday so I'm hyped. The bow hunters on the leased land we hunt have seen 10 absolute wall hangers in the food plot near my box blind. And I was driving down a country road a couple days ago and had the biggest monster buck (young deer maybe 3 years old) I've seen in years cross in front of me. They're in full rut now. This sucker had super tall tines (12 pointer?) and was really wide and heavy tines. Perfect rack. I'd guess a 160 or maybe even 170 class deer.
story.........no pics

I took a doe on the PM of day two, AL archery. And I've missed another.

I was walking out on the AM of day one, paralleling an old barbed wire fence.
Hot, disapppointed, I'd not seen anything, was clumsy and noisy in the woods, struggled to climb the ttree.... I'd been waiting months to hunt and did not pull of the first AM well at all.

Noticed that the fence wire was wiggling. Stopped and looked....when I did some deer broke in the heavy cover adjacent. Well, what we have here folks is obviously a fence crossing. Duh. The deer had just juumped the fence on their way back into bedding cover.

The spot has an open hardwood finger adjacent a very dense pine plantation. The fence separates the two. I picked a tree for a southwind PM hunt and moved on. The next afternoon the wind swung around out of the south.

I was in that tree in good time. Right at dark, a lone doe tiptoed through the thick stuff, and hopped the fence in the exact spot from the AM before. Came in very close. I whistled her to a stop and shot at 8 paces. Deer went about 45 yds and I heard her crash.

Came back home and got bamaboy and a teenage buddy, and the Lab, who I'm trying to train to blood trail. 'Cept, there wasn't hardly any blood to this trail. But I'd heard her go down, and she was right there as expected. At least the dog got on a carcass, his first.

Hand the boys the rope, ........truck's that way fella's.
I'd mess my britches if something like that stepped out of one of our swamps, but only after I had shot it.


And wouldn't care what the grown-ups at camp thought either.
Well I feel ripped off, I can't load the link. Oh well.

Caught a very quick glimpse of a big buck this morning, and watched a little spike splash around in some water lol. It was below freezing when I got out there and by mid-day I was battling with mosquitoes........figures.

Had to move out for a bathroom break and stumbled upon the biggest dang rub line I've ever seen. Whoever made it has rubbed up about every 5th or 6th tree in an area roughly 40 yards around, some of them don't look more thtan a day or two old........gonna have to keep an eye out there. In the afternoon saw a little doe chow down on some acorns. Nothing brought home but memories, and a good day was spent in the woods.
One doesn't get too many chances at a monster like that and i have seen a couple. The biggest i have ever seen came out to my late BIL's older brother who had just that year finished his career in the Military. That Monster came right out to him while we were making a drive and he unloaded his rifle into the air. He was so distraught about the "Buck Fever" that he never hunted with us again. I can picture that buck lopping across a bog meadow over a thousand yards away and the rack was still the stand out feature on that Deer!
As for this 12 year old, Well what is he going to do for an on-chore? ;)
The only deer I saw was a button buck that ran in and out of a little thicket about the size of two semi tractors parked side by side, that set above a little pond. I told my two sons that he was still there before we left for home I'd take him for breakfast sausage. Well he came out of that thicket with about an hour of shooting light left, so at 75 yds I took the shot with my rifle setting on my "trigger sticks" I put the crosshair right on his neck, and fired, he colapsed and that was it BINGO SAUSAGE TIME!!!!!!:)
Today it is rainy and colder, so wer'e not in the woods, but after this front wer'e back after more meat.
My boys are like "dad you always get the first deer",...my daddy didn't raise no fool.;)
My son and I in north Texas last week. Barely got it done on our last morning there before heading home.


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My Grandson and his Uncle


Logan is 12 and this is his 3rd deer in 4 years.
I was wrong, it is his second deer. He missed his chance last year because of what he was doing when the deer stepped out. :)
He gets some color on his hands but it turns out to be Dads job for the next couple years it looks like.

The 10 point is Logan's Uncle.

This looks like a HUGE deer, it was weighed and was only 175lbs and the taxidermist said 3 1/2 age.
I told him this morning, its only a couple years out of Spots! :)
But it sure is a nice looking Deer!
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^^^ What he said, that's a big ol' deer!

Well not much hunting today, too dang hot. We've had about a 30-35 degree daytime temperature swing over the past several days and the deer are staying locked down. Since I was bored earlier I decided to do an antler mount from a deer I found in the woods several years ago.


Not very good, but acceptable for my first attempt. These are from a deer that got hit on the road beside our property and stumbled off in to the woods to expire. I try to spend a lot of time patrolling that stretch of woods once the hunt clubs start running their dogs in general firearms season, I've found and finished off several deer that way over the years.


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