2011 Whitetail Harvest Thread...

Rembrant that is a nice whitetail. I could never imagine killing one that heavy and dragging it out where I hunt at. We just don't have deer that big in my neck of the woods.
Rembrant that is a nice whitetail. I could never imagine killing one that heavy and dragging it out where I hunt at. We just don't have deer that big in my neck of the woods.
Indeed a whopper, if I had to tackle dragging a deer out that size with just my muscles, I'd need a chainsaw to quarter it first, haha. Nice buck, Rembrant!

Buddy's Deer that I did a Euro mount for him. Busted a few bones on the nose.
Taken Wednesday, Nov 23 2011 w/ Rem 700 SPS-V in .308

Taken Friday, Nov 25 2011 w/ Rem 700 SPS-V in .308

That is a super trophy buck! I love the huge bodied bucks and that rack is surely nice also. Congrats!! I had to save your pics for my "big deer" file on my computer. Only the best go in there!

And nice deer by the others in here. I'm gonna hunt one more year on my lease in my new blind with the wolves and the cougars and if as bad as the last couple years look around to maybe buying my only little slice of Heaven.
Got my first buck on the week before Christmas. I had been trying for over 2 years. I had a terrible case of buck fever that helped me to miss two previous shots during the past seasons. This guy wandered out onto a senderro about 170 yards from my blind, immediately my heart started pounding and i got all shakey. I lined up on him tried my best to follow the fundementals and pulled the trigger. My handloaded 30-06 round with a 165 gr. sierra boat tail hollowpoint and 52.5 grains of IMR 4350 headed straight for him.

I am somewhat inexperienced with hunting so I couldn't tell if I had hit him or not I thought I did, but then again I had missed twice before already. He bolted as soon as i shot I inspected the site where i shot him and no blood, i was already feeling terrible. I followed his tracks into the brush for about 50 yards with no luck. I called out to my girlfriend that i had missed again, on my way back to the road i took a left turn by chance and came around a line of brush. And lo and behold there was my buck a 10 pointer.

After dressing him I made an interesting discovery, this buck was very old at least 8 years he had pretty much no teeth left. 2 years ago I shot at and missed a large 10 pointer very nice rack he was in his prime. I think that the deer I killed could very well be the same buck just older and past his prime, also the drought we had this year couldn't of helped.


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Took the button buck with my bow. After about a month of hunting he was the first thing that got within range. Kind of sucked, I had seen some real monsters for my area but they were staying out of range or moving after dark.
I thought he was a doe, there were 2 that came out together. I hit him broadside from 25 yards and spined him. It pinned him to the ground and he was thrashing around a little bit so I shot him a 2nd time through the lungs. Thats the lower wound. Used a Bear TRX300 bow and 100 grain muzzys on easton raider arrows.

The 2nd one actually is a doe, I took her yesterday on the opening day of muzzle loader season from the same stand as the button buck. Used a Lyman great plains rifle I built from a kit. Its a .54 caplock, slow twist. Load was a .530 hornady ball in .015 patch over 90 grains of pyrodex select. She ran about 20 yards and flopped over.


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This is the last.....no more hunting till next Fall. Started trophy hunting early on and finished by filling tags for meat, 5 more doe's in the freezer.

Ohio has a nice bow season. Runs from Sept 24th to Feb 5th this year. Unfortunately we get the short end of the stick on the rest of the seasons. Guns are shotgun/pistol only and went from Nov 28th to dec4th and then dec 17th and 18th. Muzzle loader runs from jan 7th to 10th.

I've only been at it seriously for a couple years but my experience is that the rut is really strong and the deer are really dumb in early to mid november, thats when I saw all the big bucks out. By the time gun season finally hits they are more wary and the hunting pressure is so high for that week that they hardly move. When muzzle loader season comes around they are banded together and moving mostly at night. I think ohio would have a much better harvest if they made gun season run at least 2 weeks and start in mid november. The length of bow season is great but I hunt a small tract of mainly open ground so its hard to get a shot and there is a high likleyhood of them crossing property lines. I guess I filled 2 tags though so I can't complain too much.

It almost seems as if they don't want you to have much of a chance during the rut. Where I hunt bow season starts in early SEPT. Muzzleloader starts about the last week of October and goes for two weeks. Rifle opens up immediately after that and runs until JAN.1 It is usually around the first week or so in November that the rut kicks in.
One that Got Away..................

Well it sure looks like you suprised the hell out of him. Get him next year.

Ended the season with 9. A nice 8, a really aweful looking 4 that had evidently been hit by a car, and 7 sookies. Freezer's full and plenty of meat given to people that need it.
I ended the regular season with two does and two small bucks - a 5 pointer that I thought was an 8 (4 and 1 - weird rack) and a 3 pointer that I thought was a doe. I also saw the largest deer I've ever seen in Virginia multiple times. I've kept both does, donated the bucks to Hunters for the Hungry.

I actually saw him staring at me with the glow of the rising sun behind him as I walked out of my car on the opening morning of Muzzleloader season. Didn't see him again till the Friday before Christmas when he walked out with 8 minutes of shooting light and proceeded to hang out in front of a John Deer Combine.

Saw him just at last night the last two days as well, but both times he snuck in behind the farmers cattle. Interestingly, he never showed up on any of my game cams.

Antlerless season goes on another 10 weeks in Northern Virginia though. Plan on taking at least 8 more does (I'll keep one and donated the rest to Hunters for Hungry)
The rest of my season..........

I only posted the 9 point I shot on opening day of gun season, but thought I'd share the other 4 (not nearly as big..........:o)

Shot this cowhorn opening day of muzzleloader season at about 25 yds. CVA Optima with a 245 Gr. Powerbelt over 100 gr. of 777 pellets. Wasn't happy with the bullet (didn't exit) so I'll be changing bullets for next year. I had been using SST's but couldn't find any locally this year. Will order them if I have to........


Run, run, bang, flop. Shot this one at a full run across a field. 75 yard shot at the base of the neck. She rolled in her tracks, but she was small...........
Ruger M77MKII "boat paddle" .308 Win.


Bang, head shot..........Shot this one in the back of the head at 30 yds with another Ruger M77MKII "boat paddle" in .30-06. DRT.


And last but not least, this one with the shotgun. December 30th. Almost the end of our season. 12 ga. 3" Winchester 00 buckshot at 10 feet. Yes feet. Shot her off a man drive and I think I could have claimed self defense.


Note the size of the pattern............(if you can call one big hole a pattern).


My son pulled the shot cup out of the wound..........