2011 Whitetail Harvest Thread...

3rd and best deer yet.

This year I drew a tag that allowed me to hunt all 3 of washington's seasons, archery, muzzleloader, and modern firearm.
I decided I was going to make it worth the draw of the tag and so I buckled down. I started scouting my area in March and hit it hard at least 3 days a week. No matter the close calls in early seasons, I didnt worry too much, I wanted to hunt the rut. The best season for the rut in my area is late modern firearm season, a 4 day season (this year Nov 17-20). I recently read a book written by Scott Haugen about hunting trophy blacktails and was eager to employ what I learned about hunting the rut and rattling for bucks. Something that is more associated with whitetail hunting.
The spot I had a good feeling about was back in some big timber, where it borders young jack firs. On the other side of the jack firs about 100 yards is a set of powerlines that is an active feeding area.
Before I headed there this morning I worked the outside edge of the jack firs, and saw a buck (didnt see the size so I didnt shoot) about 200 yards away another hunter missed a 4X4. The recent cold nasty weather had the bucks rutting hard. Then as it began to rain I headed to my spot in the timber. Sat up on a big old stump that makes for a mini-tree stand. I rattled on and off for about 10 min. I looked behind me and saw a doe 20 yards away, moving by at a slow trot. A gorgeous 3X3 with eyeguards came in with his nose to her rear. I couldnt stop him so I shot on the trot. Couldnt of done better, heartshot.
My first truly good buck, my first time really scouting and working for an animal, and my first deer using any kind of calling.
Still feeling the adrenaline from this morning and that was over 12 hours ago haha.
The pictures are in my thread "Hunting the Rut brag board" It wouldnt let me upload them both here and there.
Lyme disease


Sea Buck is correct. My brother is suffering severe Lyme disease with kidney and liver damage plus one year in a nursing home. Best cure is quick diagnosis and treatment.
Georgia on my mind.

November 17 at 345PM. In the stand for only 45 minutes and this guy hopped out of a thicket to check on a food plot. Good lung shot at 80 yards and he managed about 100 yard before crashing behind me. Best for me for sure!
Rainy day in Kentucky. This one qualifies as epic here on my parents' farm.

Congratulations to all of you successful hunters!

So far (since Nov. 15th) I have only seen doe's, six to be exact.

I have shot at two of them but missed, so much for shooting through the screen windows of my "Ameristep" tent blind. I have let the screens down for this last week of hunting.
Beautiful trophies so far. Congrats to all.

If I'd take the time to learn how to post pics. I would post mine.

But you guys would laugh cause it would be a pics. of empty pockets.:o

Have passed several descent shooters waiting on a monster I've seen twice. He's still lurking around here as his tracks are not hard to spot.

Ohio's shotgun season opens next Monday(always 1st Mon. after Thanksgiving) and I suppose if he makes it passed the first 4-5 hrs of season, he'll go back to his nocturnal habits. Staying buried during the day in his favorite hiding spot thats got him as old/big as he is.

Have not given up on him by far for this year. I'll not use my 'either sex' tag for any other buck. If I don't get him, I'll shoot a doe instead.

Just hope if I don't get him, he hangs out around here till next year and gives me the enjoyment of hunting or at least seeing him again next year.
Lots of nice bucks in here! Thought I would add mine to the mix.

I got him this morning about 10am. Buddy took the first shot which we thought was high. Turns out he hit the left antler right above the eye guard! Unfortunately as we were draggin the sucker out it broke off :( but when he gets mounted it will get glued back on! I took the second shot, hit him a little further back than I would have liked, but he only got about 50 yards then dropped. Only my second buck ever!

Edit: Shot was about 150 yards, shot with the trusty ole 30-06 :D


Congrats to all you guys!!!!!:)

I'll post a pic of mine ........ if I ever see one this year:mad::mad:

Mo conservation put my hunting spot in an "urban zone" 3 years ago and the doe slaughter began and continued. Well, I hope the deer/car collisions are down because the total deer population is way down:mad:
Here's a nice one.... I got him saturday morn, about 7:15 or so, with my Savage 110, .270 Win. The cartridge is a "handloaded" 130 gr Accubond, setting on 53 grns of H4350, it did a perfect job, only went thirty feet or so and fell. My first Ten-point!:) Oh and by the way, Public Land!!!;)
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My 7yo with a button buck he took this evening with his 7mm-08.

One shot quartering away with Remington managed recoil 140g loads.

Sorry for the super crappy android phone pic.

I got the Ten Point last Weekend on some of our family's Land and the Doe this morning on the Moore Plantation Wildlife Managment unit with an antlerless deer permit from this years drawing.
This Season started out slow, but turned out nice.:)
I got my first deer ever yesterday morning. A button buck with my .308 at 75 yards. My buddy got another in the afternoon when we went back out. Lots of meat in the freezer now!

Congrats to everyone.
Congratulations Vorteyz

Glad you got one, same for your buddy.
I just picked up some the meat from mine, it was transformed into wonderfull Smoked Sausage, If you were closer I would give you a pack.:)