2011 Whitetail Harvest Thread...

This guy ran 12 deer out of my field Sunday morning. He won't be doing that again. My son shot him with his new Howa in 25-06 running straight at him at about 50 yards.

Oh well I will be back out there this weekend looking for the big 10 pointer we have been seeing on camera.


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One for my freezer!

Here in Maine the season opened Oct 29 for residents and Oct 31 for general hunting. No one that I know has a "anterless" permit. So it's been Bucks only and the harvest is down,but along the expected lines that the DIFW want,so as to increase the numbers. I tagged out yesterday with a 140 lb 4 point. Took him with my .243 and the caliber didn't make a difference to him as he was DRT and collapsed like a deflted ballon. 50 yard shot.Put the crosshairs between the shoulders with his head down browsing.That was the easy part.Thank God for ATV's or I'd be still draging him out.:)
took this cull 8 point this morning, 166 yards. The old 257. Weatherby did the job. He didnt run an inch.


Yes there's some nice bucks posted here and congradulations to everyone that got a deer.

Like last year I've decided not to go deer hunting this year.
However in the last two days I've seen two big bucks, it almost made me change my mind and go buy a tag.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter
Had a pretty good opening day.......

.......even though it got off to a rocky start. Got up late, went to pick up my father in law and head for Mickey D's for breakfast before hitting the field. As we're leaving his house I realize that I've left my wallet (and driver's license, and hunting license, and concealed carry permit, and money, and.....) at home.

Back to my place to grab the wallet and away we go. We stop for breakfast and get to the field late......it was already daylight. I get my father in law situated at his stand (he's 67 and recovering from a broken arm 6 weeks ago) and head to mine. I'm in the stand less than 15 mins when he radios me to tell me that his gun is jammed up tight. Marlin 336 and he rimlocked the shell on the elevator and can't get the lever to move. I get back out of my stand and walk 1/4 mile or so back to his. I stopped by my truck on the way and grabbed my Ruger M77 .308 (I was hunting with the Rossi 92). Traded my gun out for his so that he could still hunt. Dropped his Marlin off in the truck on the way back to my stand. It's officially about 7:30 or 8 AM by this point, but I sat it out until almost 10. Didn't see anything.......

Got down, got his gun fixed. Combination of very little lubricant (gun was dry) and his bum wing soft shucking the lever created the problem. Took the mag tube apart to get the stuck round out and got it put back together.

So, long story short (too late) the morning kinda sucked...........

After lunch I headed to a different stand. One I haven't hunted since opening day of bow season. I think my friend and fellow TFL member Crazy Carl hunted it one day in muzzleloader, but it's been basically untouched this year. It sits along a creek bottom right off a pond dam. There's an old turn of the 20th century home place just behind and to the left of it and a 4-5 year old strip of clear cut right behind it. Deer love to walk the border of the woods around the old home place, the creek bottom, and the clear cut thicket.

So I'd been in the stand about an hour when I look up and see horns moving through the woods around the old home place. Lo and behold the horns were attached to a deer! He walked out at about 50-60 yards from me and stood there sniffing the ground. I raised the Rossi 92 .45 Colt and squeezed the trigger. Shot right over his back...............:eek:.

Apparently I was suffering from buck fever. He snapped his head up to attention looking for the source of the loud noise, but kept his feet planted right where they were. I'm glad that Rossi has a short lever throw because I shucked another round in right quick-like and dropped the second shot right where it needed to be. He was quartering away and the bullet entered right about the third rib on the left side and smashed through his vital area, exiting just in front of his right shoulder. He nearly jumped out of his skin and ran in a circle back the way he came, just as he got out of sight I heard a big CRASH in the woods :D. ..........I love that sound..........

Got down out of the stand and walked to where he was standing when I shot. No blood right at the spot he was standing but two paces away it looked like someone took a 5 gallon bucket full and just paved the ground with it. At the end of a ~30 yd blood trail Ray Charles coulda followed, I found this guy:


The 260 gr. hardcast WFN .454 bullet over a healthy charge of Hodgdon Lil' Gun did it's job. His vital organs were liquefied..............
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Well I cant complain just about got the freezer filled with 6 does,Been workin on loads for a 25-06.Aint used it in a while.Going to swap to BUCKS for the rest of the season,Its time for the RUT here with a little luck I hope to take a couple more.Good luck YA'LL.:D
I've seen several does, but only one buck that jumped without opportunity for a shot. This is the first year in many that I haven't had an any-deer permit. That makes it a bit tougher, even to get a buck, because antlers must be seen before shooting.

I've hunted almost every day this month, but wind, rain, higher temps, bright moonlit nights, three grandkids hunting with me at various times, plus being a somewhat lazy-er hunter than in the past have diminished my chances. Bucks have been mostly nocturnal so far, but the rut is starting, so we'll see.

To make matters worse, I found a round rash on my upper leg today...could be Lyme disease.
rantingredneck, good write-up; thanks! I enjoy reading the stories as much as seeing the pictures. The stuff about your FIL adds good color, too. Congratulations on a successful hunt!
My First Deer EVER!! (Woot!)

Congratulations, sure is a nice looking buck. Season opens here on Saturday, got my rifle sighted in but still have to sight in the muzzleloader, then I'll be ready.

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Just got back from Texas where my son took his first whitetail ever. We wanted to wait for bigger ones but a family emergency caused us to shoot the first ones we saw and head for home. We have had a great year with all animals though. Decent muley I took at home the week before.


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rantingredneck, good write-up; thanks! I enjoy reading the stories as much as seeing the pictures. The stuff about your FIL adds good color, too. Congratulations on a successful hunt!

Thanks Legionnaire. My FIL has been my hunting companion for the past 15+ years. In the last few seasons we've had some health setbacks right when the season started that we had to struggle through but we made it. 5 years ago he had a quadruple bypass at Thanksgiving and I had him back out in the woods before Christmas. Four years ago I had a treestand accident the 2nd weekend of bow season, broke my back, he had me back out 6 weeks later. This year he broke his arm 4 days after bow season started and I got him back out there by muzzleloader. I hope next year isn't my turn again.........:eek:
Picher: Re:Lyme disease. You need to see your Doc and (1) get on an anti-biotic ,(2) Get the blood test for Lyme. After several tick bites last year I had the blood work done: negative thank God. I picked up a tick that was embedded on my neck on the second day of the season this year. I took the antibiotic,and the spot still itches. I'm going back for the blood test this week. I tagged out on the 9th. The only one at the camp thus far to get a buck. Talked to a warden last weekand ,the expected deer kill is about 17,000.
Some real nice deer fellows. Congrats to all.

Here is my 8 pointer taken an hour into opening day in Kentucky. This guy came in behind me, silent as a ghost and busted me when I adjusted position on the rock I was sitting on. He spooked and walked back into the brush but came back out on the other side of ravine. When he came out of the brush, he was staring at my location trying to figure out what I was. After looking at me for a few minutes, he walked behind a cedar tree allowing me to raise my gun on him. After he emerged from the other side, I took a shot at 75 yards broadside. At the sound of the gun, he took off down hill and didn't appear to be hit at all.

After 10 minutes, I walked to where I though he was hit and found a light blood trail. A few drops, nothing like I expected if I hit him hard. While the blood trail was easy to follow, I was still worried I wounded him rather than put a fatal shot on him. At that point, I sat down and gave him another 15 minutes. I got up and started tracking him again and after about 75 feet I finally found duel blood trails, in other words, he was bleeding out of both sides. Not a lot of blood though.

After another 75 feet I found him dead under a small cedar. I had hit him in both lungs but I've never seen a deer take off like he did. He really acted normal so I was pretty sure I missed him. I've never seen a double lung shot deer bleed so little either.


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