$ 19.00 for 9mm

I don't spend much time in guns shops, as I'm not shopping for a gun and handload all of my ammo, but I visited a local indoor range/store last weekend, and found the shelves on the range side of the business to be very well stocked. They wanted "only" $16.95 per 50 for 9mm, but limited sales to those renting their guns, and two boxes per customer. The guy at the counter told me they had, at one point, paid retail prices at another store just so they would have something on the shelf for their rental customers to shoot. Overall, their pricing and policies seem very reasonable. The problem is supply, and if a dealer is getting only 25% of the ammo they usually sell, they have to raise the price to stay in business. If the shelves are spilling over with all calibers, and they're still asking 2x what they were charging six months ago, then yeah, they're gouging, but if the shelves are closer to bare and prices are high, that's just the nature of business.
9mm NATO

I had to get some for the Uzis the other day. $19.95 per box of 50. Thell run fine on WWB or Blazer ammo, however they really liked the old Samson black tips (carbine SMG Only). So (to me) the increase pressure of the Nato round seems right.

I remember when $10-$15 bought you premium ammo and practice ammo would run between $5 and $7.50 per. I doubt these retailers are scalping. Look at Internet prices. Walmarts able to keep their prices reasonable because they pay what big distributors do.
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How do we know we are being ripped off?

Price of metals down more than 50% in 6 months.

Hurting economy where most sellers are CUTTING PRICES.

We are our own worst enemies.

+1 on remembering who is gouging.

+1 on air guns, crossbows, bows, throwing knives (my fav) and .22 if you can avoid the $100 brick the other poster mentioned.

Those bragging about hording; I really hope you get stuck with lots of overpriced ammo. You are screwing all of us, including yourselves. The liberals must love you guys--making us all look like idiots and making it impossible for many people to shoot at all.
I'm Not paying anymore for ammo now then I was before whatshisface took office. Just order them online, might take a little while to get, beets runnin around for it and right now all my ammo cans are pretty full.:)
you aren't getting ripped off if you continue to buy it...

it's simple economics. If you continue to buy ammo at these prices, then to you, the a $20 box of 9mm ammo is worth MORE than that $20 bill in your pocket, otherwise you wouldn't give it up....

you aren't getting ripped off if you continue to buy it...

it's simple economics. If you continue to buy ammo at these prices, then to you, the a $20 box of 9mm ammo is worth MORE than that $20 bill in your pocket, otherwise you wouldn't give it up....

If I had zero ammo for my gun, I guess I would shell out a $20 bill for "a" box, even if I had to load FMJ's for SD, that's what I'd do.
The Academy near Cedar Park (Austin area) limits customers to 1 box per caliber. Last week they had 3 boxes WWB 9mm and one WWB .38Sp. - I bought the WWB .38 Sp FMJ for $18, and one WWB 9mm FMJ for $13.

Had the wife go back in and get one more 9mm box. (It was her birthday :D )
Sounds like this is about normal for what everyone else is experiencing, but when I went to the local range and rented the USP compact, I got a box of 50 115 grain Remington 9mm for $15.
Bought 10 boxes (50 rds each) of American Eagle 9mm FMJ at Dick's Sporting Goods for $11.98 a box the other day. I wouldn't have bought so much, but they had 40+ boxes in stock. They matched the case price on the OOS Remington UMC 9mm.

Roughly $.25 per round - I coudn't pass up. I had already checked 2 Walmarts and found nothing. Meijer had 50 rd. Winchester something-or-others for $17 a box of 50! Ouch!
From what I am seeing in the wholesale market, dealers are having just as hard time getting stock and prices are exorbitant as well.

Remember one thing before you throw your local dealer under the bus.

He sells handguns, wal-mart doesn't. If you walk in and buy a new 9mm Umptyfratz you are going to want some ammo to try the damn thing.
Now since you are buying a gun most dealers will take care of you by discounting the ammo or maybe even making it a deal sweetener.

But if he can't keep a supply of ammo, it only makes sense that he would raise the price and limit amounts.
After all, you can't stick the ammo behind the counter and put up a sign saying "Ammo purchase limited to those who purchase a gun" Thats "Tie in sales" and gun distributors got nailed for that back in the early 80s with S&W allocations.

I believe that the problem is mainly at a higher level. The ammo companies themselves. Metals have been down for some time, and though demand is up supply is not neither domestic or imports.

Yes there is some increase in demand, but to blame this on "Hoarding" is at best short sighted and most likely malicious sour grapes.
If you think about all the shooters you know, few have purchased any large (case or more) quantity of ammo and fewer still have bought in "Huge" quantities.

Further many of those shooters that Have bought a case or more lately very likely have been buying such quantities for some time.
Competition shooters, IPSC, IDPA, students of the principle of "Shooting as a Martial Art", Class 3 shooter, gun school students, all shoot quantities of ammo far in excess of the average shooter. So these shooters don't count as part of some abnormal increase in demand.

The numbers just don't add up. Again I think the ammo makers themselves are taking advantage of the O'mama scare to keep prices up, backed up by short supply to keep that fear alive.
I was just at a local gun store and paid $. 19.00 for a box of blazer 50 rds 9mm

This is basic economics 101. As long as consumers like yourself are willing to pay this price retailers (and resellers) will continue to demand this price. The only way it will return to normal, and by this I mean the availability at big box stores is for consumers to quit buying from these scalpers for a while.

This is basic economics 101. As long as consumers like yourself are willing to pay this price retailers (and resellers) will continue to demand this price. The only way it will return to normal, and by this I mean the availability at big box stores is for consumers to quit buying from these scalpers for a while.

True, but for some people time is money, and if they are out of ammo, and don't have time or resourses. Your stuck between a rock and a hard place.:rolleyes:
I found some .40 (WWB) at a garage sale two weeks ago. Actually, my wife found it for me and called. A guy in our neighborhood was getting rid of 500 rounds for $140. That wasn't the best price I've ever gotten nor was it as bad as Bass Pro, Cabela's or Wal-Mart. I bought all 500, then sold 200 rounds to a friend for the same price I paid.

If we continue to run out and empty the shelves every time a box is placed there then the prices will continue to go up. That is just normal economics and while I don't like it, I can't blame the seller. Deals are out there to be found if you have patience.

Maybe we should start a "Who got the best ammo deal" thread and see what we can find. :D

Good luck!
Saw this just yesterday...

40 S&W Speer Gold Dot Personal Protection Round 180 Grain GDHP $104.95 per 100 rounds (thats right..100rds)

Winchester Silver Tip Personal Protection Round 155 grain $45.49 per 50 rounds

and the REAL insult...

Ammo .22 LR Winchester Super X 500 Round Brick 40 Grain Lead Copperplate Our Price:$49.79
Local gunshop here wanted $22 per 50 rnd box of 9mm. :eek: I chuckled and said I'll go to Basspro. He said "they don't have any" and I said I'll take my chances. Found it at Walmart the very next day for $9. :D
I check wal mart every other day and get lucky about every 2 weeks on a box or two. They have not raised their prices but sell out in a day of everything they manage to get in.
I check Walmarts every week on my day off too. Last week I hit 4 different Walmarts (yes 4), two different Dick's Sporting goods, and the Basspro shop. Nobody had any 45. I've seen plenty of 9mm, 40, and 38. I like ammo hunting but this is rediculous. My local board has a Wallyworld thread ongoing and 45 is nowhere. I just gave up and ordered some from Cabelas.