12GA Rifle From Hell

Kinda makes you wonder why this 12 year old zombie thread hasn't been moved to the reloading or hunting forum. But I guess Hube458l drags it up about once every month to keep the corpse alive.

This thread is a living legend man! I mean, what is more epic than someone who wildcats sawed-off and modified BMG cases, stuffs Civil War minie balls into them, and then rockets them out at 3400 feet/second? And then does that on a repeated basis, with different calibers and different guns?

I wish my accomplishments in the shooting sports are even remotely close to what this man has done. He is on the same level as Elmer Keith and Ed McGivern. Possibly higher too. It took me a day and a half to absorb the contents of this entire thread and I think he has revolutionized the world of rifles. And in one of the pages he mentioned that he is suffering from an illness at the moment so I wish him the best and a speedy recovery. As long as he keeps shooting and experimenting with his cartridges, he is going to be happy, and in Chinese medicine, what do they say? Happiness is the key to long term health and survival.

So I wish Hubel, and his epic thread and projects, long life!
Kinda makes you wonder why this 12 year old zombie thread hasn't been moved to the reloading or hunting forum. But I guess Hube458l drags it up about once every month to keep the corpse alive.
It is a continuous evolution of multiple cartridges.

If you're not interested, then stay away. There's no point in getting infantile and trying to insinuate that it's a waste of time, in the wrong place, and that HUBEL is somehow wrong and inferior to you.

As I said: If you're not interested, then stay away.
It's that simple.

Some of us enjoy seeing the updates, and there's no reason to stop it.
This 12 year old zombie thread must be making someone jealous ;) Actually, those of us who are interested keep dragging this up again... Ed has other outlets which he updates more frequently than this thread. Don’t blame it on Hubel, blame it on me and all the other interested parties.
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Here is picture of our 416HSM cases with screw in shellholders,

for Ammomaster, etc, and slip in shellholders for regular presses

Also have some for big LEE Classic and Smart Reloader presses..

A 378 WEA MAG in picture for comparison...

Second is stacks of 416 HSM, about a third fireformed

and the rest to be fireformed... So far total about 1700,

Got helpers..Ed


Bob Snapp, 90, the great Gun Craftsman, of

Clare, Michigan, passed away Jan 28th....

He was an esteemed member of the

American Custom Gunmakers Guild,

Being its president in 1992..He liked

working with Martini Cadet singleshot rifles

.Worked with guys testing armor long time ago.

Maybe the 1st to do 20mm necked down to 50cal

We lost a great friend,,,Ed
It is possible rig up holders for many types setups.,

About shellholder supply for big cases,

RCBS and others make slip in holders for shotgun cases..

Here are various sizes........

16ga-- .810" rim,

20ga-- .760" rim,

24ga .725" rim,

28ga .680" rim....
Thankyou all..Would post faster but 78 years

on me and I'm slowed down..Ed

We fireform the 416 HSM with 65 gr of medium speed

surplus powder, with rest of case filled with farina

and grits mix, with a play dough plug in the neck.

It is loud, so we shoot it into big container through a barrel size

size hole, so the sound is muffled, so it doesn't deafen us..

It is great getting more companies making 416 caliber bullets,

long target and bore rider bullets. Ed..

20mm Vulcan is a big case that works ok, without having

the sides made too thick...They have thinner sides

than smaller cases guys are getting that have the sides

made too thick and won't extract easy or work with high pressures.

Here Barnard P Cheytac bolt that would do for our 416 HSM..Ed......

Got guys doing various 416 HEs..

One just built a 416 HE, just been testing it a few days..

And using 168gr of HBMG 475 gr CEB, tested it, in good

conditions, 2 shots at 1800 yards and was within

a 1/4 of minute accuracy...A few shots at shorter ranges

had same accuracy. Ed..
More about our 416 HSM from BMG brass, and
our 416 HE & 460 HE from our 585 HE cases
Got reamers for 375 HE, 416 HE and 416 HSM,....

460 HE & 460 HSM are all spec'd, got HE reamer
soon have HSM reamer...Our HSMs have a Wea type
radius on the shoulder..

The fellow that set up our 416 HE in an ELR rifle
and got 1/4 min accuracy,
They got some game out west over 1400 yds..
.Here is the gun they set up.
Using a K&P 34" barrel on a BAT action.....Ed

And have got a 460 HSM figured out, and the impetus for that is some
asking about one and the great line of 458 bullets CEB now has.
It will hold more powder than the 416 HSM.....Ed..
The guys that did the super accurate 416 HE did another
416 HE that has an 8" longer 42 inch K&P barrel..

Used a Stiller action and same load with 475 gr bullet, as in
first gun and and gained about 200 fps with good accuracy.
3065 fps. Tested 2 groups of 3 and less than 1/2 min moa.

And loads they used are not the highest speed loads
the cartridge is capable of....Here is print with specs for
the 416 HE reamer chamber ....Ed....

More about he guys that did the accurate 416 HE, they did a
416 HE that has an 8" longer 42 inch K&P barrel..

Used longer barrel and the same load with 475 gr bullet, as used
in the first gun and and gained about 200 fps with good accuracy,.
3065 fps. Tested 2 groups of 3 and less than 1/2 min moa.

And loads they used are not the highest speed loads
the cartridge is capable of....Here is picture............Ed....
