If the OP is shooting full house .357 mag satisfactorily, esp in 4" guns, the 10mm will pose no problem. The comparison to .41 mag in power & recoil is probably a bit overdone. Somebody hit it earlier, low .41's come close to hot 10's, but that's where it ends.
I have a G20, an early one, and carry it a good bit as a woods and SD pistol. Tough and reliable, and it shrugs off abuse, is light and flat and easy to carry. Mines got a 3.5 trigger in it.
The 10mm ballistics are attractive, as is 15+1 in the hand. I will likely kill a deer w/ it someday, but one never walks by when I carry the Glock.
I don't shoot it as much as I like or should, due to the ammo and brass situation.