Zogby: Bob Barr is Polling at 6%


New member
Bob Barr is already polling high at 6% according to pollster John Zogby. Barr needs 10% by September to make it into the presidential debates. I say, if McCain continues to move to the left by supporting Global Warming and as long as John McCain remains luke-warm toward our 2nd amendment rights, Barr will reach that 10% plateau and McCain will become just another statistic in presidential campaign history.

if McCain continues to move to the left by supporting Global Warming

off-shore drilling?

and as long as John McCain remains luke-warm toward our 2nd amendment rights

supported the amici brief in favor of Heller, gave a strong approval of the decision, compared to the wishy-washy Obama reply...

Barr will reach that 10% plateau and McCain will become just another statistic

yes, please. Remember Ross Perot vs. Clinton vs. HW Bush? When Obama becomes president, will you be so smug about that "don't blame me, I voted for Barr" bumper sticker tacked onto the back of your car?
I have problems with McCain but will absolutely NOT support Barr while the alternative is Obama with a Dem congress who will appoint Liberal judges and push through nationalized health care.
"Barr will reach that 10% plateau and McCain will become just another statistic in presidential campaign history."

President Obama will probably write Barr a nice letter of appreciation.

6% wow...good luck with that......

yes, please. Remember Ross Perot vs. Clinton vs. HW Bush? When Obama becomes president, will you be so smug about that "don't blame me, I voted for Barr" bumper sticker tacked onto the back of your car?

Alow me to correct that a bit.....the bumper sticker should read "Blame me I voted Bob Barr...." as that would be more accurate given the stark reality that McCain or Obama will be president. If you like Obama and feel he will win anyway then vote Barr as a 'statment' as he and Obama will give you the SCOTUS Justices you want.......right?
President Obama will probably write Barr a nice letter of appreciation.

If Obama wins, which is likely since his opponent is also a liberal, just less so, then Obama should send those letters to every conservative who refuses to vote for a liberal, global warming believing republican. You guys can vote for either liberal you choose (Obama or McCain)... and you will get what you vote for.... a liberal in the white house.

As for me, I will only vote for conservatives.
He's only 5% in front of Ron Paul...

Of course, you do realize that Ron Paul is not on the ballot.... I hope you know that anyway. If not, try this site for more information.... www.politico.com

will you be so smug about that "don't blame me, I voted for Barr" bumper sticker tacked onto the back of your car?

Nah. My bumper sticker will say "I voted for the only member of the NRA in the bunch".
The next president is going to be McCain or Obama. Barr stands about as much chance as a snowball putting out a bonfire. If you want to help elect Obama by voting Barr go ahead but don't bitch about it when you get it.
The next president is going to be McCain or Obama. Barr stands about as much chance as a snowball putting out a bonfire. If you want to help elect Obama by voting Barr go ahead but don't bitch about it when you get it.

Hmmm. No, just can't do it. I can't waste my vote on a liberal. I've thought about it, I've considered it, and I just do not have the ability to vote for a liberal, even if he would like us to think he belongs in the republican party.
"Of course, you do realize that Ron Paul is not on the ballot.... I hope you know that anyway."


Recognize humorous sarcasm much?
I don't care much for McCain but he's not nearly as bad as Obama. Since it's going to be one or the other I'd much rather vote for McCain to keep Obama out. Let me rephrase that. I'm not voting FOR McCain. I'm voting AGAINST Obama. Keeping Obama out is something you Barr and RP supporters ought to be taking a long hard look at. I feel this race is going to be close and if McCain loses it will be because of people that vote third party or write in.
You guys can vote for either liberal you choose (Obama or McCain)... and you will get what you vote for.... a liberal in the white house.

As for me, I will only vote for conservatives.

And you will thereby end up with the most liberal of the three in the White House.
I feel this race is going to be close and if McCain loses it will be because of people that vote third party or write in.

If McCain loses, he can blame himself for courting liberals and throwing conservative issues under the bus.

Republicans should not take the conservative voter for granted. Many conservatives will not vote for just any republican just because they get the nomination. IF the republican party would like to win elections, then they should act more like republicans and a little less like democrats.
And you will thereby end up with the most liberal of the three in the White House.

Ironic that a McCain supporter would give me flak for voting for the ONLY conservative in the race. It proves my contention that those who vote for McCain are not conservative. They have bought into the big lie that they MUST vote for a liberal in order to defeat another liberal.
Barr's not "in the race". It's a TWO-PERSON race right now. That's reality. (I know...Paul/Barr supporters don't do that "reality" thing, but I had to say it anyway...)

Now there's a choice of McCain, who's fair at best, or Obama, who is 100% wrong for America, and especially for gun owners and people who dislike big government. I don't like McCain on many issues but I don't like Obama on ANY and I definitely don't want Obama nominating two more Supreme Court Justices and hundreds of lower court judges.

Like it or not, McCain's the only choice. A vote for Barr--or no vote--is a vote for Obama. The time to fight for a true conservative republican was in the primary, and sucks to say, but we lost this time around. Now it's time to do whatever we have to to stave off Obama, and that doesn't include some masterbatory vote for an unelectable third candidate.
Barr's not "in the race". It's a TWO-PERSON race right now. That's reality. (I know...Paul/Barr supporters don't do that "reality" thing, but I had to say it anyway...)

The only reality is that Mcbush and Bama both suck. That is the onlty reality.

Like it or not, McCain's the only choice. A vote for Barr--or no vote--is a vote for Obama. The time to fight for a true conservative republican was in the primary, and sucks to say, but we lost this time around. Now it's time to do whatever we have to to stave off Obama, and that doesn't include some masterbatory vote for an unelectable third candidate

we lost this time around. We? sounds like you were never part of we....The only losers are the two parties in control for having those 2 candiates. billions of Americans and that is the best they got......:eek: we doomed!!!:eek: