You've just learned a hit man is coming to get you. Now what?


How about this for a scenario:

You're ex-wife believes -- mistakenly -- that you forgot to rewrite your Will, and she is still heir to your priceless Hummel collection worth millions. With evil in her greedy heart, she has hired a hit man to take you out. You don't know where or when Guido is coming. He's already been paid. And he sleeps better at night knowing he doesn't owe anyone anything.

What will you do differently, if anything? Will you carry different weapons? Change your daily schedule? Set a trap? Move? (This is a firearm forum so I'm mostly interested in your weapon of choice, not your airline or favorite remote island.)

I dont think many of us have a price on our head here :confused:

But if it happened I would go to the police and get the best arsenal i can possibly get my hands on.

it would consist of

glock 34
beretta 92
some sort of 1911
4.10 derringer
remington 870
bush master ar15
and more
Just for sh*ts and giggles, I'll play along with this one. If a hit man knows what he's doing, get right with the Lord and get your affairs in order. There isn't a damned thing you can do about it, unless you get really, really lucky. You'll never see your killer nor hear the shot that killed you.
Well, the first thing I'd do is sell my woman to the Hells Angels or the Outlaws M.C. for a bottle of whiskey, and then I'd go to my favorite airline and book a flight to my favorite remote island and have a party celebrating the ridance of that backstabbing woman.
If i was worth that much money that my wife would have me killed I would just disapper. You have that much money where you can just move somewhere and become a brand new person. I think thats the best, because a good hitman will get you and there is probably nuttin you can do about that.
If I had that much money, I'd move to the remote wilderness, say alaska and live in a log cabin and just wait for the guy to try and find me. Call the police and tell them the whole thing then call the FBI. Then, because I was difficult to find, the police could do their work and I would be safe. As far as arsenal goes:

44 mag revolver 4" barrel on me at ALL times
.357 smith ultralite on me at ALL times
Kabar and double edged knife on me at ALL times.
12 gauge shotguns in every room in the house
3 SKS's
.308 long range rifle 6-24 scope.
various knives hidden thoughout the house

but the chances are the hitman would probably get you when your guard is down so all the firearms in the world wouldn't help you.
I keep deeply in debt (and no life insurance) to make just such a situation unlikley.

Try to get the police to break the wife (give up the hitman), or hope that since he's paid, he loses interest in completing the task. Maybe you can offer him double what she's paying to turn the tables on her.

But, if someone, be it your next door neighbor or your brother-in-law, want badly enough to kill you, they'll likely get you.
I'd rig a nice brick of Comp B to go off a minute or two after my heart stopped beating. With any luck, I'd get the bastard.
"Hello, is this the Starving Actors Talent Agency? I need to hire someone to do some method acting for ... oh ... as long as the show takes. I need a male, six feet tall, about 170 pounds, shortish brown hair. A goatee is a plus. Yes, I'll hold.


Hmm ... okay, and he's aware that he'll pretty much have to play the part all day long, right? Sounds great! Thanks, you're a lifesaver!"

I'd probably call the police and give them my story, buy some good body armor and spend a lot of time with close friends who are aware of the situation and extremely well armed.

And then I'd hope that she didn't spend much on the hitman.

As for specifics on the weapons, I'd stick with 1911s, but I'd probably carry a couple of them. As well, I'd keep a P3AT in the pocket and plenty of extra magazines. I'd try to make sure I had a truck or SUV with 4wd and I'd keep a shotgun with slugs and an AR-15 with a pile of magazines in there.
nothin, your probably pretty screwed if the guy is any good. Why did you even think to put this up? are you that paranoid or just lookin for something to talk about?
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this is just too simple. I would hire my OWN hitman. With the proceeds from selling just a small part of my Hummel collection, I would have the ex whacked, and her hitman too.
What?? When did i get money???!!!

oh jeez i need an M4 and a 20 inch heavy barreled AR-15 with a leupold scope on it.
then a sawed off double barrel shotty and a desert eagle

did i mention im broke
Personally, I would not worry about the type of gun. I would move to a state that let me defend myself with one though :( .

I would also buy and wear a kevlar toupee for those "from behind" shots he might surprise me with. ;)

(hhmmmm....a kevlar, mullet-cutt wig. I'm getting a patent.)
UGH --- This can't be serious can it? I'm sorry but if we are going to spend time, energy and bandwidth can we at liest discuss things that are SOMEWHAT relevent to self defense / home defense / CCW / IDPA or something? This is not, it's a movie or novel plot.