You've been shot,. . Now what?

@WET WOW!! Those are pretty intense stories than you for sharing. Sounds like you didnt know anytime until someone pointed it out to you. Adrenaline can do strange things.
I have suffered 3 "projectile induced trauma" injuries and didn't notice a significant amount of pain with any of them right away. One of those was shrapnel which shattered my jaw and left a piece 1/4"x1"x4" stuck in my face and neck. Foolishly, I pulled it out(found out later it was lying against my carotid artery). There was hole in my face you could stick two fingers in. Walked 75 yards and reported that I had been hit and had a broken jaw. Due to the amount of blood loss, not pain meds were given but truthfully, it did not hurt as bad as some other injuries I sustained over the years. I didn't know a person could bleed that much and still be conscious. At one time there were 5 saline bags plugged into various parts of my anatomy before the evac chopper arrived.
I can assure you that had someone delivered that wound from up close, I would have had no problem giving him an equally bad day.
Thus I carry a gun concealed....don't plan on being shot.
But if I should be shot and pending how wounded, it's always good to train yourself to stay calm and keep your mind focused toward getting help and self applied first aide.

You've been shot,. . Now what?
I've seen extensive discussion / training on holsters, draw, grip, sight picture. . . on and on, but nothing on what to expect / do when you have actually taken a hit. Is there anything to prepare for? Change of tactics? Something else?

If you get hit and if there is still a threat, and if you can still fight, fight.

If you get hit and if there is still a threat, and if you can still fight, fight but know you are running out of time due to blood loss, try to retreat to a defensible area.

If you get hit and if there is no longer a threat, and if you are conscious give your self first aid to stop bleeding and call for help. This assumes you have a cell phone and are seriously hurt so that you are not capable of operating a motor vehicle even if one is available. Losing consciousness while driving is a bad thing.

I subscribe to the theory that all defensive handgun cartridges are under powered that is why we are taught to shoot twice to center of mass, assess and proceed as necessary. Part of defensive training should include the use of movement, concealment and cover.
Note that concealment obscures you from view but does not stop bullets. Cover both stops the threat from seeing you and stops bullets.
Training Ideas?

I know, sounds kind of like training for a kick in the nuts, but hear me out for a moment.

I know there is no predicting what someone will do after getting shot; too many variables.

The thread, Consensus seems to be "keep Fighting, when safe to do so seek medical attention".

I agree, that's what we want to do. How do we better prepare to do under stress what we say we want to do when giving the question rational objective thought?

I worked in a high risk training environment for 13 years. If we took students from the classroom "Here is what we want you to do, everybody understand?" and placed them in a full criterion level of stress and complexity exercise (I have seen this done), they failed. The task assigned were not difficult but most could not do it even though they understood the lesson and were cognitive of what they should do. Under stress they just couldn't execute. Many would revert to previously learned behaviors. What might previously learned behaviors be in a gunfight? For some maybe TV "I'm shot, I fall down, I stop fighting". Speculation I know. For our students to be able to perform even simple task under conditions of extreme stress they needed to be exposed to the stress in an incremental manner while practicing the desired behaviors.

How do we train for SD in a manner that is practical yet prepares use to do what we want to do. I want my previously learned behavior to be "Fight to safety seek Medical attention".

I know there are too many variables to predict. How do we give ourselves the best chance of controlling the variables that are within our control?
Im gna shoot them!!! I dont care how badly I have been hit I will continue until I bleed out or am physicallly uncapable of moving. The thought of someone trying to take my life or the life of loved ones, even just innocets bothers me alot. I will stop them.
I've never been shot in a ccw or other civilian situation, but I can
tell you what a gunshot wound from a high powered rifle feels like.
When I was a young man a sniper fired at our platoon. I dove to
the ground behind an old half buried log. I gently raised my head up
to take a look. The round hit the rim of my helmet (and as best as I
can figure started to tumble) and then hit the top of my right foot
blowing the sole off my boot after passing through my foot. The
wound was about the size of a golf ball and elongated. The bones
to my toes were broken and I had permanent nerve damage that
persists to this day (one of the reasons I'm awake since 2:00am
writing this). The pain, as I recall, was tremendous. I didn't have a
desire to fight back. All I wanted was the pain to stop. The Medic
gave me some morphine while I waited to be evacuated. My career
as a grunt and a gentleman was now over, but a year of hospitals
and constant pain was just beginning. Sorry this was so long, but
I don't really have anything else to do, so please indulge an old soldier.
I usually avoid these threads because they can cause so much... debate? :o

But I really think It boils down to who you are, whats on the line, and what you are capable of... Those are things you'll never know until your there. Yes training practice, etc, etc, all play their parts. We can talk about it, 'imagine' how awesome we would react, or whatnot but you just don't know.
To quote a friend and trainer, John Hearne:

"Getting shot once is no big deal... Not getting shot some more is a great big freakin' deal!" :D
Back when I was in the Marines we had a training event with Sim rounds. We were doing room clearing and other scenarios, anyways one of our marines got hit by a sim round in the head and he just falls to the ground. Immediately our Gunny yelled what the F$#^ you doing marine!? He replied "I got hit gunny". Gunny said bull**** you get hit you continue fighting as hard as you possibly can, and after you kill the f$@ker that shot you, then you can die.

Moral of story is that if you get hit don't give up and just wait to die, another thing you could do which im sure it has already been said but practice one arm weapon manipulation.
Life Saving Training

Back when I was in the Marines we had a training event with Sim rounds. We were doing room clearing and other scenarios, anyways one of our marines got hit by a sim round in the head and he just falls to the ground. Immediately our Gunny yelled what the F$#^ you doing marine!? He replied "I got hit gunny". Gunny said bull**** you get hit you continue fighting as hard as you possibly can, and after you kill the f$@ker that shot you, then you can die.

trex1310: In my book, you've earned the right to say whatever you want for however long you want. Thank you.

It's nice to say what we WILL do if we get shot, but it's quite another story WHEN we get shot. Especially those who have never BEEN shot. Your training gives you tools. Nothing else. I've read in this topic that I will do this, or I'll do that. Truth is, the only thing you WILL do, is be shot. Nobody can truthfully say what they will do. Only what they hope they to do. Even the he-men. The stories we hear about people doing remarkable things after sustaining wounds are just that. Remarkable. Because they are out of the norm.
Carlos Hathcock

The conversations I had with Gunny Hathcock over burgers and fries at Buddy's Bait Barn in VA Beach were not as many as I would have liked but as memorable as any I've ever had. When he talked, I listened. We talked about tactics and training and one thing he used to say as I hung on his words were "Once you get shot in the face or stomach,all bets are off son." RIP Gunny
:WOW! That would be truly amazing to speak with Carlos Hathcock. That 3day crawl he made for the general was INSANITY. He moved soooo slowly over about 200yds. (I think). He put a bandanna down to block the dust kick. He was incredible and actually crawled back to safety with Soldiers all around him. That must have been awesome to talk to him. What kind of guy was he, just curious if you can describe him and a story? Im Curious :D.
If i've been hit, then 911 is gonna get called asap followed by immediate family. hopefully the BG threat has left or has been neutralized, otherwise, keep shooting back if you are still engaged. After the situation is de-escalated, seeking medical attention is the first thing to do to make sure your injuries are attended to.
Mrs. Egor20----------------- Robyn

Mr Egor20 said.... When he he was shot. and wounded

"It felt like some one hit me with a a big Red Wiffile Bat"

"Then the pain came in a later minutes."

I'm A Horse Vet

I agree with that, I'ts called

Shock to the body
TylerD45ACP: pm'd ya. When a vet like Gunny chose to or trex1310 chooses to speak with experience, we should listen. Even as a vet myself, I owe them that. Their experiences are what helps shape training today.