Your View on Coyote Hunting?

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I just started coyote hunting about 6 months ago and I like it (although I haven't got one yet). Every once in a while I wonder how "ethical" it is to kill them though? You don't eat them, so is it appropriate to kill them?

Deer and elk you can eat, but coyote...not so much.

Obviously I don't have the answers to these questions, but I though I would see what you guys thought about the subject.
There are plenty of good reasons to kill coyote but just as many good reasons to leave them be. It depends on the particular situation at a given time. Eradication is seldom appropriate, IMO, except for invasive species such as wild hog. Even ugly/nasty buzzards have their proper place in this world as do snakes, rats and flies/maggots. It's all about balance. More often than not it's human interference and selfishness that causes imbalances in nature. Humans, and all living creatures, impact our environment. The key is to not damage it too much.

Will killing a few coyote help the environment you're in or damage it? And how many differing opinions will you receive regarding that question... and from what forums? If it's common knowledge that the coyote population is growing out of control in your area that's an easy answer. Otherwise, maybe not.
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Plenty enough where? Local populations can be eradicated quite easily. Why? Coyote do serve a purpose in this world. Otherwise, they would not exist.
Theres LOTS of them out west.We kill them on sight out here and theres still plenty enough of them to kill off the majority of a fawn population.
Mike, I live in central Arkansas, and, while coyotes aren't a problem, several have been seen in west Little Rock. My work takes me out into rural areas, and I see them on a regular basis ever live or "sleeping" on the side of the road.

Not sure where you live, but there are plenty here.
As someone who has run cattle all my life, I kill every coyote I can. Means nothing really the population is established, and the few I get in a year's time has no influence on their population, and does nothing to save the occasional weak calf they take. But maybe with the old herder mentality I have I may not be the person to speak to as you work toward developing a finely honed sense of ethics. Puts me in mind of one I shot years ago. The distance was bad. Way too far in bad light, something like two hundred yards, for an aperture sighted 45-70 single shot. I would never take such a shot at a big game animal with my level of ability. I thought I missed, but when I checked I found a fine spray of blood on the snow. Had the ground been bare I would have missed the blood and assumed I had missed. I tracked him nearly a mile. No hunting season was on, and at one point I tracked him across a highway. I imagined the conversation if a deputy showed up about the time I crossed the highway

He'd ask, "What are you tracking?"

I'd answer, "Coyote,"

He'd come back with, "Two legged or four?"

I'd say, "Does the difference amount to all that much?"

A little further on the coyote gave it up, and I finished him off.
There are plenty here too. I just don't see them around my home because there are too many people and too many dogs. I'm definitely not against hunting coyote... just against eradicating them in their indigenous areas and throwing nature too far balance.

Believe me, if I see one around my home I'll kill it if I can. They don't belong here... homes are on about two acres and lots of kids around.

I'm against killing for the sake of killing and unjustified eradication of a species.
Coyote populations need managed just like deer, elk etc.

It being fun is the incentive since you can't eat 'em and you don't own livestock.
Yea I live here in AZ so there are a lot out here from what I understand. Anyways, interesting to see the different view points. I am not a fan of killing just for killing either, but I do enjoy some coyote hunting (which I am not very good at anyways haha)
I have a bigger investment in the deer, cattle, sheep, and small game populations than I do in the coyote population. They are plentiful and they are in direct competition with me. They are fun to call and shoot.

Coyotes are smart and can adapt, they can eat anything and live anywhere. Look at Tucson and Phoenix. How many resident city dogs live off of pets and strays in urban Arizona alone? If we could kill them all like the wolf, we'd have done it.
That's just it. Wolves, for whatever reason, require pristine wilderness for the most part. OTOH, coyotes have proven far more adaptable. I doubt you could hunt them to extinction
I have a bigger investment in the deer, cattle, sheep, and small game populations than I do in the coyote population. They are plentiful and they are in direct competition with me. They are fun to call and shoot.

Coyotes are smart and can adapt, they can eat anything and live anywhere. Look at Tucson and Phoenix. How many resident city dogs live off of pets and strays in urban Arizona alone? If we could kill them all like the wolf, we'd have done it.

That is eradication of a species.
I don't eat roaches or mice that come around either. Just kill 'em. They cause less problems than coyotes. I have no issues killing any on sight.
Yea I was watching the Primos Mastering Predator Hunting video by Randy Anderson and it is amazing how smart those coyotes are. Actually a lot smarter than bobcats, foxes, and some of the other predators.
That is eradication of a species.

Yeah, historically the eradication of the wolf was pretty successful in North America. We came close. Way closer than we did with coyotes, and the coyote population has rebounded a tad faster and with zero effort by humans.

The point of my post was that the coyote is more resilient than the wolf, I was not commenting on the ethics of eradication.
coyote and bobcat are quite eatable.they taste like pork.there is nothing wrong with eating coyotes.

there also good for there pelts
coyote and bobcat are quite eatable.they taste like pork.there is nothing wrong with eating coyotes.

I have eaten both. Bobcat meat rocks, texture and color of pork and the flavor is similar to rabbit. Bobcats are a true prize between the meat and the pelt and the skull.

Coyote meat is foul. It is nothing like bobcat in color, texture, taste or smell. I bet I'm the least picky eater you know (I've eaten coyote after all), and coyote meat is not palatable without extensive modification in my experience.
Coyotes are the potato chip of the predator world. Kill all you want. They will make more. Without poison, (too much collateral damage) they will never be wiped out or even greatly reduced. When their number drop they have bigger litters. Disease (mange) will do a better job of reducing pop. than hunting. In the mid west they have moved into new territory & displaced the red fox. Here in Co. they have a substantial effect on the deer pop. though fawn predation.
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