Your thoughts on Ruger.....


Ruger is my favorite gun company. BB, you are free to think what you want about them, I am free to think what I think about them. I like them very much. I like the variety of products, the legendary reliability, their unequaled customer support, and they look very cool to boot. Calling them "anti-gun" or "anti-RKBA" because Bill Sr. spoke out in favor of limiting magazine capacity is like saying that Ford is "anti-car" or "anti-freedom" because the CEO spoke out in favor of fines for not wearing your seatbelt.
I have never used a Makarov, so I am treading on unfamiliar turf here, but you just said that you own something produced by slave labor, and communism, but you boycott something made by free Americans, and democracy. I am clear on that, aren't I?
I agree with BB on this one. Ruger stabbed us in the back and there's no way you can sugar coat it. Those are just the facts. Yes ruger makes some cheap guns but they price jumps a lot when you consider that another part of the cost is my 2nd ammendemnt rights! It's bad enough to have Rosie and that cancer-ridden hag Brady taking shots at my second ammendment rights but when those shots start coming from people that are SUPPSOED to be on our side, I won't buy his guns again. There are plenty of pro-gun companies out there to do business with. If you want a low-cost excellent handgun that will hold it's own against the Sigs, H&Ks, Berrettas and others, check out the CZ-75 pistols!

"William B. Ruger,Sr.'s Nasty Little Secret"

Please note the The long list of gun and ammo manufactures who also backed the high capacity magazine ban.
Also ,check out the NEAL KNOX REPORT in the left side bar of the article to find out what Ruger has done since the ban went into effect.
I'm boycotting Smith & Wesson and Ruger. Don't want to spend money with folks who don't believe in the Second Amendment. Period. No compromise.
First of all, Dean Speir is about the LAST person I would believe when it comes to ANYTHING gun-related.

Second, of course the NRA is going to tell you all the good BR has done lately...since he donated $1M. Probably was a stipulation. BR was at the bad end of a boycott, he'd of sold his mother to get out of it, and $1M of blood money to the NRA was a business decision, pure and simple. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

Still, you said in an earlier post that he has "reformed". Well, at last years shot show, Ruger announced they have no plans to make a sub-compact pistol because Ruger makes SPORTING ARMS ONLY.

Which leads us back to BRs quotes, on nation wide TV, which he has NEVER retracted:
"No honest man needs more than 10 rounds in any gun"
"I never meant for simple civilians to have my 20 or 30 round mags or my folding stock"
"I see nothing wrong with waiting periods"

As you argue, please remember NOT to take frustrations with third parties on your fellow TFLers. "I won't buy X because" is fine..."You suck because you own Y" just isn't appropriate here.

I couldn't agree with you more!

Todays "Word Of The Day" is CIVILITY-

The mutual respect for individuality of choice along with unity of communal values.

Guys, i apologize for opening something that i had no idea would get this kind of result. I had just hoped to hear both sides of the opinions. I bought a ruger because my friend down at the local gunshop said i couldn't do better for a beginning gun. I don't like what Bill Ruger has done, but i just can't afford something higher than what my gun was. I apologize to those who wished i hadn't opened this topic.

You ought to be able to open a relatively innocuous topic like that without folks getting rude. TFL's standard of discourse ought to be an improvement over a bar brawl.