Your thoughts on Ruger.....

I would say that Ruger is the Chevy of guns. Honda is asian, and Ruger is a well made, no frills, inexpensive(Hondas are going up$$$$$$)AMERICAN MADE gun. I am glad that I have a few of them to shoot now and then, and I hope to be getting more.
Ruger rules. I have seen many posts that say something like "...the Ruger won't hold a candle to my (insert handgun here that costs twice as much)..." Duh.
They are the largest civilian-market gun company in the world. They are the only gun company traded on the NYSE. They are the only company making a full line of guns (double action revolvers, single actions revolvers, semi-auto handguns, shotguns, semi-auto rifles, bolt-action rifles, single shots, etc.). Their reputation for customer service is legendary. All this and they cost less than most guns. For a good value, look no further than a Ruger.
The Ruger has an exceptional bang for the buck. Nothing too fancy, just a good 'ol pistol that you can afford to abuse. For half the price of Sigs, you can get two Rugers instead of one. Only if they made them look prettier like the Sigs, then I'd buy one. I guess that's where the higher price tag comes in. You could say that I am shallow for wanting a good looking handgun, but looks is what attracts me to want to own that gun...
Ruger DOES make "carry guns". The P93 is short, and small enough to work for concealed carry. Same with the P95, and P97. They are bulky, but they are small enough to carry. Comparable to carrying a Glock. Shorter than 1911s, and many people on this forum carry those. Also, the SP101 is for sure small enough to carry, and available in a wide variety of calibers and sight configurations. And, about that 10 round thing, Rugers earlier pistols, made prior to 1994 featured 15 round magazines. I don't think what Bill Ruger was doing was such a bad thing. He was trying to limit magazine capacity for civilians, BAD, but he was protecting his business from going under because of foreign, high capacity guns. He was protecting the American firearms industry, and it was not as close to as bad as the way S&W said that they were doing it.
P.S. I love Glocks, and Rugers!
I have been a BIG Ruger fan for almost three decades, (ignoring the political issues and focussing strictly on the guns.) For a while, they were the innovative new guys that kept the old fart companies on their toes, a role that was supplanted by Glock, Taurus, and now Kel-Tec.

But through it all, Ruger has given Joe Six-Pack an incredible deal for his bucks. They have sometimes shipped defective guns, but in my experience have always repaired them promptly without charge.

And, averaged over time, their quality control has equaled anybodys. (I exclude H&K from this statement, I have never owned one.)

I do not currently favor their semi- auto pistols, I don't like the thick, chubby slides and the grip that is a bit too small for my hands. But If I had to carry a no-maintenance piece into the apocalypse, Ruger would be an excellent choice.
I own 2 Rugers, the 22/45 and the P-90.
I must say as far as reliability goes they are great and the accuracy of the 22/45 is hard to beat right outta the box. I am very impressed with Ruger pistols although I am not crazy about their rifles.
The Ruger P series is the ugliest collection of guns I have ever seen manufactured by one company. I dont want to own anything that ugly, and cant get past it.

A hoe is a tool... a gun should be more.

That being said, I am a big fan of Ruger single action revolvers.
Here is my take on Ruger.

VERY durable guns. Durability seems to be paramount, with looks and accuracy taking a definite back seat (in most of their centerfire autos).

As a consequence of their durability, I would say that they are also extremely safe.

Their prices are very reasonable.

They stand behind their product.

They have wierd ideas about who should and shouldn't have hi-cap mags. I remember running up against this when I had a Mini-14. I could deal with that when they were just enforcing the rule on themselves. I'm a little more irritated now that they have come out in support of the national ban.

I have been a big Ruger fan since I purchased my first firearm--a Ruger GP100.

But... 2 of the last three Ruger pistols I have bought malfunctioned out of the box. One was a MKII Target that chewed up bullets and bent cases during feeding. The other was the new polymer .45 (can't remember the number now). It had a defective firing-pin blocking release lever. That pretty much kept the gun from firing. Ruger claims that they put a full mag through all guns at the factory, but I somehow doubt they tested this one... Ruger sent me a new part free, but it wasn't a finished part and I had to hand fit it with a file--took about an hour to get it installed.

That plus Ruger's irritating policy on magazines and concealed carry has just about ended my Ruger buying days...
They're also a company do not believe in manufacturing a 'carry gun'. After all, no civilian needs more then 10 rounds.

With that out of the way, Rugers are tough as nails. There are many other handguns that are more accurate, thinner, etc but generall cost a great deal more.

My KP95DC is a compact gun that I have carried successfully off, and on for years. The real reason that Ruger doesn't make a small carry gun is because of the limitations of the investment casting process that they use in manufacture. I'm suprised at you, you're an engineer. I would have thought that you would have seen through the Barbara Strisand (read BS), and arrived at the truth!!! Ruger CAN'T make a small compact gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I own a total of 15 (I think) including single action and double action revolvers, centerfire and rimfire autoloaders, semi and bolt action rifles. There are only a couple Ruger products that I have not owned. That should tell you something. I got my first one, a Standard Model .22 pistol at the age of 9 and have not been without some kind of Ruger since then. There was a recent thread asking what your favorite handgun for each caliber was. I answered it honestly and was shocked to realize that the vast majority of my answers were a Ruger product. The biggest surprise to me was the P89. I always thought they were ugly, never interested me. I got one when a guy owed me some money and couldn't pay. I didn't own a single 9mm at the time so I kept it. Since that time I have purchased at least a half dozen other 9mms and found after shooting them all extensively that I like the P89 the best. In my opinion all my other 9mms DO take a backseat to the P89 and cost a lot more money. I try whatever interests me and don't consider myself brand loyal, but so many of the Rugers just pull my chain. By the way, Ruger does make a small compact gun and I own it. The SP-101.
Ruger is good gun from good company

This will work in your favor as you try to sell off the ruger after someone lets you shoot their Cz75.:)

Ruger did buddy up to the antigun nazi's. It wouldn't suprise me if they do it again. They sure haven't appologized for backing the 10rd mag BS.

To punish them I will no longer buy an auto pistol that bears the name Ruger.

They are well made guns that should last a lifetime. I just can't see buying one when you can get a CZ instead. Maybe just one reason. OH THE IRONY OF IT ALL.....there are probably more cheap HIGHCAPS out there for the Ruger. -ddt
I have a Ruger P94 9mm with a manual safety. It shoots pretty accurately and is reliable with a variety of ammo. The price was right also. Tough to beat in my opinion.
Thoughts on Ruger

I am sick of people running Ruger down. They do make guns for concealled carry as others have mentioned. Bill Ruger no longer runs Ruger so you shouldn't hold his actions against it. Even if he was running the company, he at least said he was wrong - S&W sure doesn't. Furthermore, he pushed for a 15 round limit, not the 10 round limit. Its too bad he didn't get his way - isn't it! Also, the company is publicly traded on the NYSE. If you want a voice, go buy some stock and go to the annual meeting. They make very high quality guns, and I have yet to see one that is ugly. Their solid steel slides with a nice brushed finish always looked better to me than the stamped sheet metal pieces of crap that cost twice as much (ie: Sigs).

Anyway, I needed to vent. This isn't a slam on anyone in particular.
Good Pistol for your doller

Much better then the Glock and lower priced. The P series is an exellent Combat Pistol. Hi capacity with exellent reliability. One of the few pistols that Shoot's great out of the box without a break in. The only down fall is the trigger. Ruger should smooth it out and lighten it up if they did IMO they would sell alot more.



25 Yards Mark II target pistol 10 rounds score 98,and Security Six 18 rounds
Shot off Hand one handed.

[Edited by tonyz on 04-28-2001 at 10:11 AM]
Not only are Ruger guns rugged and dependable, they're also very strong. The Blackhawk will take loads that would turn a S&W loose. My father has had one since the 70's and sometimes I think he reloads with the philosophy that more powder is better, still that pistol has never given either of us any problems after thousands of rounds through it.
Four years ago, I bought my first handgun. I had relatively no knowledge of what was good or bad. I relied upon the advice of the shop owner. He not only was familar with most makes, he is an avid shooter of both handguns and rifles, has an excellent gunsmith working for him and is a retired Idaho State Police and is very pro 2A. He also has a reputation for being honest almost to a fault.

Dave asked me what I wanted the gun for. At that time, I wanted the gun for home defense and target practice. While he said that he preferred that Glocks, he suggested a P89DC in stainless. It had a good resale value, was cheaper (by half) than the Glocks and Sigs, would last longer than I would, would eat any ammo I fed it, was easy to disassemble and clean, and Ruger stood behind their guns should a problem ever occur with the pistol.

He was right.

I have not had a problem with this gun. It does what it is supposed to do, first shot and every shot thereafter.

I have since bought a SP101 (.357) and a KM77RP MK2 (.300wm) and have had no problems whatsover.

Nowadays, there are several other handguns that I would like to be able to get (and probably will), but trade in my Rugers? Not a chance.

ED2000, Ruger PUBLICLY announced at the 2000 Shot Show that they WILL NOT produce a concealed carry handgun because they make SPORTING ARMS ONLY.

Ruger is ABSOLUTELY against the RKBA.

Get your head out of the sand.
Then what do I own?????

Get the sand out of MY head?????

Ruger will not make a concealled carry handgun?????


Do you consider the SP101 with a 2 inch barrel too large to conceal?????

The P series auto's, especially the new P97, are every bit as concealable as a Glock 23. I guess Glock is also anti 2nd Amendment because they don't import their .380 and have said they never will.

Finally, don't you understand the legal ramifications and necessity of their public statements. Do you realize how many lawsuits they currently have filed against them???? Its like their warranty. Rugers firearms DO NOT have any warranty. However, Ruger stands behind their guns more than any other company. It's a legal issue, not a "beliefs" isssue.
Well said, Ed2000. 'Just what I had been thinking, but could not express as articulately as you have.
It's a legal issue? Funny. In my years of law school and legal practice, I've never heard "but I said I wouldn't do it" be ruled a valid defense. If Ruger says they don't make a concealable weapon, that in no way shields them from liability. The fact is that Ruger has taken a public stance in opposition to concealed carry. Screw 'em.