There's a difference between "not concerned" and "not OVERLY concerned". No, I'm not by-the-book familiar with California gun laws, but it's my understanding that Claifornia has a much more strict stand on gun laws, not necessarily an out-right ban on firearms in general. So there's a difference there too. The issue, as I see it, is that it's a battle being faught by extremists at both ends. Yes, there IS such a thing as a pro-gun extremist. And the problem with those battles are that very often everything each side uses for pursuasion against the other is highly exagerated--exageration tends to follow any extreme point of view. In a lot of issues (in general) where these battles are faught, the general public, both for and against, don't really have much of an active knowledge or interest in the issue directly. Hell, I'm almost sorry to say, but a lot of people will basically just do what they're told and believe what they hear from 'someone important'. But in the case of gun owners, I see a lot more individualism, a lot more free-thinking, and a lot more general knowledge/interest in what effects us as a whole. So no, I'm not that worried that a group of anti-gun legislators are going to be successful at sneaking in a full-scale firearm ban. Too many people pay too close attention for that to happen. But yes, they will pick apart little areas here and there, and call it a victory. That's just a fact. And not one I loose much sleep over.