New member
Fortunately, for my bank account anyway, my short list is getting shorter.
Unfortunately for my bank account, my short list has gotten shorter.
1. Taurus 992 22LR/22Magnum revolver
2. Charter Arms Bulldog Stainless 44 Spcl. snubbie
3. CZ 75. Either 75BD, or SP01. Haven't decided yet
4. Stevens Model 59 410 bolt action shotgun. Just because that was my very first
1. On hold, probably scratched for the Ruger 22 rimfire GP 100 reportedly in the works.
2. Yup, still on the list!
3. Move over CZ, I've found the Tristar P120. SP01 clone, or close enough to it for me!
4. No change, still lookin'.